2023-03-18 15:45:20

1.英语作文 宣传学校英语报广告

We have a kind of English paper.It is good for your sthdy.Itcan teach you English,P.E. and music.You can build your interest in it!And there is also the news about our school ,even about the world!It' feature is that it has not only pictures but also articles.It is wonderful!Our porpuse is to improve your English level,help you learn english pronounciation ang grammer.Also,you can get a lot of information here!

Come and buy the paper!



gland to receive your letter

I will recomand an English newspaper named China Daily for you. This is established in 1990, which is one of the most famous English newspaper home and abroad.

It is rich with pictures and texts , covering the importance home and abroad with a proper price.

it sells more than 500 thousand per day and is also the best seller among Chinese newspaper.

Reading this will enrich your sight and raise your knowledge, and hope you have a try

3.以“My Favorite Newspaper"为题写一篇100字的英语作文

My Favorite Newspaper 喜欢的报纸

21st Century is my favorite newspaper. It is an English language newspaper which is published in Beijing each week. It has sections of different kinds, including News of the week, the World Today, Language Class, Sports and Music and Students Report. There are plenty of beautiful pictures and interesting articles in it. I enjoy reading the paper. I read it to improve my English. I have learnt a lot of new words and useful expressions. Besides, I can get information about different things, from politics to sports and music. 21st Century is very popular with students and English learners. I do love it.


Received your incoming letter I to have one very happily to recommend to you English newspaper, the name is called CHINA DAILY this newspaper to organize in 1990, was of domestic and foreign famous English publications his merit lies in abundantly and elegantly, reported the domestic and foreign important news, moderate cost the daily average quantity issued surpasses 500,000, was also overseas quantity issued biggest China newspaper reads this newspaper to be possible to widen our field of vision, enriched our knowledge, hoped that you might try to look at。

5.介绍《中国青年报》的英语作文 急

The China Youth Daily ( Chinese:中国青年报 Pinyin:Zhōngguó Qīngnián Bào ) is a popular official daily newspaper and the first independently operated central government news media portal in the People's Republic of China. It has been operated by the Communist Youth League since 1951. As of October 2006, the Party leader is MrWang Hong You;Publisher is Xu Wenxin;the current Editor-in-Chief of the paper is Chen Xiaochuan (陈小川). He replaces outgoing editor Li Erliang (李而亮). The paper has a lots of excellent journalist in China,like He Yanguang,Lu Yuegang,Li Datong Ms Dong Yueling, Ms Xie xiang. In 2004, the Publisher Li Xue Qian, who presided over the newspaper for a number of years,launched a brave reform in China,but just lasted a few months. The China Youth Daily was established in 1951, six years before the Chinese Socialist Youth League decided to change its name to Communist Youth League of China (CYL). As the mission of CYL at the present stage is to unite and lead the young people in the country, hoping to transfuse new blood into the CPC and bring about young personnel for the country, China Youth Daily also tries to bring news, ideas and information through the nationwide circulations which follow the CYL principles. Thus, China Youth Daily has in fact given advantages to the CPC to project their voice to a wider public in China. In another perspective, the content of the paper is to some extent regulated by the CPC. Although China youth Daily is run by the CYL, it is also the first profit-generating paper in China. The profit enables the paper to support itself and welcomes individuals along with companies to advertise in the paper. Freezing Point, a four-page weekly supplement of China Youth Daily was temporarily shut down by the Chinese government in early 2006, due to an anti-censorship letter posted by columnist Li Datong. According to the Washington Post, government censors accused the section of "'viciously attacking the socialist system' and condemned a recent article in it that criticized the history textbooks used in Chinese middle schools." Pressure from retired high-level party officials and senior scholars forced the government to allow publication again, but without its former editor and top investigative reporter, according to the New York Times. The paper has a circulation of around 500,000 copies a day. As it is an integrated nationwide newspaper which targets the young generation in China, it covers political, social, and economic news which particularly concerns both the young personnel of the country and the CPC. As it is the first for-profit official newspaper in China, it welcomes advertisements from individuals, local and foreign companies. According to an official research conducted by China Youth Daily and CYOL, readers of the newspaper and online users are within the age of 18 to 48. The majority of readers are of the age of 19-25 (50%)and 26-35 (32%). Around 75% of the readers are male and around only 25% of them are female. Most readers attain a tertiary education background and more than 60% of them have an income of 1000RMB or less. Although the paper is circulated nationwide, it gains more popularity in the east(31%), the central part(18%) and the north(16%) comparatively to the other parts of China.。


My Favourite Newspaper

As a senior high student I need to enlarge my field of vision ,so it's necessary to read newspaper especially a newspaper that written by English.only by this way ,can we ensure that we have learn a great deal of vocabulary,acquire enough konwnledge and develop ourselves opinions of the world.

My favourite newspaper is 21st Century.There are 3 respects that cause me to recommend 21st Century to you.

Firstly,this newspaper has five field :weekly news,daily world,language class,P.E.and music and the report from student.The five aspects not only can expand our field of view ,but also can bulid our conception of world.

Secondly,the 21st Century is published by English weekly which suit our timetable and quantlity of vocabulary .We can learn how to use the word that we acquire from the class and vocalary books.

Finally,a number of pictures make the article vivid so that we can read the newspaper in a pleased way and bring us much happiness.

7.汉译英 作文

the 21kt Century publication place is Beijing, his publication time is each week one issue, the publication content is each week news, today the world, the language classroom, sports music, the student reported. The characteristic is abundant and elegant. The goal has the study English glossary to gain each kind of information, raises English proficiency. The effect is widely the person knowledge, is deep the affection. This is the newspaper which I like.。



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