2023-03-21 17:15:14


Speeding A speeding motorist was waved down by a police patrol car. “I'm going to give you a ticket for speeding,” said the policeman, writing his note. “You've been driving over 60 miles per hour.” “Would you mind making it 100, officer?” was the reply. “You see, I'm going to sell the car.。


My childhood was happy with my mother's love. In my young heart, my mother was strong and healthy, and never got sick. She took me to the kindergarten and home every day, in spite of rain and wind.

But one day, after we got home from the kindergarten, my mother went into the bedroom and stayed in bed. I didn't know what had happened. I sat beside her and wanted to cry. My mother said to me, "It doesn't matter, mum has only a stomachache. I will be all right after a while." Although mother said so, I found tears in her eyes because of pain. At that time I knew adults also got ill and cried. I decided I would take care of my mother from then on.



Like many children, I had a happy childhood under the care and love of my parents. My mother took me to the kindergarten and home every day. I thought mother was so kind and healthy that she would never get sick.

But one day, my father went to the kindergarten to get me back. I asked, "Why doesn't my mother come?""She is sick, and she is in hospital. "said Father. I felt sad and frightened. Then I began to cry. "Don't cry or mother would worry. You should be a good child." I seemed to understand my mother was too tired. I made up my mind I would look after my mother from then on.




The dog and the fox Some dogs found the skin of a lion and began to tear it to piece with their teeth.A fox seeing them,said:"If this lion were alive,you would soon find out that his claws were stronger than you teeth!" It is easy to kick a man that is down. 够短吗? 很简单了```````。


Story 1 Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can't swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can't help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant's home. Then, three of them become good friends.故事一 三个好朋友一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。





Story 2 The Old Man and the Old Cat An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can't eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away. The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don't like me because I'm too old to work. You should know you are old, too.”故事二 老人和老猫 一个年迈的老人养一只猫。这只猫也非常老了。




你应该知道你也老了。”Story 3 Spring in the Green Season Spring is coming. Spring is the first season of the year. In China, spring comes in February. It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer. The days get longer and longer. The leaves on the trees begin to turn green. Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground. Spring is also sowing time season.故事三 春天来了,春天是每年的第一个季节。


春天也播种的季节。Story 4 Look for a Friend Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn't look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.” Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let's be friends.” They become good friends.故事四: 找朋友 塞姆是一条小鱼,他在海里。







1.A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。


可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。” 2.The New Teacher George comes from school on the first of September. "George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother. "I didn't like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too。

.." 新老师 9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。 "乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?" 妈妈问。

"妈妈,我不喜欢,因为她说3加3得6, 可后来又说2加4也得6。"。


1.《Love 》爱情 He typed 50 words,Then he deleted it.He typed a joke,Then he deleted it.He typed the latest news.Then he deleted it.Finally he typed “Hello” and send it out.“He's such a boring person.”The girl at the other side of the phone complained. 2.《Revenge》报复 She saw scars and bruises on her body.Tears fell on the wounds.This wasn't the 1st time he abused and hit her.She decided to end life.Took a knife and went to the bedroom.She came outside with blood all over her face,But this is the 1st time it wasn't her blood. 3.《Wedding》婚礼 He was invited to her wedding,as an old best friend.But she'd never knownHow many times he'd practiced taking her awayEver since he got the invitationJust as he'd never noticedthe tiny handwriting on the invitation's edge.It said “Let's escape.” 4.《Denial》否认 He awoke to an old photo,Fade by the tears of sleepless nights.He made breakfast for two.He pulled her shoes out and left it in the entrance before he left.He went back,Having to clean up everything.That's okay.As long as she was with him. 5.《Love and Hate》爱与恨 Let's exchange dads.My dad says he loves me very much,But he never buys me anything I need.My dad buys me everything I need,But he says he hates me very much.So, let's exchange indeed. 6.《Talk》谈话 "Dad, what is sex?""Hmmm….""Well what is it?""Err, you know, when a man and a woman fall in love and get married and they wanna have a baby and …….""Dad, cut the long story. I just need to fill up this form. SEX : Male of Female.""Ohhh… That … It's male." 7.《Mother's worry 》妈妈的担忧 "Eat garlic before your blind date!""No! The girl will dislike my breathe mixing the garlic smell.""No, the garlic price skyrocketed recently. Without garlic smell, she may suspect the BMW you are driving is borrowed." 8.《His flip side》他的另一面 She discovered a lipstick in his car.“He is seeing another woman.”She thought.He saw her discovering of the lipstick.“Little does she knows that the lipstick belongs to me.”He thought. 9.《Parent》亲人 1000 followers in Mircoblog,500 friends on Wechat,200 contacts in cell phone,Yet, just one waited outside the ICU.The one she had unfriended and blocked. 10.《Wonderful》妙不可言 I always hate to spend time with others when I can be alone.I always hate to walk along the street aimlessly.I always hate to have to keep track of someone.I always hate to share inner fellings.But if it's you, everything seems perfectly wonderful.。


