2023-03-03 22:15:00


一、引言 ? 范例:步入了大学生活,我们的生活空间自由大了,很可能会因无目标而迷失方向,给自己制定了目标,就像有了启航的方向。

而大学生职业规划设计大赛为我们提供了这样的机会,我们也要更好地规划我们的职业生涯!使自己能够有目标地学习,有目标地生活,使自己每一天都过得有意义! 二、自我分析 ? 1.职业兴趣 ? 2.职业能力 ? 3.个人特质 ? 4.职业价值观 ? 5.胜任能力:1)能力优势2)能力劣势 ? (自我分析是职业生涯规划的首要环节,它决定着个人职业生涯的方向,也决定着职业生涯规划的成败。基于人才测评分析报告以及本人对自己的认识、朋友的评价的前提之下,进行客观的自我分析。

要弄清我想干什么、我能干什么、我应该干什么、在众多的职业面前选择什么等问题。 ) 三、职业分析 ? 1.家庭环境分析 ? 2.学校环境分析 ? 3.社会环境分析 ? 4.职业环境分析 ? (要充分认识与了解相关的环境,评估环境因素对自己职业生涯发展的影响,分析环境条件的特点、发展变化情况,把握环境因素的优势与限制。

了解本专业、本行业的地位、形势以及发展趋势 ) 四、职业定位 ? 内部因素: 优势因素 弱势因素 ? 外部因素: 机会因素 威胁因素 ? 由此得出结论: ? 1)职业目标 ? 2)职业的发展路径 ? ( 职业定位就是要为职业目标与自己的潜能以及主客观条件谋求最佳匹配① 依据客观现实,考虑个人与社会、单位的关系;② 比较鉴别,比较职业的条件、要求、性质与自身条件的匹配情况,选择条件更合适、更符合自己特长、更感兴趣、经过努力能很快胜任、有发展前途的职业;③ 扬长避短,看主要方面,不要追求十全十美的职业;④ 审时度势,及时调整,要根据情况的变化及时调整择业目标,不能固执己见,一成不变。 ) 五、计划实施方案 ? 1.大学期间 ? 2.大学毕业的五年 ? 3.长期计划 ? (计划分为短期,中期,长期计划统一为目标而服务。

根据你所确定的职业目标及其需要的素质而有针对的制定计划安排。 要制定实现职业生涯目标的行动方案,要有具体的行为措施来保证。


) 六、评估调整 ? 范例: ? 大学毕业后,没有考上研究生,则: ? 1) 直接参加工作,累积资本,为日后出国深造打下经济基础. ? 2) 一方面可以在国内找工作. ? 3) 同样也可以在国外找工作. ? (整个职业生涯规划要在实施中去检验,看效果如何,及时诊断生涯规划各个环节出现的问题,找出相应对策,对规划进行调整与完善。 ? 由此可以看出,整个规划流程中正确的自我评价是最为基础、最为核心的环节,这一环做不好或出现偏差,就会导致整个职业生涯规划各个环节出现问题。

) 七、结束语 ? 最后可以加一简短的结束语。 ? 范例:职业生涯是实现理想人生目标的过程,也是实现人生价值的过程,我们需要的是实现目标这一过程,而不是看着过程中的某个阶段。

当然,我们每一个人都应该知道自己适合做什么,应该做什么,以及怎样实现自己的目标。 网上有好多范文,你可根据这个模板和要求结合自己的实际来写,5000字很容易写的,祝你成功。


For the IT industry,because technical knowledge refresh rate is too high and the competition for jobs nowadays is fierce,I am stepping in the developing of my career,and has passed the early period of my career.I need to develop in the stability.But does is a sales personnel in order to stably continues the

development, I must have to have to have am a technical personnel and

the sales personnel two aspects qualities. In mine professional

profession intermediate stage, prepares toward the sales management

aspect to develop. The sales management first must be familiar with

own industry, then must have to have the quite comprehensive

technology specialized knowledge, familiar current IT technological

development direction. More importantly must to this company's

development ability, the technical superiority, the inferiority have

the quite clear understanding. Moreover also must be familiar with

this profession the technology and the product trend, the

understanding similar product and its the competitor situation and the

characteristic. Therefore I must grasp the professional knowledge and

the ability, also has the actual operation experience, only then has

the possibility to change sells the management post. I become an

outstanding sale managerial talent in the future three year in goal!

