2023-03-08 21:31:30


【Twinkle twinkle little star】

twinkle, twinkle, little star.

how i wonder what you are.

up above the world so high.

like a diamond in the sky.

twinkle, twinkle, little star.

how i wonder what you are.

【London bridge is falling down】

London bridge is falling down,

falling down, falling down.

London bridge is falling down,

my fair lady .

Build it up with iron bars,

iron bars, iron bars.

Build it up with iron bars,

my fair lady.

Iron bars will bend and break ,

bend and break, bend and break.

Iron bars will bend and break,

my fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,

silver and gold, silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold,

my fair lady.


London bridge is falling down,

bend and break,

falling down.

Build it up with silver and gold,

my fair lady.

Build it up with iron bars,

my fair lady,

my fair lady,

iron bars.

up above the world so high.

how i wonder what you are, little star, bend and break.

【London bridge is falling down】

London bridge is falling down.

Iron bars will bend and break , silver and gold.

Iron bars will bend and break.


my fair lady , little star, twinkle, falling down.

how i wonder what you are.

Build it up with iron bars, twinkle,

silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold.

like a diamond in the sky, iron bars【Twinkle twinkle little star】




far away from home 这歌曲久一个调很好学

proud of you这个调是和挥着翅膀的女孩一样的

the day you went away和第一次爱的人一样的调

little love词比较重复好学

only love 我用5分钟久学会了而且很好

long long ago往事难忘的调(没有爱字超好学的你要是会中文的调这首是最简单的)

yesterday once more经典歌曲 高潮应该都会所以只要学一下前几句的调久可以

auld lang syne友谊地久天长的调,这个跟几次久会了

big big world 这个高潮大家都会 所以只要学前几句久可以了

祝你好运,唱歌对我来说不是那么容易,所以我吧我的经验都教给你了,那些真的是比较简单的歌所以加油吧!还有一些英文的儿歌你要是想要的话联系我吧!以上的歌你只要一打歌名久能找到 ,我个人认为你可以用心学首英文歌所以我没吧儿歌写上,如果你学会一首英文歌那唱出来会比你唱汉语歌让人更加崇拜!



Jingle Bells Dashing through the snow, In a one-horse open sleigh, O'er the fields we go, Laughing all the way。

Bells on bobtail ring, Making spirits bright。 What fun it is to ride and sing, A sleighing song tonight!Oh! Jingle bells,jingle bells, Jingle all the way。

Oh,what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh!Hey! Jingle bells,jingle bells, Jingle all the way。 Oh,what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh!Hey! A day or two ago, I thought I'd take a ride, And soon Miss Fannie Bright, Was seated by my ride。

The horse was lean and lank。 Misfortune seemed his lot, He got into a drifted bank, And we,we got upsot。

Oh! Jingle bells,jingle bells, Jingle all the way。 Oh,what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh!Hey! Jingle bells,jingle bells, Jingle all the way。

Oh,what fun it is to ride, In a one-horse open sleigh!Hey! 铃儿响叮当 奔驰过雪地, 一匹马拉的无蓬雪橇, 我们越过田野, 一路笑语不断, 铃儿在短尾巴上叮当响, 使我们的精神愉快, 今晚驾车歌唱多欢畅!噢! 铃儿响叮当,铃儿响叮当, 一路响叮当。 哦,驾车多欢畅, 在一匹马拉的无蓬雪橇中!嘿! 铃儿响叮当,铃儿响叮当, 一路响叮当。

在一匹马拉的无蓬雪橇中!嘿! 一天或者两天以前, 我想驾车外出, 很快范妮。布赖特小姐 坐上了我的车。

马儿瘦又老, 他多么不幸, 他撞进浮动的沙滩中。 我们遭了殃。

噢! 铃儿响叮当,铃儿响叮当, 一路响叮当。 哦,驾车多欢畅, 在一匹马拉的无蓬雪橇中!嘿! 铃儿响叮当,铃儿响叮当, 一路响叮当。

哦,驾车多欢畅, 在一匹马拉的无蓬雪橇中!嘿! 。


小星星 英文版。 - -、

Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! When the blazing sun is gone, When he nothing shines upon, Then you show your little light, Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! Then the traveler in the dark Thanks you for your tiny spark; He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! In the dark blue sky you keep, And often through my curtains peep, For you never shut your eye Till the sun is in the sky. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are! As your bright and tiny spark Lights the traveler in the dark, Through I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder what you are!