Ajax(the Great) Ajax was a man of giant stature,daring but slow.When the Trojan War was about to break out he led his forces from Salamis to join the Greek army at Aulis.As one of the trustiest champions of the Greek cause,he was given thejob of guarding one end of the Greek camp near Troy.He was noted in the battlefield for his bravery and courage.After Achilles' death he became one of the two hot contestants for the dead hero's shield and armour,the other being Odysseus.When the weapons were finally judged to his rival,Ajax went mad for grief.Unable to get over the hardships,he took his own life.When,in order to seek the advice of,Odysseus came to visit the lower world,the shade of Ajax frowned uponhim.In the lower world Ajax chose to be a lion,guided clearly by the bitter recollection of his former life。


It was a cold winter day in 1919. A small boy was walking along the street in London. His name was Tom. He was very hungry. He wanted to buy some bread, but he had no money. What could he do? When he was very young, he wanted to be a great man in the world of films. So he worked to sing and dance well. Thirty years later, the boy became one of the famous people in the world.



1、《鹦雀笑鹏》As the legend goes, during ancient times, in the expansive open country of North China, there was a kind of birds called "rocs".The roc was very huge, with its back like a big mountain, and its wings like a stretch of cloud which could cover the sky. When it spread its wings, it could break through a storm and soar at a height of 90,000 li (1/2 kilometre) in the sky towards the sea in the south.A small bird called the quail1 bounced on the ground, free and happy. It looked up at the roc soaring in the sky and couldn't help laughing: "Hey, see how cocky you are! Look at me, one jump can take me over 10 chi. How delightful2! Every day I come and go amid these weeds and thickets3 and fly freely. Don't I fly quite well too? But, where can you fly to anyway?" 译文:传说,古时候中国北方的原野上有一种鸟,它的名字叫“鹏”。


有一只叫鹦雀的小鸟,在地上蹦蹦跳跳,自由自在,非常快活。它望着天空中展翅飞翔的大鹏,忍不住发笑,说:“咳,看你神气活现的!我呀,一蹦一跳,就有十几尺,多么痛快啊!我每天在这些杂草和树丛里,来来去去,自由飞翔,不也飞得挺好吗?可是,你又能飞到哪里去呢?”2、《骗猎遭黑》The deer feared the leopard1 cat, the leopard cat feared the tiger, and the tiger the brown bear.The brown bear resembled the fox but was bigger in size. It had long fur on its head, and could stand up like man. It had great strength and would devour2 man.In the south of the State of Chu, there was a hunter good at ventriloquy. With a bamboo pipe he could imitate the cries of various kinds of wild animals.Once, carrying his bow, arrows and firearms, he quietly went hunting in the mountain.Up on the mountain, he first imitated the cries of the deer to lure3 the horde4 of deer to come over, so that he could shoot at them with the firearms. The leopard cat heard the cries of the deer and came running to devour the deer. The hunter was afraid of the leopard cat, so he hurriedly imitated the roar of the tiger to scare away the leopard cat. Hardly had the leopard cat been scared away when the tiger heard the roar and came. At this moment, the hunter was even more frightened, so he imitated the cries of the brown bear. As a result, the tiger was scared away like the leopard cat.Then, when the brown bear heard the cries, it came to look for its companions. Seeing that it was a man, the brown bear at once struck him with its front paws, and tore him up with its teeth. In a short while, the hunter was torn to pieces and devoured5 by the brown bear.译文:鹿害怕驱,驱害怕老虎,老虎害怕黑。