Appraisal: I thought the plan is no doubt important, but more

important, lies in it specifically to practice and to obtain the

result. Any plan, all is unknown changeable, decides on the goal plan

all possible bitter experience question, the request to have the sober

brains as necessary. I if achieve the goal, must put out the courage,

pays diligently, strives for success, the struggle.


I always knew that I wanted to apply for english-related jobs.My dream career is an english interpreter.And I want to be an english teacher after I quit the interpreting job.I don't just want to be confined by one job.Changing my career once or twice,I can acquire different experience and enrich my life.As part of my career planning I made a strict schedule for myself to keep to.In my first year in university,I extended my vocabulary and learned grammar very hard.I knew that I should have a thorough grounding in english if I wanted to use it fluently in the future,especially if I wanted to translate freely.In grade two,I began to apply for some part-time interpreting jobs.I knew that I should gain enough work experience, so as to win in the exceedingly competitive job market.Moreover,I got to know more foreigners,who would help me a lot with my future job.Now In grade three, I begin to send my CV to foreign-owned companies for internship.I clearly know that it is too late if I send CV to apply for jobs when graduation is close-at-hand.In grade four,if the company where I have the internship is content with me,I would stay there after graduating from the university.If not,I would send CVs to other companies.After earning enough money and acquiring enough experience,I would change my career into an english teacher.Being a teacher I would have more spare time to be at my disposal.With my good mastering of english I think I am qualified for an english teacher.As for the teaching skills,I would certainly attend some good teachers' classes to learn from them.I would also communicate with the students to get to know what they are thinking and what they really need.During the years as a teacher,I would teach the students my own way of english learning,show the outside world to them,and introduce new ideas to them,so as to broaden their horizons. 我的职业生涯,我planningTalking已经计划,因为我在大学的第一年,…我总是知道我想申请english-related、工作. 我梦想的职业是一个英语翻译我想成为一名英语老师,我辞去工作后,解释…我不只是想被限制在一个工作. 改变我的职业生涯中,有一两次,我可以获得不同的经验和丰富我的生活里至于我的职业生涯规划,我做了一个严格的计划为自己要我在大学一年级时,我扩展了我的词汇和语法很难学…我知道我应该有一个全面的英语,如果我想用一口流利的英语,尤其是在未来我想转换自如在二年级时,我开始申请一些兼职翻译工作. 我知道我应该得到足够多的工作经验,从而赢得了极其激烈的市场竞争中…而且,我要知道更多的外国人,谁能帮我很多和我未来的工作现在在三年级时,我开始把我的简历,外资公司实习我清楚地知道,它已经太迟了。





简短个人职业规划范文【1】 一、前言 在经济全球化的今天,面对市场带给我们强大的竞争压力,我们不得不对自己的将来作出一个合理工的规划。在这条充满竞争的道路上,布满了坎坷和崎岖,如果我们不能尽自己的力去克服,那么将会被社会的残酷所压倒。所以作为一个中职院校的学生来说,我们应该对自己的专业及未来所需要的发展作出一个合理的职业生涯规划。 我的专业是商务英语,记得在开学时,我也不知怎么就选择了它,当哥哥问我想好了没有,他说:“要学就好好学,如果你不好好学,那么将来只会徒劳无获。”其实我对自己的专业不是很了解,也没把握,但我的理想是美好的,我相信兴趣是最好的老师,英语必将是一个有前途的专业。 水无点滴量的积累,难成大江河。 人无点滴量的积累,难成大气候。 没有兢兢业业的辛苦付出,哪里来甘甜欢畅的成功的喜悦? 没有勤勤恳恳的刻苦钻研,哪里来震撼人心的累累硕果? 只有付出,才能有收获。 机会和成功永远掌握在有准备的人手中。 我只相信“勤能补拙” 二、自我盘点 我是一个中职院校的学生,在家里除了哥哥我就是家里的希望,我性格开朗、活泼、喜欢交朋友、听音乐、画画,喜欢看小说、散文,尤其爱看杂志类的书籍,心中偶像是人民警察,平时与人友好相处群众基础较好,亲人、朋友、教师关爱,喜欢创新,动手能力较强做事认真、投入,英语口语水平可以,但缺乏毅力、恒心,过于执着偏固执,做事爱拖拉机,惰性


