2023-02-27 12:33:14

1.天津 英文介绍

TianJing, a city standing by BoHai Sea, shares a great develo-pment of industry. It is famous for its oversea commodities which are real bragins. The environment of the city is getting better as well, and more and more foreigners are attracted by this beautiful city.




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Beautiful of Tianjin

It is universally acknowledged that Tianjin is a modern city with a long history in china. Meanwhile,tianjin is my hometown .Let me introduce Tianjin in nowdays

If you have ever been to tianjin ,the clean street and friendly people should made a deeply impression for you

Tianjin is a pluralism city . There are many special construct whose style were western style ,in Five Main Street. The Sea River is Mother-river in Tianjin. It is so beautiful that hundreds of people will work along the bank until midnight .If you want to go shopping ,you can go Binjiang Street or Guo Lou Street ,in these place,You can buy anything what you like and feel the liviest sense in the world

Tianjin,My hometown! You are my most beautiful city !


Tianjin IntroductionTianjin, Jin for short, is one of the four centrally administered municipalities. In ancient times, this area was part of the sea stretching to the horizon. The construction of the city began in 1404 in the second year during the reign of Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Known as the Tianjin Garrison, it was a military base and an important economic center. Tianjin was opened to foreign aggressors as a trading port under the Convention of Peking in 1860. Later it became a "settlement" of eight imperialist powers.Tianjin has become the hub of communications of North China and the gateway of the capital city. It's the largest industrial city in North China and also the important commercial center and largest port city in northern China, which is rich in petroleum, natural gas and sea salt along the coastal area. As one of China's biggest industrial centers, Tianjin has built up an all-round industrial system with machinery, electronics, textiles, chemicals, metallurgy and foodstuff, etc., as its mainstays. Tianjin is one of the most prosperous business areas as well as a distribution center for goods and materials in North China. It's also a key hub of land and sea communications. Tianjin Harbor now boasts about 56 docks and 30 periodical international sea routes, serving as the most convenient sea outlet for Beijing, North and Northwest China, as well as an international trading port having relationship with over 300 harbors in about 150 countries and areas. Tianjin also has a well-developed road transport network, regular air-service to over 30 cities throughout the country, and inland water shipping, in addition to the pipelines for oil transport. Tianjin is a famous historical city. The best known scenic spots and historical sites include the Panshan Scenery Area, the Park on the Water, the Garden of Tranquility, the Tianhou Palace (Palace of Heavenly Empress), the Dule Temple (Solitary Joy Temple), the Great Wall at the Huangya Pass, and so on. Tianjin's folk crafts such as hand-made carpets, Yangliuqing's New Year Pictures printed from an engraved wood plate, Zhang's painted clay figurines, kites etc. hold an important position in the China.。


Ancient Cultural Street The 580-metre-long Ancient Cultural Street is a major tourist destination where Tianjin's old traditions remain largely intact. Imitation Qing buildings, which house nearly 100 shops are scattered along the street with the Tianhou Temple in the center. Built in 1320 during the Yuan, the Tianhou (Heavenly Queen) Temple, also known as Temple of the Patron Goddess, is one of many temples established in China's coastal areas in honour of the mythological angel known more popularly as Mazu. Grand sacrificial ceremonies were held in the temple on Mazu's birthday, which fell on the 23rd day of the 3rd lunar month. Today the temple has been converted into the Tianjin Folklore Museum。


中国天津市 天津市简称“津”,是我国的四大直辖市之一,位于环渤海经济圈的中心,是我国北方最大的沿海开放城市。


2004年,全市人口1024万人,市区人口484万。 2006年,天津市被国家环保总局认定为国家环境保护模范城市。

China Tianjin City Tianjin City call" jin ", is four one of the big and direct jurisdiction citieses of the our country, locate the center of economic turn in the wreath Bohai Sea, is an our country the north is biggest to open the city along with the sea。 Tianjin City governs 15 areas,3。

The city area total area more than 15000 square kilometers, set up 500 square kilometers of the area area。 In 2004,1024 myriad peoples of the whole city population, the downtown population 4,840,000。

In 2006, Tianjin City was affirm by the national environmental protection bureau for the country an environmental protection model city。 。



Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China. Its name means 'the place where the emperor crossed the river'. In recent years Tianjin has received more and more attention from both tourists at home and abroad due to its numerous travel resources and rich history.It is no exaggeration to say that Tianjin bears a splendid historical background. However, it was desecrated by foreign invaders long before the foundation of People's Republic of China. Tianjin was shared by nine countries: Italy, Germany, France, Russia, Great Britain, Austria, Japan and Belgium. This marked an extremely hard period for Tianjin and her people because those imperialist countries left permanent marks in her body, most notable of which were thousands of villas. Today those villas provide an exotic flavor to Tianjin, enhancing the beauty of the entire city.Blessed with variety of tourist attractions, Tianjin is a good place to explore. The top ten attractions in Tianjin, known as Jinmen Shijing, are Gu Wenhua Jie, Dagu Emplacement, Huangyaguan Great Wall, Dule Temple, Haihe River, Water Park, Panshan Mountain, Hotel Street and Food Street, Tianjin TV & Radio Tower and Zhonghuan Cailian. There are also many natural scenes of beauty as well as great historical events.Getting in and out of the city is convenient because of the well-planned transportation system. If you want to come by water, there are a series of international and domestic sea routes in the port of Tianjin, which is the biggest man-made port in China. If you plan to arrive by air, Tianjin Binhai International Airport offers excellent service. Planes have routes that reach most of the major cities in China and also cities in Europe and America. Of course, arriving in Tianjin by land is another option, while trains or long-distance buses are yet another alternative.Various hotels, guesthouses and hostels can also meet your different needs. In addition, there are all types of entertainment available to relax both your body and mind.天津是中国的四个直辖市之一。它的名字的意思是“皇帝过河的地方”。




