2023-02-28 17:15:05


a new Olympic stadium design was scrapped amid a row over its cost.


logo was unveiled only last month. A Belgian artist had complained that his

design was stolen.

In July东京2020年奥运会标志抄袭索赔之际报废

Tokyo 2020 Olympics logo scrapped amid plagiarism claim

The logo for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games has been scrapped after allegations that it was plagiarised, based around the letter T and a red

circle representing a beating heart - which critics said resembled the

Japanese flag.

Logo designer Kenjiro Sano had admitted copying online material for a previous project, Japanese media reported.

Its withdrawal is a highly unusual move.


Games organising committee said there were too many doubts over the

emblem for it to be used


Annual US-South Korean Military Exercises Commence North Korea FumesU.S. and South Korean forces opened their annual military exercises Saturday, while North Korea denounced the maneuver as a rehearsal for war. The exercises began as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in the South Korean capital, seeking a way to restart talks on North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.Some17,000 U.S.-based military personnel joined another 6,000 based in South Korea Saturday to take part in annual military exercises, which simulate a response to a hypothetical invasion by North Korea. The U.S. personnel are being joined by an unspecified number of South Korean troops.North Korea calls the exercises a "rehearsal" for an invasion of the North, and says the maneuvers are further proof the U.S. is not serious about finding a solution to the dispute over North Korea's nuclear weapons programs.Major David Oten, a spokesman for U.S. forces in Korea, says Pyongyang's comments are routine, and the exercises are purely to prepare the defenses of the Republic of Korea, or ROK, South Korea's official name.Major Oten: These are to prepare us to defend against external aggression against the ROK. Every year they [the North Koreans] have the same reaction.This year's exercises, which include computer simulations, along with real soldiers, come amid heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula.After more than two years of discussion and dispute over its nuclear weapons programs, Pyongyang publicly declared last month that it had nuclear weapons and plans to build more.As the maneuvers, code-named "Foal Eagle," began, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived in Seoul from Tokyo to discuss ways of bringing North Korea back to multinational negotiations aimed at dismantling any such programs.North Korea has blamed what it calls Washington's "hostile attitude" for its refusal to rejoin the negotiations, which involve South Korea, the United States, Japan and Russia. Authorities in Pyongyang have also objected to Ms. Rice's description of the North as an "outpost of tyranny."In Tokyo earlier Saturday, Ms. Rice called on North Korea to return to the negotiating table "immediately," saying, only there, would it find the aid and respect that it desires.Kurt Achin, VOA news, Seoul.。



Military Training

In our country, when we go to college, we must attend to the military training. Most students are afraid of it, because the training often happens in hot summer. In summer days, the weather is too hot to stand. But students have to stay outside all the day. In addition, the training is very hard. Students have to learn to be a solder. They have to obey many rules that they don't have to in daily life. And the trainer is very strict to students. They do like our teachers who care us patiently. However, military training is a good way to train students' strong will power. It's useful to the life of students. Therefore, it's necessary to student.





The day we were looking forward to came at last----a week's military training began. During the training, each of us did his part in earnest. We drilled more than six hours a day, though it was very hot at the time. In the blazing sun, we always tried to measure up to the high standards which were demanded . Sweat streamed down and we wouldn't wipe it off. Olny three days later our faces were tanned.We felt happy and proud of it . Our platoon officer was a young PLA man, about twenty years old. He was very strict with us during the training and very kind to us afterwards. By talking with him, we came to know not only more information about army life, but also about military affairs. The military training gave us good discipline. It brought us great happiness, too. We'll never forget it。


Today is Saturday. In the afternoon. some boys and i were playing football in the street . suddenly one of the boys fell down and hurt himself. so the other children took the boy to the hospital by bike. The doctor checked the boy at once in the hospital .and he said that it didn't matter much. Then the doctor told us not to play football in the street, It was dangerous. I think we shouldn't do that again.



