2023-03-02 15:45:05


pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒 ruler 尺子 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 book 书 bag 书包 sharpener 卷笔刀 school 学校 Unit 2 head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手指 leg 腿 foot 脚 body 身体 Unit3 red 红色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 blue 蓝色的 purple 紫色的 white 白色的 black 黑色的 orange 橙色的 pink 粉色的 brown 棕色的 Unit 4 cat 猫 dog 狗 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 rabbit 兔子 duck 鸭子 pig 猪 bird 鸟 bear 熊 elephant 大象 mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松鼠 Unit 5 cake 蛋糕 bread 面包 hot dog 热狗 hamburger 汉堡包 chicken 鸡肉 French fries 榨薯条 Coke 可乐 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 water 水 tea 茶 coffee 咖啡 Unit 6 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 doll 玩具娃娃 boat 小船 ball 球 kite 风筝 balloon 气球 car 小汽车 plane 飞机 。


Hello, allow me to make a simple self-introduction。

My name is XX, this 19-year-old, from Wuhan in Hubei Province。 I studied e-commerce and web site development professional, to engage in web site design, Internet marketing, sales, business, computer operations related to the work of six months work experience。

I am optimistic character, cheerful, self-motivated, aggressive, serious and responsible work, able to adapt to the needs of the work。


Alina 爱丽娜,『高贵』的意思CHERRY,樱桃,甜美、可爱充满青春气息、而且热心助人EMILY 娇小可爱、安静保守的女子、聪明、柔弱、拘谨EVA优雅美丽的女子,有主见及直接性感、优雅的谋略者IRIS "彩虹"。

是高佻,苗条,细纤JESSIE为Jasmine,Jessica的简写Jessie是个中性名字令人想起可爱运动型的女孩,男孩子气,爱玩,善良,且聪明。 JOY快乐。


NINA 娇小美丽、优雅、具异国风味、文静、冷默且独立。迷人随和。


Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, is the longest and most important holiday for Chinese people。

It is usually celebrated from the eighth day of the twelfth month to the fifteenth of the first month (lantern festival), by Chinese lunar calendar。 Traditionally, from the 23rd to the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, every family cleans and paints their houses and does New Year shopping。

In rural China, hanging New Year paintings is a must。 Bought from the market, New Year pictures are hanged on every important spots of the house-the gete, rooms, the kitchen, the storehouse, the well, and the stable。

Portraits of village god and kitchen got are usually pasted up on niched to express people's wishes for peace and happiness。 For average Chinese farmers, hanging New Year paintings bring about unusual festive joy and delight to them。

Many provinces in China are known for their distinctive New Year paintings, from northern Hebei, Shangdong, Henan and Tianjin , to southern Shandong, Henan and Tianjin, to southern Guangdong and Fujian, from eastern Jiangsu to western Shaanxi and Sichuan。 Among them, the painting genre from Wuqiang County, Hebei Province enjoys a long history, diversified styles and widespread reputation。



“性格开朗,热情大方,自信,学习勤奋、踏实、有耐性、团结协作能力强、具备基本的听、说、读写能力” my characters are openness,warmness, self-confidence, diligence,sureness, patience, and the strong ability to cooperate with others. And also have the basic skills for English listening, reading,writing.。


Travel to the forest Have you ever been fed up with the boring life in the city? Should you be tired of the crowded roads and endless noises, you might want to have a glimpse of the primary forest with me。

As soon as you open the mysterious door of the forest, you may ask,“ Have I entered the palace or the paradise?” The breath-taking scenery makes you forget everything but exploring what the forest has to offer。 With tens of thousands of trees surrounding you, straight or winding, tall or short , you feel like floating on the ocean of green。

All kinds of fragrant flowers lie peaceful and shy under the leaves。 Take a close look at them , and you can even see the fresh drops of water ,which makes the flowers look like beautiful girls who have just had a bath。

The most enjoyable thing is to feel the thick fog among the whole forest, which makes the view of the living creatures disappear at times。 When the sun comes up, the fog rises at once 。

