2023-03-06 14:05:17

1.简单英语儿歌 词少一点

歌名:Twinkle Twinkle Little Star 演唱:Jewel 所属专辑:《Lullaby》 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 Up above the world so high 远浮于世烟云外 Like a diamond in the sky. 似若钻石夜空明 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 When the blazing sun is gone, 烈阳燃尽宙合静 When he nothing shines upon 旭日不再星河清 Then you show your little light 晶晶灵灵挂夜空 Twinkle, twinkle, all the night. 一闪一闪总不停 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 Then the traveller in the dark, 漂泊游子夜中停 Thanks you for your tiny spark, 浅淡火光伴你行 Could he see which way to go, 漫漫长夜路何寻 If you did not twinkle so. 若无星斑亮莹莹 Twinkle, twinkle, little star 一闪一闪小星星 How I wonder what you are 究竟何物现奇景 In the dark blue sky you keep, 深蓝夜空你身影 Often through my curtains peep, 时常窥过我帘屏 For you never shut your eye, 从未合上你眼睛 Till the sun is in the sky. 直到太阳又现形 As your bright and tiny spark 因你聪伶浅光领 Lights the traveller in the dark 照亮游子夜中行 Though I know not what you are 我仍不懂你何物 Twinkle, twinkle, little star. 一闪一闪小星星。


The Sound of Music 《音乐之声》中的一些歌曲!

1.Do-Re-Mi / Maria and the Children

哆来咪/ 玛丽亚和孩子们

2.The Lonely Goatherd / Maria and the Children

孤独的牧羊人/ 玛丽亚和孩子们

3.Edelweiss / The Captain, Maria ,the Children and Chorus

雪绒花/ 上校、玛丽亚、孩子们和合唱队


1. Baa, Baa, Black Sheep

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

One for the master,

One for the dame,

And one for the little boy

Who lives down the lane.

Baa, baa, black sheep,

Have you any wool?

Yes sir, yes sir,

Three bags full.

2. Old MacDonald

Old MacDonald had a farm,

Ee i ee i oh!

And on his farm he had some chicks,

Ee i ee i oh!

With a cluck-cluck here,

And a cluck-cluck there

Here a cluck, there a cluck,

Everywhere a cluck-cluck

Old MacDonald had a farm

Ee i ee i oh!

Old MacDonald had a farm,

Ee i ee i oh!

And on his farm he had some cows,

Ee i ee i oh!

With a moo-moo here,

And a moo-moo there

Here a moo, there a moo,

Everywhere a moo-moo

Old MacDonald had a farm,

Ee i ee i oh!

Old MacDonald had a farm,

Ee i ee i oh!

And on his farm he had some pigs,

Ee i ee i oh!

With an oink-oink here,

And an oink-oink there

Here an oink, there an oink,

Everywhere an oink-oink

Old MacDonald had a farm

Ee i ee i oh!

I'm a little teapot

I'm a little teapot,

short and stout

Here is my handle

here is my spout

When I get all steamed up,

hear me shout

Just tip me over and pour me out!


最简单的英语[儿歌]walking Walking, 唱法和二只老虎音调一样,简单易学

Walking walking walking walking

走 走 走 走

hop hop hop, hop hop hop

跳跳 跳 跳 跳 跳

running running running

running runningrunning

跑 跑 跑 跑 跑 跑

Now let's stop up and down

现在停下 上 下(可理解为起来, 蹲下)



Twinkle twinkle little star

Jingle Bells

Twinkle twinkle little star歌词

Twinkle twinkle little star

一闪一闪亮晶晶 (一闪一闪亮晶晶)

How I wonder what you are

满天都是小星星 (好好奇你们到底是什么呢?)

Up above the world so high

挂在天空放光明 (高高地挂在夜空中)

Like a diamond in the sky.

好像许多小眼睛 (就像空中闪亮的钻石一样)

Twinkle twinkle little star

一闪一闪亮晶晶 (一闪一闪亮晶晶)

How I wonder what you are

满天都是小星星 (好好奇你们到底是什么呢?)