Aimpoint True 表示武器命中目标,任务达成. Angel 高度(单位:一千呎) Ex: Angel 27 = 27000 ft. Arizona 表示飞机已经没有反辐射飞弹. Augured in 表示飞机坠机. Azimuth 方位.以飞行员为中心,目标所在的方向(单位:度). Azimuth Split 表示有多群敌机,位于飞行员的不同方位上. Bandit 已确认之敌机. Bearing 方向,三位数字(单位:度),范围000到360. Bingo 预估的燃料量,必须立即放弃任务而返航,才能平安回到基地. Bogie或Bogey 雷达或视觉接触,身份尚未确定. Break 指示朝指定方向进行突然的高G力动作. Buddy Spike 表示飞机以雷达锁定友机,警告你不要射击. Bullseye 一个预设的地理点,用来做为方向及距离的参考,而不使用飞行员自己的参考点(Bearing or Azimuth). Buster 表示以最高速飞行. CBU 集束炸弹. Check Six 表示你应该查看后方,是否有来袭的飞机或飞弹. Chick 友方飞机. Clean 飞机外部无任何挂载. Clean and Naked 表示视距内及雷达上皆无敌人,RWR上亦无标示. Cold 指敌机尾端朝向飞行员的状态. Continue as Fragged 指示你继续依照简报执行任务. Cover 指示僚机扮演掩护的角色,保护领队. Dakota 表示飞机已没有空对地武装. Dragging 一种动作,先飞离敌机做为诱饵,目标是要吸引他追来. Egress 离开目标区或停止交战. Fence Check 检查飞机武装及系统,确定它们适用于当时之状况. Finger 4 一种并列队行,飞机位置略为错开,如四指并拢状. Fix 交差检查点. Flameout 所有燃料皆已用尽,引擎已经停止. FLOT 部队前线(Forward Line Of Troops). Fluid Four 飞机间距加宽之Finger 4队形. Fox One 表示发射半主动雷达制导导弹. Fox Two 表示发射红外制导的近距格斗导弹. Fox Three 表示发射主动雷达制导导弹. Foxtrot Uniform 报销了.**** out搞杂了. GBU 导引炸弹组件(Guided bomb unit).雷射导引炸弹或LGB的编号. Hostile 敌机,被辨识为敌人的目标. Hound Dog 要求允许交战. Ingress 进入或接近某一物体. Joker 此时燃料量,仅够返回基地,没有供紧急状况使用的备用油料. Juliet Sierra 表示所有飞行员皆未击中目标 Kansas 表示飞机已没有空对空武装. Knife Fight 刀锋飞行,飞行员术语,表示近距离缠斗. Lawn Dart (1)表示飞机坠机.(2)轻视F-16的一种讲法(失事率太高). Leakers 突破拦截网之敌机. Midnight 由AWACS发出,表示他无法再为友机提供管制功能. Music 表示启动ECM装备. Nevada 表示飞机用尽小牛飞弹. No Joy 表示飞行员看不到目标. NOE 贴地飞行.尽可能低空飞行,以避免被敌方雷达发现. Notching 执行Beaming飞行,以脱离雷达锁定. Outlaw 可能是敌机的飞机. Package 一群任务相同的机队. Pince 钳式飞行,一种动作,小队长和僚机飞向来袭之敌机的相反侧. Playmate 参与目前任务的友机. Posthole 一种飞行动作,向地面俯冲以避免被前来的敌机雷达侦测. Pring 表示已经辨识出雷达接触点的身份. Ray Gun 表示飞行员已在下列位置,锁定一个未辨识身份的目标.举例来说,当你听到[Fury 12, Ray Gun, Bullseye 030 for 20]的时候如果你位于该位置,你应该回答Buddy Spike. Res cell 一种紧密的队形,用来隐藏机群中飞机的数量. Rifle 表示发射一枚小牛飞弹. ROE 交战准则(Rules Of Engagement). RTB 返回基地(Return To base). Shooter/Cover 表示长机将攻击指定的目标,而僚机将提供AAA或敌机的掩护. Shooter/Shooter 表示长机和僚机都将攻击指定的目标. Skosh 表示飞机已经没有主动雷达导引飞弹. Slapshot 表示下令对地面目标发射HARM飞弹. Sniper 表示下令对发射雷达波的地面目标发射反辐射导弹. Splash One 表示飞行员已经击若落一架飞机. Sunrise 表示AWACS已经开始为友机提供管制功能. Tally 表示发现目标. Tango Uniform 表示有东西失效,受损,或无作用. Trail 一种队形,飞机尾随排成一直线. Trespass 表示友机机队已经进入敌方SAM威胁范围圈内. Trolling 试着让敌方开火,以便找到其位置. Tumbleweed 表示飞行员没有状态警觉. Wedge 飞机的锲形队形. Winchester 表示飞机完全没有武器了. Bogey愿指妖怪或可怕的人,这里指在发现敌机到来之前的身份不明的飞机,而他们往往比敌机还可怕。






用来形容那些十分娇气的光学传感组件最合适不过了。everyone lock one! fire!每个人锁定一架!发射!you got two bandit on your tail!有两架敌机咬住你了get him off my tail!帮我甩掉他们harmmer down!击落一架go to the deck!降低高度spill them up!将他们分开missil away!导弹已发射i missed it!i reeat, i missed!我未命中目标!重复!我未命中目标。



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