对护理的职业规划:I major in nursing. I think in the future, I will find a specialized nursing occupation. Although my study is not very good, but I will work hard, work hard for my dream.I want to be a nurse, which is my dream when I was a child. If I really become a nurse, I will take care of each patient, not to discriminate against them.I am very confident about the future, I will not give up halfway.

其他规划:My career planning As a college student on how well the future is the way I have been considering.I always want to design their own professional staff and art computer design to enhance their professional learning.Just enter the school at the University,with a lot of hopes and illusions,it will also be full of confusion.I think I should do T-shaped professionals.Out of college,and strive to win the community the opportunity to practice.More respect,to find really suitable for their own.In the work of cultivating the ability to increase the handling capacity of things,human relationships,such as processing power.Engaged in design work,design their own brands,so a designer.This semester also choose to enjoy this art class,I am artistic,very yearning,is also pursuing,although there was no professional training.But I still hope that they can make their own personality to come.

6.请英文高手把我未来的职业规划内容翻译成英文, 越简短越好,思路清

So, I had been in work and study in HongKong and Macau for three years, responsible for luxury Shoppes sales. During these years, I have accumulated enough experience and learnned lots of professional knowledge. The reason why I intend to return to domestic, not only for my family and friends' hope, But also I want to find my favorate careers here and find developing space of work, and can be cultivated by the company to achieve my self-worth. I love the fashion industry, and want to develop personal career in this area.。


Although I am a student, but I own life with a simple plan, also can say" I have a dream". " I have a dream" in my primary school years, playing good study based at the same time, to make a full of childhood, mountain climbing, swimming, riding the wind, facing the sea, spring. " I have a dream" during the three years in middle school, the study and practice of hearts together, be a excellent in character and learning of middle school students. " I have a dream" three year of high school was a turning point in life, I will make active preparations for war, fight a bloody battle, admitted to the ideal university." I have a dream" university life is rich and colorful, I won't waste my time at University, I joined the community, students, their experience in a variety of activities. " I have a dream" don't waste your time, cherish the friendship, affection, love, let your life more meaningful. Although I am a student, but I own life with a simple plan, also can say" I have a dream". " I have a dream" in my primary school years, playing good study based at the same time, to make a full of childhood, mountain climbing, swimming, riding the wind, facing the sea, spring. " I have a dream" during the three years in middle school, the study and practice of hearts together, be a excellent in character and learning of middle school students. " I have a dream" three year of high school was a turning point in life, I will make active preparations for war, fight a bloody battle, admitted to the ideal university." I have a dream" university life is rich and colorful, I won't waste my time at University, I joined the community, students, their experience in a variety of activities. " I have a dream" don't waste your time, cherish the friendship, affection, love, let your life more meaningful. Although I am a student, but I own life with a simple plan, also can say" I have a dream". " I have a dream" in my primary school years, playing good study based at the same time, to make a full of childhood, mountain climbing, swimming, riding the wind, facing the sea, spring. " I have a dream" during the three years in middle school, the study and practice of hearts together, be a excellent in character and learning of middle school students. " I have a dream" three year of high school was a turning point in life, I will make active preparations for war, fight a bloody battle, admitted to the ideal university." I have a dream" university life is rich and colorful, I won't waste my time at University, I joined the community, students, their experience in a variety of activities. " I have a dream" don't waste your time, cherish the friendship, affection, love, let your life more meaningful. 自动检测语言 自动检测语言 中 → 英 英 → 中 中 → 日 日 → 中 百度翻译API开放啦! .翻译结果(英 > 中)复制结果双语对照查看 我虽然是个学生,但是我自己的生命与一个简单的计划,也可以说“我有一个梦想”。





Tired of living someone else g dream? Well, maybe it's time to get out of the "family business." .

