2023-03-06 18:45:33



In ancient times, serious droughts occurred on the earth. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth, and dried the grass and seedlings. Originally, Emperor Jun and Xi gave birth to 10 children who were the sun.

They lived overseas in the East. There was a big tree named Fusang in the sea water. Ten suns sleep beneath the branches and take turns running out in the sky to shine on the earth.

But sometimes they come out together and bring disaster to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi bowed and arrowed, shooting at the nine suns. See the sky burst fireballs, fell a three-legged crow. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky.










In lore after Yi with the goddess of the moon is the person of Yao time , mythology says , Yao time, on day, 10 the suns at the same time appear in sky, it is burnt to roast land , crops are withered and dry, people heat get pant however air come , fall in faint on the ground do not wake up. Because the cause of extremely hot weather is some to blame poultry beast of prey , is also from the place that dries up with flame forest in run , in every place, cruelly injure people.

The disaster of the world have alarmed the god on day, in day emperor frequently handsome order is good at archery after Yi go to the world , help Yao the suffering except people. After Yi tape day emperor grant the bow with red one that gives him , the arrow of a bag white colour, beautiful wife the goddess of the moon who still takes him arrives the world together.

After Yi the fighting that has begun to shoot day immediately. He takes out white arrow from shoulder except taking off the bow with red that, one aly to arrogant the sun shoot , instantly between 10 the suns have been shot 9, leave a the sun only because Yao thinks as people have advantage, after having just blocked Yi continuity shooting. This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day.

But after Yi great achievements, have gotten other gods is jealous , they enter calunmy until day in emperor, make day emperor have drifted apart at last after Yi, demote him finally forever the world. Have gotten the song of member after Yi with wife the goddess of the moon have to live in seclusion in the world, after leaning Yi go hunting to make a living.



后羿射日的故事英文: In ancient times, serious droughts occurred on the earth. The heat scorched the forest, dried the earth, and dried the grass and seedlings. Originally, Emperor Jun and Xi gave birth to 10 children who were the sun. They lived overseas in the East. There was a big tree named Fusang in the sea water. Ten suns sleep beneath the branches and take turns running out in the sky to shine on the earth. But sometimes they come out together and bring disaster to mankind. In order to save mankind, Hou Yi bowed and arrowed, shooting at the nine suns. See the sky burst fireballs, fell a three-legged crow. Finally, there is only one sun left in the sky. 后羿射日的故事中文: 远古的时候,大地出现了严重的旱灾。


10个太阳睡在枝条的底下,轮流跑出来在天空执勤,照耀大地。 但有时,他们一齐出来给人类带来了灾难。


最后,天上只留下一个太阳。 扩展资料: 后羿之死: 战国时思想家孟子所著《孟子》和西汉初年刘安(前179-前222)编成的《淮南子》都说他是被恩将仇报的徒弟逢蒙暗害的。



这种说法,实际上反映了我国古代人民对这位不幸死去的英雄的无限怀念。 参考资料来源:百度百科—后羿射日。


Long long ago,there were ten suns.Each day,one of them set out on his jouney across the sky,but one day all ten suns set out together.As a result,the world was being destroyed by heat until Yi was sent to save the world. Yi closed his eyes for some seconds because of the burning sunlight.Then he placed an arrow against the bow-string anddrew it to the full.Then he let go his arrow.A golden crow,one of the ten suns,was killed and fell down. Still the earth was burning .Nine suns remained. The watchers were still blind with the pain of the heat.Yi loaded,drew and let go.When the ninth fell from the sky,Yi was told that the world needed one sun to give its warmth and light.Thus,the sky became clear and blue again.Since then,the only sun rises in the morning on his journey across the sky every day.很久很久以前,天上有十个太阳。