The dreaming image is then replaced by the lively scene。 A wide variety of birds are singing happily in the trees。

Lots of little animals are running busily across the paths。 Wander in the forest, you will have the feeling of returning to nature。

Well, in addition to enjoying the scenery on the ground, keep an eye out for the sky! The clear blue with pure white will give your eyes a feast 。


ah 啊哈 aha 爱 love 安静的 silent 安静地 silently 安全 safety 安全的 safe 安装;修理 fix 按顺序 in order 按照,如同,当…,因为 as 昂贵的 expensive 嗷,哎哟 ouch 澳大利亚 Australia 澳大利亚人 Australian Aussie 澳门 Macao 八 eight 八月 August 巴黎 Paris 巴西 Brazil 爸爸 dad 白色的 white 白天 daytime 百 hundred 百货商店 department 百万 million 柏林 Berlin 班级,年级 class 办公室 office 邦戴 Bondy 帮助 help 傍晚;晚上 evening 棒球,垒球 baseball 磅;镑 pound 保持;使得… keep 报纸 newspaper 抱怨 complain 杯子 cup 悲伤的;难过的 sad 北方;北部 north 北方的;北部的 northern 鼻子 nose 比…;比较… than 比较 comparison 比较级的 comparative 比利时 Belgium 比例,比率 rate 比萨饼 pizza 比赛 match 比赛,竞赛 competition 比赛者;选手 player 必须 must 必须的 necessary 毕业 graduate 壁炉 fireplace 避免 avoid 避暑胜地 summer resort 边 side 边;边缘 edge 边缘 rim 鞭炮 firecrackers 便帽;军帽 cap 便士 penny (pence) 便条;纸币 note 便宜的 cheap 变成;成为 become 变换,改变 change 遍及 throughout 标点符号 puntuation 标记;符号;痕迹 sign 标签 label 表达 expression 表格;构成,组成 form 表演;成绩 performance 别的,其他的;另外的人 other 别的;其他的 else 冰 ice 冰雕 ice carving 冰激凌 ice cream 冰山 iceberg 并排 side by side 病假 sick leave 病人 patient 拨(电话) dial 波士顿 Boston 玻璃(杯) glass 脖子 neck 博物馆 museum 不 not 不,不是;没有 no 不安的 restless 不安的 uneasy 不按次序排队的人 jumper 不出名的 unknown 不好不坏的,马马虎虎的 so-so 不见的 missing 不健康的 unhealthy 不久;很快 soon 不可能的 impossible 不平常的 unusual 不同;差异 difference 不同的 different 不喜欢,厌恶 dislike 不走运的;不幸的 unlucky 布 cloth 布鲁塞尔 Brussels 部分 part 擦;磨 rub 猜 guess 猜想 suppose 裁缝 tailor 裁判,法官 judge 菜单 menu 参加 join 餐厅 dining-room 操场 playground 操作;动手术 operate 嘈杂的 noisy 嘈杂声,响声 noise 草;草地 grass 厕所 toilet 叉子 fork 茶;茶叶 tea 茶壶 teapot 察觉;领悟;了解 realize 长的 long 长筒袜 stocking 尝味;有。

味道 taste 畅销货(书) best-seller 唱唱歌 sing 唱诵 chant 抄写,誊写;复制 copy 超过…,经过…;过去(的) past 超级市场 supermarket 朝着…;向… towards 潮湿的 moist 潮湿的 wet 车站 station 陈列,展览 display。


My name is Li jiayao,我叫李佳瑶 I am already ten years old this year,我今年十岁了 I come from Class 6, grade 5 of Jingmen Experimental Primary School in Hubei. 我来自湖北荆门实验小学五六班I like reading and writing.我喜欢看书和写作.My specicialty is English.我的特长是英语.(这句觉得难就改成,I am good at English.)I am a cheerful, lively girls.我是一个性格开朗、活泼的女生。



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