排名前十被称作津门十景的是:黄崖关长城. 大沽口炮烟台,独乐寺,盘山,天后宫,海河,水上公园,中杯彩练,双城醉月和天津广播电视塔。另外还有许多和历史相关的自然美景.因为合理规划的交通系统,进出天津市非常方便。






Tianjin is the sixth largest city of the People's Republic of China in terms of urban population. Administratively it is one of the four municipalities that have provincial-level status, reporting directly to the central government. Also, its urban land area is the fifth largest in China, ranked only after Beijing,Shanghai,Guangzhou and Shenzhen.

Tianjin's urban area is located along the Hai He River, which connects to the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers via the Grand Canal in Tianjin. Its ports, some distance away, are located on Bohai Gulf in the Pacific Ocean. Tianjin was once home to foreign concessions in the late Qing Dynasty and early Kuomintang (KMT) era. The municipality now incorporates the coastal region of Tanggu, home to the Binhai and the Technology and Economic Developing Area (TEDA). Tianjin Municipality borders Hebei province to the north, south, and west; Chinese capital Beijing is to the northwest, and Bohai Gulf to the east.


Tianjin simply known as Jin is situated in the northeastern part of North China Great Plain, bordering the Bohai Sea in the east, leaning against the Yuanshan Mountain in the north, with its terrain traversing the Haihe River through north and south. It has become the hub of communications of North China and the gateway of the capital city.Tianjin is a municipality direct under the Central Government, as well as an opening city. It's situated in the eastern part of the North China Plain, covering an area of 11,300 square km. and with a population of six million. It has a semi-humid continental climate in the warm Temperate Zone. With an annual average temperature of 12 degrees centigrade, and rainfall of 590 millimeters, it has 220 frost-free days per year. It's rich in petroleum, natural gas and sea salt along the coastal area. As one of China's biggest industrial centers, Tianjin has built up an all-round industrial system with machinery, electronics, textiles, chemicals, metallurgy, foodstuff etc. as its mainstays. The production on a fairly large scale, of arts and crafts like hand-made carpets, Yangliuqing's New Year Pictures printed from an engraved wood plate, Zhang's painted clay figurines, kites etc. holds an important position in the country. Tianjin has already achieved successes in the operation of its Economic and Technological Development Zone in the northeastern part of Tanggu District, covering an area of 33 square km. Tianjin is one of the most prosperous business areas as well as a distribution center for goods and materials in North China. It's also a key hub of land and sea communications. Its port consisting of Tianjin, Tanggu and Xingang Harbours is an important Chinese Sea port, serving as the most convenient sea outlet for Beijing, North China and Northwest. The port accessible to ocean freighters of ten thousand tons class has opened more than 20 ocean shipping routes. Tianjin has a well-developed road transport network, regular air-service to over 30 cities throughout the country, and inland water shipping, in addition to the pipelines for oil transport. Tianjin is a famous historical city. The best known scenic spots and historical sites include Ning Garden, Tianhou Temple (Temple of Heavenly Empress), Dule Temple in Ji county, The Great Wall at the Huangya Pass, the Panshan scenery area etc. Efforts are being made to develop Tianjin primarily into a financial center in North China, an international commercial city and a free port.。


My hometown is a beautiful place with a population of eight million.

It stands beside the Gulf Bohai.

Tianjin has many high office and commercial buildings and wide treelined streets. Several excellent worldfamous institutions of higher learning are located here, namely Nankai University and Tianjin University. As a most important industrial center for North China, her hundreds of factories and joint ventures with foreign companies manufacture a wide range of topgrade and high-tech products or consumer goods. Many of these products have attained or surpassed world levels. Markets and department stores, big or small, are well-stocked with all kinds of goods, which are high in quality but low in price.

But in the old days,Tianjin used to be a poor and backward city characteristic of semi-colonialism and semi-feudalism. The few rich persons lived in luxury houses while the majority of the working people lived in old, shabby huts or buildings on narrow and muddy streets. The working class led a very miserable life.

Today people in Tianjin are going all out to build their city into a beautiful and prosperous place to live in.


我的家乡天津,在我国首都北京的东边, 是我国北方最大的沿海开放城市。 小荷作文网 ,你也可以投稿


我爱天津的海河,天津的母亲河-海河,是天津的象征。天津人日常生活闲逛、休憩的地方都离不开海河两岸,海河两岸是一览天津人面貌的最佳地带。 小荷作文网

天津的古建筑也很引人入胜, 几乎都有近百年的历史。令天津人引以自豪。天津的小洋楼,各种不同风格的建筑物争奇斗妍,被称为“世界建筑博物馆”。杨柳青的年画、泥人张的彩塑、砖雕等民间艺术珍品也很令人过目难忘。

我爱天津风味小吃, 除闻名中外的天津狗不理包子、耳朵眼炸糕、桂发祥麻花这三样外,还有张记果仁、曹记驴肉、石头门坎素包子以及贴饽饽熬小鱼等特色小吃。






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