In lore after Yi with the goddess of the moon is the person of Yao time , mythology says , Yao time, on day, 10 the suns at the same time appear in sky, it is burnt to roast land , crops are withered and dry, people heat get pant however air come , fall in faint on the ground do not wake up. Because the cause of extremely hot weather is some to blame poultry beast of prey , is also from the place that dries up with flame forest in run , in every place, cruelly injure people. The disaster of the world have alarmed the god on day, in day emperor frequently handsome order is good at archery after Yi go to the world , help Yao the suffering except people. After Yi tape day emperor grant the bow with red one that gives him , the arrow of a bag white colour, beautiful wife the goddess of the moon who still takes him arrives the world together. After Yi the fighting that has begun to shoot day immediately. He takes out white arrow from shoulder except taking off the bow with red that, one aly to arrogant the sun shoot , instantly between 10 the suns have been shot 9, leave a the sun only because Yao thinks as people have advantage, after having just blocked Yi continuity shooting. This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day. But after Yi great achievements, have gotten other gods is jealous , they enter calunmy until day in emperor, make day emperor have drifted apart at last after Yi, demote him finally forever the world. Have gotten the song of member after Yi with wife the goddess of the moon have to live in seclusion in the world, after leaning Yi go hunting to make a living. The goddess of the moon again how run month? There is the saying of various difference on ancient book. Is according to the record of " Huai south son ", after Yi feel receive sorry him implicate live in exile the wife that comes down to earth , since beging to west king mother grow livelihood do not die Zhi medicine, let two of their spouses ones live between live forever harmoniously. The goddess of the moon does not spoil clear bitter life , after multiplying Yi not the time at home, have eaten all long livelihoods stealthily do not die medicine, run away moon in have gone. Another kind of saying is to bend ( approximately former 340 notes? 78 )" ask in day" record, after saying Yi afterwards for the goddess of the moon have not loyal behavior, with the wife of river uncle occur warm hide relation, thus arouse the unsatisfaction with maximum the goddess of the moon, after leaving Yi run until day have gone. The goddess of the moon runs , have regreted very quickly after month, she has recalled husband flat day, is dreary for the lonely, time sleep in tender feeling and contrast moon between her benefit and world. about after Yi Zhi die , war country thinker Mencius( former approximately A.D. 372 notes? 89 years ), compose " Mencius " with Xi Chinese first year Liu install ( former 179 22 ) volume into " Huai south son " say him is the apprentice that has been requited kindness with enmity Feng murder. The means of murdering have each different record, some say is use peach wooden big stick kill , some say is use dark arrow shoot to die. In a word, this unparalleled hero dies , is in the hand of schemer. Still say in some lore, after Yi the Britain soul after dies do not break up , have become the clock of dozen ghosts Kui god. This saying is the famous historian of our country attend to Jie just ( 1893-1980 year ) basis the etc. ancient book " Huai south son" record textual criticism come out. This kind of saying has reflected actually that ancient the people of our country is for this unfortunately dead infinite memeory of the hero who goes. 传说中后羿和嫦娥都是尧时候的人,神话说,尧的时候,天上有十个太阳同时出现在天空,把土地烤焦了,庄稼都枯干了,人们热得喘不过气来,倒在地上昏迷不醒。

因为天气酷热的缘故,一些怪禽猛兽,也都从干涸的江湖和火焰似的森林里跑出来,在各地残害人民。 人间的灾难惊动了天上的神,天帝常俊命令善于封射箭的后羿下到人间,协助尧除人民的苦难。