刚走到前面,它一看是一个人,就立刻用前爪打他,用牙齿撕他,不一会儿,把猎人撕成碎块吃掉了。3、《狼与鹤》There is a bad wolf in the forest. One day he is eating a lamb. Suddenly a bone sticks in his throat.“Oh, a bone is my throat.” He goes to see a doctor, “Please help me.” The doctor, Mr. Panda says, “Sorry, I can't help you. The bone is inside.” “What can I do?” the wolf is sad. Then he meets a crane. “Oh, dear crane. Please help me. A bone is in my throat. I will pay for your help.” “Ok. Let me have a try,” the crane says. She pulls out the bone with her bill. “Now I will go. Remember your words. You should pay me,” she says.“Well. Pay you. I remember,” the wolf says. With the words, the wolf bites off the crane's neck and eats her up.译文:森林里有一只很坏的狼。

一天,他正在吃一只羊羔.突然一根骨头卡在他的喉咙里了。 “哎呀,一根骨头卡在我的喉咙里了。”

他赶忙去看医生, “请帮帮我吧。”医生熊猫先生说:“很抱歉,我帮不了你。

骨头卡在里面。” “我该怎么办啊?”狼伤心。


我会给你报酬的。” “好吧。



记住你的话,你该给我报酬的。” “好的,给你报酬。”



Story 1 Three Good Friends One day, a monkey rides his bike near the river. This time he sees a lion under a tree. The lion runs at him. He is afraid and falls into the river. He can't swim. He shouts. The rabbit hears him. He jumps into the river. The rabbit swims to the monkey, but he can't help him. Luckily, an elephant comes along. He is very strong. He helps the rabbit and monkey. Three friends are very happy. They go to the elephant's home. Then, three of them become good friends.故事一 三个好朋友 一天, 一只猴子在河边骑车。





Story 2 The Old Man and the Old Cat An old man has a cat. The cat is very old, too. He runs very quickly. And his teeth are bad. One evening, the old cat sees a little mouse. He catches it, but he can't eat it because his teeth are not strong enough. The mouse runs away. The old man is very angry. He beats his cat. He says: “You are a fool cat. I will punish you!” the cat is very sad. He thinks:“When I was young, I worked hard for you. Now you don't like me because I'm too old to work. You should know you are old, too.” 故事二 老人和老猫 一个年迈的老人养一只猫。这只猫也非常老了。




你应该知道你也老了。” Story 3 Spring in the Green Season Spring is coming. Spring is the first season of the year. In China, spring comes in February. It is still cold, but it is getting warmer and warmer. The days get longer and longer. The leaves on the trees begin to turn green. Then they come up green leaves in the spring wind on the ground. Spring is also sowing time season.故事三 春天来了,春天是每年的第一个季节。


春天也播种的季节。Story 4 Look for a Friend Sam is a little fish. He lives in the sea. He is very lonely. He wants to have a friend. The friend looks like him. Sam sees an ink fish. The ink fish has eight legs. He doesn't look like Sam. So Sam goes away. Sam meets a shark. He wants to say hello to the shark. The shark opens his big mouth. Sam runs away quickly. Sam is tired and hungry. He wants to have a rest. Then he sees a round fish. She says to him. “Hello! Would you like to be my friend?” Sam answers: “Of course! But you are sound. I am flat.” The round fish days: “But we are both fishes.” Sam thinks and says, “You are right. Let's be friends.” They become good friends.故事四: 找朋友 塞姆是一条小鱼,他在海里。





塞姆又累又饿,他要休息一会儿。这时他看见一条圆鱼,圆鱼对他说:“你好!你愿意做我的朋友吗?” 塞姆回答:“好哇!可你是圆形的,我是扁的。”

圆鱼说:“但是我们俩都是鱼啊!” 塞姆思考后说:“你讲得对,让我们做朋友吧。”他们就成为好朋友了。

1.A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did you do with the money I gave you yesterday?" "I gave it to a poor old woman," he answered. "You're a good boy," said the mother proudly. "Here are two cents more. But why are you so interested in the old woman?" "She is the one who sells the candy." 好孩子 小罗伯特向妈妈要两分钱。 “昨天给你的钱干什么了?” “我给了一个可怜的老太婆,”他回答说。


可你为什么对那位老太太那么感兴趣呢?” “她是个卖糖果的。” 2.The New Teacher George comes from school on the first of September. "George, how did you like your new teacher?" asked his mother. "I didn't like her, Mother, because she said that three and three were six and then she said that two and four were six too。

.." 新老师 9月1日, 乔治放学回到家里。 "乔治,你喜欢你们的新老师吗?" 妈妈问。

"妈妈,我不喜欢,因为她说3加3得6, 可后来又说2加4也得6。"。



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