2023-03-05 11:06:08


1. I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.我认为秋天是一年中最美的季节。

2. As the dead leaves crunched under my shoes and the wind whipped my cheeks, I realized autumn has arrived.枯叶在我的脚下发出咯吱咯吱的声音,风儿扫过脸庞,我意识到:秋天来了。3. Autumn has arrived and a new academic year is well under way.秋天来了,新学年也开始了。

4. I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.在秋天的晚上,我感到一丝凉意。5. Autumn was getting hold of the old oak-tree, its leaves were browning.那颗老橡树染上了秋天的颜色,叶子逐渐变成黄褐色。

6. There is a breath of autumn in the air today.今天的天气显出了一丝秋意。7. The weather becomes colder and the days get shorter in autumn.秋天天气转凉,白昼渐短。

8. Autumn is a time of fabulous colors, reaping farm crops, and celebrations of a bounteous harvest.秋天是一个五彩斑斓的季节,是收割庄稼的季节,是庆祝丰收的季节。9. We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.我们欣赏着秋天里新英格兰树林的瑰丽色彩。

10. Colors burst from the trees like splattered paint.层林尽染,如泼洒的颜料般浓墨重彩。11. Trees whisper as the branches wave good-bye to the brown, red, and yellow dry leaves.树枝向褐色、红色和黄色的枯叶挥手告别,发出沙沙的响声。


1.[?ɡ?uld?n] 金色的2.[?k?sa?t?d] 兴奋的,激动的3.[ri?z?lt] 结果1.The weather is cool in autumn2.Because there are lotsof good things,fruits,crops,vegetables and so on3.The Mid-Autumn-Day4.He will eat moon cakes with his father and he willstay with my family你可以去学习工具上找一下答案,我每次都是这样的,不会的题目直接拍照上传到魔方格作业神器,就会有学霸帮你解答的.。


1. I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year.


2. As the dead leaves crunched under my shoes and the wind whipped my cheeks, I realized autumn has arrived.


3. Autumn has arrived and a new academic year is well under way.


4. I feel a little cool in the autumnal night.


5. Autumn was getting hold of the old oak-tree, its leaves were browning.


6. There is a breath of autumn in the air today.


7. The weather becomes colder and the days get shorter in autumn.


8. Autumn is a time of fabulous colors, reaping farm crops, and celebrations of a bounteous harvest.


9. We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.


10. Colors burst from the trees like splattered paint.


11. Trees whisper as the branches wave good-bye to the brown, red, and yellow dry leaves.



I like the spring of vitality, it makes me kind of dedication to life; the busy summer I like bright, beautiful and full, because it is not always the envy of others; I like winter Shen Su, permanent collections, as It contains the life and vitality. However, I prefer the autumn of my eyes, he it is so bleak, so the United States. So colorful.

Fall is harvest season so that we do not have to worry cold winter need food, the tree's apples, pears children, Sinopodophyllum are you will not let me I will not let you argue the knot over the fruit, really want to go here end of a fruit, delicious taste that can not bear, lest they disturb pyronaridine beautiful dream

Well, red maple leaf as fire, falling from a tree just like a butterfly dancing in tribute to the beautiful autumn. Story is also in full bloom, though they do not have beautiful flowers in spring, autumn, given the addition of a few angry. People spend the hot summer, and praised the fall, as they fall to cool.

I am the eyes of autumn, was not letting a hundred flowers bloom in spring are the decorative chrysanthemum; I was not the eyes of the autumn leaves of the lush summer, but the falling leaves; the fall of the eyes, although I did not understand the snow day, but blowing it heart of the cool breeze

The fall, my eyes will always be so distinctive, so fascinating!






5.英语作文autumn 10句简单的

Title: Autumn

Autumn is an amazing season in the year. Weather is pleasant after hot summer. The sky is blue, and cotton white clouds float in the sky. It's a harvest season too. There are many fresh fruits to be picked. Many people go out to travel. There are more people in the park. Of course there are more ladies dancing at a square. It's also a busy season. Students go to school after summer vocation. People work hard to build a nice home for all of us.


Fall is the third season of a year . There are three months in fall : July , August and september . 秋天是四季中的第三季,秋天有三个月:六月、七月、八月。

The weather in fall is cool , Sometimes it's windy . I can wear my jackets and jeans . 秋天气候很凉爽,有时会刮风,我可以穿上我的茄克和牛仔裤。 I often fly kites and go hiking with my good friends.我经常放风筝,和我的朋友徒步旅行。

And there are many fruits in fall , Just like :apples , bananas , oranges… And the Mid Autuain Festival is in fall , too . 秋天还有很多水果,如苹果,香蕉,桔子,中秋节也在秋天。 So I like fall very much . 所以我很喜欢秋天。


There are four seasons in a year, spring, summer, autumn and winter. In spring it often rains. Everything begins to grow. The trees are green and the flowers come out. The field and the hills are beautiful. People like to go hiking in spring. In summer it is hot but it's the best time to go swimming. Children like summer because Children's Day and summer holiday are in summer. Autumn is a harvest season. The weather is cool but the leaves on the trees begin to fall. The weather in winter is too cold. Some people don't like it. But winter is the best time to go skating or skiiing. It has so much fun. My favorite season is summer because i like swimming best.。


The autumn starts in September. I like autumn very much though I can feel its chill in the air.I like autumn because it is a season of harvest. We can enjoy more fresh vegetables and fruits. I think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year as we can see the golden color everwhere。

9.关于秋天的英语作文 80词

It is autumn. The sky is clem and cloudless. The summer heat is gone. The autumn wind brings us cool. At once the version comes to my mind, "Autumn is rich with fruit and grain. " Actually I see pomegranates red and round on the stall in the market and the pcars big, yellow and juicy. My mouth waters for them. The grains have been harvested, the rice, wheat and corn.

The laurel trees give off fragrance. The perfume makes its way stralght into my nose. The brlght red canna are standing behind rows of tall plane trees. I am waiting for their leaves to turn yellow.Then l can trample on the fallen leaves on both sides of the ground.

At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground. It washes everything clean. When the sun comes out, the droplets shine bright on the yellow leaves.

What a beautiful painting! Autumn is the season for harvest no pains, no gains. I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.







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