fly to the moon

歌手:michael w. smith 专辑:healing rain

Fly to the moon

Well, you could do it if you wanted to

Try flying high

The only limit is the endless sky

So, go on and fly to the moon

Live in the sun

You know your living has just begun

So much ahead

Don't let the night leave you for dead

So, come on, live in the sun

Fly to the moon

And when you find your wings I will celebrate with you

Watch you as you soar

Take the wishes that are yours

And let them fly you to the moon

Dream on a star

You can let it take you near or far

Feet on the ground

Don't let anybody hold you down

So, go on and dream on a star

Fly to the moon

And when you find your wings

I will celebrate with you

Watch you as you soar

Take the wishes that are yours

I know you can fly to the moon

You can do all things

I will celebrate with you

It's hard to let you go

Still, you have to go,

I know

So go on, fly to the moon

And as you spread your wings

I will celebrate with you

Hope we taught you good

Hope you know that if I could

I would fly away with you

Gotaa take it all the way

When you follow dreams

Follow far

Flying high and away

You're flying all the way

To the moon


1.the magic key-onet&coolt 一个朋友经常听的,我听第一次就喜欢上了,真的非常不错,节奏很欢快,非常有feel,听了心情很好,这是我最喜欢的一首,强烈推荐下

2.i could be the one-Donna Lewis 很可爱的女生,歌词也很可爱,清纯不腻,充满青春气息,欢快的节奏和甜甜的嗓音,舒服死了,喜欢

3.dying in the sun-the cranberries 很有名的歌手小红莓唱的,很轻很轻,透着淡淡的悲伤..像在阳光中逝去一样..让你整个心安静下来,去聆听她幽静而伤感的歌声.

. 4.just one last dance-Sarah Connor 很喜欢的一个德国蓝调女歌手,虽然不怎么漂亮,但是很红,歌也不错。这首歌是很经典的一首,我介绍给每一个朋友他们都说好听。just one last dance, before we say good bye..有一种分手的不舍和伤感..绝对能催人泪下..我第一次听也哭了..

5.wait till you hear from me-Sarah Connor sarah还蛮多好听的歌的,这是我听她唱的第一首歌,很不错,节奏感很强,很有个性的歌..好像还蛮少人知道这首歌的,它不像上一首那么出名,但绝对好听加有feel 6.mirror mirror-m2m 这两个女生的嗓音超甜美,我相信很多人都喜欢听她们的歌吧,这首是很欢快的一首,歌词非常不错,超顺口

7.as long as you love me-后街男孩超有人气的一首歌,超多人喜欢,是因为真的很好听

8.do you know where you''re going to-卫兰曾经是我的最爱,因为每次听它都想起我很想念的一个人..有一种恋爱的感觉..轻轻的女生..温柔甜蜜..很美好..

9.goodbye-卫兰卫兰是我超喜欢的一个歌手,她翻唱的英文歌曲都很好听,有一种与原唱不一样的感觉,更甜美,更温柔,我就喜欢这种感觉。这首歌让人听了很难过,但她温柔的声音又让人觉得十分舒服.. 10.seasons in the sun-west life 很老的歌了,但是每一次听我都会很感动,这首歌背后有一个很伤感的故事,歌词据说是一个囚犯的遗书,写得很感人,它不是非常悲伤的歌曲,而是在略微欢快的音乐中透着淡淡的忧伤..

11.cry on my shoulder-Bonnie Raitt&Gary Barlow 又是悲伤的歌,不过这首歌很特别,它唱得轰轰烈烈,听了让人心里产生强烈的感动

12.don''t push me-sweetbox sweetbox的歌里我最喜欢的一首。很劲爆的舞曲,感觉很强烈,rap很棒,总之喜欢

13.when you''re gone-avril lavigne 艾薇儿的歌大多都是劲爆的摇滚,像girlfriend,这首是我很喜欢的悲伤的歌,调子很经典,也是摇滚,但我更喜欢这首歌给我的感觉

14.loving you 这首歌我不知道是谁唱的,只知道是酒吧里一首很有名的歌。确实很适合在酒吧放,有一种浪漫的气息,如天籁般的女声,飘逸的旋律,清澈的海豚音,淡淡的感觉,有点伤感,说不出的好听

15. over the rainbow -张韶涵很早时听的歌,很经典的旋律,好听是没话说得啦。有多个版本,我最喜欢张韶涵的这个,虽然不是特别喜欢张韶涵,但她唱的这首over the rainbow真的很好听,,声音轻盈清澈,旋律婉转,像天使在唱歌一样



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