We all know that hand-me-downs are often comfortable and easy to put on, but we are rarely happy in something a jacket or ajob-that we didn't choose. If you feel trapped or disappointed in yourcurrent career or job, or if you let your family's wishes, rather than yourown natural talents, interests, and passions, guide your ultimate careerchoice, you are living someone else's dream. These "hand-me-downdreams" influence every aspect of our lives, including our work and howwe do it. In Hand-Me-Down Dreams, Mary H. Jacobsen's insightful wisdom,culled from her experience as a psychotherapist and career counselor andfrom her own personal life, illuminates the problems you'll encounterwhen trying to change this family dynamic. In reading this book and par-ticipating in its exercises, you'll be armed with the knowledge you'll needto find the motivation and the courage to fulfill your own dreams andattain success on your terms. 。



正文 带着种种憧憬和向往,我开始踏入了大学生活,在大一下学期的选修课中,我选择了大学生职业生涯规划这门课,在老师的指导下,我来完成自己的这篇职业生涯规划书。 一、自我评估 本人为人坦诚,团结同学,做事细心认真,不拍苦不怕累,有一定的耐挫力,虽然性格有点内向,但我兴趣广泛,听音乐、画画等都有一定兴趣,与朋友在一起能够相互帮助。

并且我对自己的未来充满向往与自信,作为一个女强人,我会为自己的将来而努力奋斗。 二、职业选择 会计专业,有较广的就业面,较主要的有以下几方面:企事业单位、政府机关、会计师事务。

我个人更倾向于企事业单位,将来无论在内资还是外企,都有一定的发展道路,虽说内资没有外企待遇好,但是一定作为一名合格的会计师,还是能克服这一困难。 三、会计行业未来发展评价 会计作为一种商业语言,在经贸交往中起着不可替代的作用,在我国具有良好的就业前景。

适应中国外向型经济迅速发展的形势,像在企事业单位经过几年,甚至可以爬到高层管理,有很大的发展空间。 四、职业生涯规划方案: 大学在校的学习任务规划: 1.总的规划:通过大学的学习,掌握好专业知识和技能。


以及团队合作,领导能力。 2.具体方案: 1)2013春学期:考取大学英语四级证书 2)2013秋学期:考取会计从业资格证书 3)2014春学期:考取大学英语六级证书 4)2014秋学期:复习,准备,积累,开始面对考研岁月 5)2015全年:努力备考,力取进榜 毕业后的职业生涯规划 2015~2018年:努力认真读研 2018~2024 六年:这六年主要是积累自己六年来的工作经验,并储蓄了一定资金 在能力上:能够熟练会计事务,而且在同级同事中能够做到表现出众;熟悉各企业的文化环境,自己能从普通员工爬到管理人员。

在经济上:这六年保持年薪7万以上。 2024年后: 职业目标:创建小型的会计事务所。

能力目标:形成自己系统的管理体系,组织自己员工进行各项工作,具有较强领导能力,并且与员工多沟通,全员共同努力,完成传统突破。 经济目标:年薪20万以上。

五、成功标准 我成功的标准:我坚信一句话,只要你勇于挑战,不畏困难,付出过泪水和汗水,你会最后大丰收的。所以我在每一阶段都会用心做事。

努力拼搏,为自己的梦想去奋斗,为以后不让自己后悔,正所谓条条大路通罗马,而我要在自己正确的思想指引下走向成功,并为之自豪。 六、尾言 作为大学生的我们,应该珍惜好学习的时光,树立目标,并开始努力奋斗,好让自己最后为之流泪,毕竟人生如同品这杯咖啡一样:甜甜的苦涩,先苦后甜。



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