全部英文FLASH儿歌 本网站精心收集英文FLASH儿歌七百多首,希望各位喜欢!为更好的为儿童提供更多精品英文FLASH儿歌,如果你有新的英文FLASH儿歌,请将地址发给我们! 儿歌 故事 科普学习 游戏 游戏 1. A WOLF 2. A big wind blows 3. A little teapot 4. A ram sam sam 5. A tisket A taskit 6. ABC Song 4 7. ABC Song 5 8. Abc song 1 9. Abc song 2 10. Abc song 3 11. Abc song 12. Alibaba's farm 13. All by myself 14. All kinds of games 15. All the prety little horse 16. All throughthe night 17. Alphbat song 18. Angels watching over me 19. Apple 1 20. Apple 2 21. Apple 3 22. Apple 23. Are You Sleeping 3 24. Are you sleeping 1 25. Are you sleeping 2 26. Are you sleeping 27. Autumn leaves are falling 28. Autumn lullaby 29. Baa Baa Black Sheep 30. Baa baa black sleep 31. Baa, baa,black sheep 32. Baby bye 33. Balloons 34. Bananas 35. Band buddies 36. Beanbag 37. Bingo 1 38. Bingo 2 39. Bingo 3 40. Bingo 41. Birdie's cradle 42. Blap bow 2 43. Body Song 44. Brother and I 45. Buffalo gal 46. Bus 47. Call the dogs 48. Carrot 49. Chocolate 50. Clap Clap Bow 51. Clap your hands 52. Clementine 53. Clothes 54. Cold 55. Colors 1 56. Colors 2 57. Colors 4 58. Colors 59. Cottage in the forest had a window 60. Cows 61. Cradle Song 62. Cuckoo 63. Daisy 64. Days of months 65. Days of the Week 66. Dear 餐具 67. Dear 动物 68. Dear 动物1 69. Dear 服装 70. Dear 海洋 71. Dear 海洋动物 72. Dear 家具 73. Dear 交通工具 74. Dear 食物 75. Dear 食物1 76. Dear 蔬菜 77. Dear 数字 78. Dear 水果 79. Dear 水果歌谣 80. Dear 我帮妈妈洗碗 81. Dear 我的身体 82. Dear 我家的房子 83. Dear 卧室 84. Dear 颜色 85. Dear 游乐场 86. Dear 浴室用品 87. Dear 自然 88. Deke of the hall 89. Did You Ever See a Lassie 1 90. Did you ever see Lassie 91. Did you ever see a lassie 92. Do Re Mi 93. Do You Speak English 94. Do re me 1 95. Do re me 96. Do you have pet 97. Do you know the muffin man 98. Do you speak Einglish 99. Donkey I beg you 100. Donkey donkey I beg you 101. Down by The Station 2 102. Down by station 103. Down by the station 1 104. Down by the station 3 105. Eating Breakfast 106. Edefweiss 1 107. Edefweiss 2 108. Edefweiss 109. Eentsy 110. Eeny,Meeny,miny,mi 111. Ensy Weensy Spider 112. Fiddle Dee Dee 113. Fiddle dee dee 114. Fiddle-dee-dee 115. Find fox and the goat 116. Finger family 1 117. Finger family 118. Fire safety 119. Five Big Dump Trucks 120. Five funny frogs 121. Five little ducks 122. Five little mice 123. Five little monkeys 124. Five little pumpkin 125. Five miles for home 126. For he's a jolly good fellow 127. For my valentine 2 128. For my valentine 129. Four seasons 130. German cradle song 2 131. German cradle song 132. Gingerbread man 133. Go In and Out the Window 134. Go down back for towntotown 135. Go in and out window 136. Good Morning To You 2 137. Good Night 138. Good morning 1 139. Good morning to you 1 140. Good morning 141. Good_Night 142. Grandfather clock 143. Grandma 144. Ham and eggs 145. Hands 146. Happy Birthday 1 147. Happy House 148. Happy birthday to you 149. Happy birthday 150. Happy!Home 151. Happy-House歌曲 152. Head and Shoulders 1 153. Head and Shoulders 154. Head and shouders 155. Head shouders knees and toes 156. Head shouders knees 157. Head shoulder knee and toe 158. Hello 1 159. Hello Song 1 160. Hello song 161. Hello, how are you 162. Here Comes Santa Claus 163. Here Hickory Dickory dock 164. Here I come 165. Here comes santa claus 166. Here we come A_caroling 167. Hey diddle diddle 168. Hey,diddle diddle 169. Hickety,pickety myblack hen 170. Hickory DIckory dock 171. Hicokry,diciry,dock 1 172. Hicokry,diciry,dock 2 173. Hicokry,diciry,dock 174. Hokey pokey 175. Holle song 176. How is the weather 177. Humpty dumpty 1 178. Humpty dumpty 179. Hush, Little Baby 1 180. Hush, little baby 181. I am a lion 182. I am so 183. I had a little nut tree 184. I have a lion 185. I have got a robot 186. I like Fruit 187. I like dog 188. I love coffee 189. I love little pussy 190. I love mountains 191. I love the mountains 192. I love you 193. I will be you friend 194. I will got a robot 195. I'm a little teapot song 196. I'm a little teapot 197. I'm goning up London 198. Iam a music man 199. If I were a bird 200. If Youre Happ。


【Twinkle twinkle little star】

twinkle, twinkle, little star.

how i wonder what you are.

up above the world so high.

like a diamond in the sky.

twinkle, twinkle, little star.

how i wonder what you are.

【London bridge is falling down】

London bridge is falling down,

falling down, falling down.

London bridge is falling down,

my fair lady .

Build it up with iron bars,

iron bars, iron bars.

Build it up with iron bars,

my fair lady.

Iron bars will bend and break ,

bend and break, bend and break.

Iron bars will bend and break,

my fair lady.

Build it up with silver and gold,

silver and gold, silver and gold.

Build it up with silver and gold,

my fair lady.



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