后羿带着天帝赐给他的一张红色的弓,一口袋白色的箭,还带着他的美丽的妻子嫦娥一起来到人间。 后羿立即开始了射日的战斗。





In lore after Yi with the goddess of the moon is the person of Yao time , mythology says , Yao time, on day, 10 the suns at the same time appear in sky, it is burnt to roast land , crops are withered and dry, people heat get pant however air come , fall in faint on the ground do not wake up. Because the cause of extremely hot weather is some to blame poultry beast of prey , is also from the place that dries up with flame forest in run , in every place, cruelly injure people. The disaster of the world have alarmed the god on day, in day emperor frequently handsome order is good at archery after Yi go to the world , help Yao the suffering except people. After Yi tape day emperor grant the bow with red one that gives him , the arrow of a bag white colour, beautiful wife the goddess of the moon who still takes him arrives the world together. After Yi the fighting that has begun to shoot day immediately. He takes out white arrow from shoulder except taking off the bow with red that, one aly to arrogant the sun shoot , instantly between 10 the suns have been shot 9, leave a the sun only because Yao thinks as people have advantage, after having just blocked Yi continuity shooting. This for is famous after Yi shoot the story of day. But after Yi great achievements, have gotten other gods is jealous , they enter calunmy until day in emperor, make day emperor have drifted apart at last after Yi, demote him finally forever the world. Have gotten the song of member after Yi with wife the goddess of the moon have to live in seclusion in the world, after leaning Yi go hunting to make a living. The goddess of the moon again how run month? There is the saying of various difference on ancient book. Is according to the record of " Huai south son ", after Yi feel receive sorry him implicate live in exile the wife that comes down to earth , since beging to west king mother grow livelihood do not die Zhi medicine, let two of their spouses ones live between live forever harmoniously. The goddess of the moon does not spoil clear bitter life , after multiplying Yi not the time at home, have eaten all long livelihoods stealthily do not die medicine, run away moon in have gone. Another kind of saying is to bend ( approximately former 340 notes? 78 )" ask in day" record, after saying Yi afterwards for the goddess of the moon have not loyal behavior, with the wife of river uncle occur warm hide relation, thus arouse the unsatisfaction with maximum the goddess of the moon, after leaving Yi run until day have gone. The goddess of the moon runs , have regreted very quickly after month, she has recalled husband flat day, is dreary for the lonely, time sleep in tender feeling and contrast moon between her benefit and world. about after Yi Zhi die , war country thinker Mencius( former approximately A.D. 372 notes? 89 years ), compose " Mencius " with Xi Chinese first year Liu install ( former 179 22 ) volume into " Huai south son " say him is the apprentice that has been requited kindness with enmity Feng murder. The means of murdering have each different record, some say is use peach wooden big stick kill , some say is use dark arrow shoot to die. In a word, this unparalleled hero dies , is in the hand of schemer. Still say in some lore, after Yi the Britain soul after dies do not break up , have become the clock of dozen ghosts Kui god. This saying is the famous historian of our country attend to Jie just ( 1893-1980 year ) basis the etc. ancient book " Huai south son" record textual criticism come out. This kind of saying has reflected actually that ancient the people of our country is for this unfortunately dead infinite memeory of the hero who goes. 传说中后羿和嫦娥都是尧时候的人,神话说,尧的时候,天上有十个太阳同时出现在天空,把土地烤焦了,庄稼都枯干了,人们热得喘不过气来,倒在地上昏迷不醒。

因为天气酷热的缘故,一些怪禽猛兽,也都从干涸的江湖和火焰似的森林里跑出来,在各地残害人民。 人间的灾难惊动了天上的神,天帝常俊命令善于封射箭的后羿下到人间,协助尧除人民的苦难。

后羿带着天帝赐给他的一张红色的弓,一口袋白色的箭,还带着他的美丽的妻子嫦娥一起来到人间。 后羿立即开始了射日的战斗。





Still th##e earth was burning .Nine suns remained. The watchers were still blind with the pain of the heat.Yi loaded,drew and let go.When the ninth fell from the sky,Yi was told that the world needed one sun to give its warmth and light.Thus,the sky became clear and blue again.Since then,the only sun rises in the morning on his journey across the sky every day.。


Long long ago,there were ten suns.Each day,one of them set out on his jouney across the sky,but one day all ten suns set out together.As a result,the world was being destroyed by heat until Yi was sent to save the world. Yi closed his eyes for some seconds because of the burning sunlight.Then he placed an arrow against the bow-string anddrew it to the full.Then he let go his arrow.A golden crow,one of the ten suns,was killed and fell down. Still the earth was burning .Nine suns remained. The watchers were still blind with the pain of the heat.Yi loaded,drew and let go.When the ninth fell from the sky,Yi was told that the world needed one sun to give its warmth and light.Thus,the sky became clear and blue again.Since then,the only sun rises in the morning on his journey across the sky every day.记得采纳!下次继续合作。



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