2023-02-26 23:06:30



但由于古时候女子不能进学堂读书,祝英台只好日日倚在窗栏上,望着大街上身背着书箱来来往往的读书人,心里羡慕极了!难道女子只能在家里绣花吗?为什么我不能去上学?她突然反问自己:对啊!我为什么就不能上学呢? 想到这儿,祝英台赶紧回到房间,鼓起勇气向父母要求: “爹,娘,我要到杭州去读书。我可以穿男人的衣服,扮成男人的样子,一定不让别人认出来,你们就答应我吧!”祝员外夫妇开始不同意,但经不住英台撒娇哀求,只好答应了。

第二天一清早,天刚蒙蒙亮,祝英台就和丫鬟扮成男装,辞别父母,带着书箱,兴高采烈地出发去杭州了。 到了学堂,祝英台遇见了一个叫梁山伯的男同学,学问出众,人品也十分优秀。






梁山伯顿觉万念俱灰,一病不起,没多久就死去了。 听到梁山伯去世的消息,一直在与父母抗争的祝英台反而突然变得异常镇静。


只见祝英台走出轿来,脱去红装,一身素服,缓缓地走到坟前,跪下来放声大哭,霎时间风雨飘摇,雷声大作, “轰”的一声,坟墓裂开了,祝英台似乎又见到了她的梁兄那温柔的面庞,她微笑着纵身跳了进去。接着又是一声巨响,坟墓合上了。

这时风消云散,雨过天晴,各种野花在风中轻柔地摇曳,一对美丽的蝴蝶从坟头飞出来,在阳光下自由地翩翩起舞。 Key word: Butterfly Long long ago there was a landlord surnamed Zhu. He had a daughter named Zhu Yingtai who was very beautiful and smart and liked learning very much. However the girl was not permitted to go to school during that old time. So she had to stay at home and looked at the students coming and going on the street through the window everyday. She envied them very much and thought: Why the girl has to stay at home and do the embroidering? Why I can't go to school? Suddenly she went back to the room and told her parents with courage:"Dad, Mum, I want to go to Hangzhou to have classes. I can wear man's garments and act like a man and I will not be recognized .I promise. Please let me go, please! "The old couple didn't agree at first but had to do so later because Yingtai implored continually. The next morning, Yingtai and her maid all in man's suits set out to Hangzhou happily after bidding a farewell to her parents. At school she met a classmate named Liang Shanbo who was excellent and knowledgeable. They were like old friends just the moment they saw each other for the first sight. The two talked and discussed together a lot from then on. Later, they decided to be sworn brothers and became more intimate than before . Spring went autumn came. Three years had gone. It was time to say goodbye to her teacher and return home. Zhu Yingtai felt she loved Liang Shanbo very much after three year's studying together. Liang also hated to see her going home although he didn't know that she was a girl actually. They missed each other day and night after their parting . Several months' later, Liang Shanbo went to visit Zhu Yingtai and he found Yingtai a girl with surprise and rejoicing. Later, Liang Shanbo sent a woman matchmaker to Zhu's to get the permission of marrying with Yingtai. But the landlord had already accepted the proposal of the young master surnamed Ma, a son of a rich family. Liang Shanbo felt utterly sad and got sick severely. Soon he died. Yingtai who opposed her father's decision of marrying her with master Ma became strangely silent when she received the message of her brother Liang's passing away. She put the red wedding apparel on and went into the bridle sedan. When the party of escorting the bride passed by the tomb of Liang Shanbo. The wind blew hardly out of expectation. The party had to stop for the time being. Yingtai came out from the sedan and put the red wedding attire off and just was in white. She cried loudly and sadly in front of the tomb. A sudden thunder-storm came and the tomb split with loud 。


The story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai has been a household love story in China for more than 1000 years。

The heroine Zhu Yingtai, disguised as a man, becomes bosom friends with Liang Shanbo, a classmate of hers for 3 years。 Before returning home, Yingtai implies to shanbo that she will be his wife。

Knowing that Yingtai is woman, the delighted Shanbo hurries to her home, only to find that her family has betrothed her to someone else against her will。 Under the pressure of the patriarchal clan rules and feudal ethics, they die for love and return into a pair of butterflies。

The moving tragic legend extols pure love and freedom of love。 First appearing in the early Tang Dynasty, the story was put on the stage in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and plays based on the story was widely performed during the Ming and Wing dynasties。

The story has been handed down to this day in manifold forms 答案补充 。


梁祝的故事英文The love of two butterfliesN---narratorZ---Zhu YingtaiL---Liang ShanboS---servantW---Ma WencaiF---Zhu Yingtai's father M--- Zhu Yingtai's motherD---doctor SM---servant manL' M---Liang Shanbo's motherScene I (ask for school)Narrator: once there was an affluent family. The only daughter, Zhu Yingtai, was quite a beautiful girl. And she wanted to go to school to learn some knowledge. However, at that time, women were forbidden to go to school. In spite of that, she didn't give up and tried her best to persuade her parents……Servant: (outside the door). May I come in, lady? Here comes your favorite stewed chicken.Zhu Yingtai: no, just leave me alone!S: but you haven't eaten anything for two days. You will get sick if you don't eat anything.Zhu: That's much better. I'll enter heaven earlier.S: oh, God bless you. Why do you say that! Please, open the door!Zhu: You heard me, no!S: Please---Zhu: I won't say it again. Get out!Narrator: Then the servant goes to tell Zhu's parents about it.S: I'm sorry, master. But she refused to eat anything. Maybe she is ill.M: Really? Oh my dear! What should we do now? She is our only child!F: (Thinking for a moment, then to the servant) Go find a doctor as quickly as possible.S: Yes, sir.N: A few minutes later…S: Sir and Madam, here comes the doctor!M: Show him in quickly.Doctor: Nice to meet you, Sir and Madam.F&M: Nice to meet you, too.M: It's very strange that you look so familiar.F: Yes, he looks like Yingtai's cousin.D: Really? That sounds good. Well, let's get to the point. What's the matter with your daughter?M: She doesn't want to eat anything and tends to lose her temper easily.F: We don't know what we should do. You know she is our only daughter.D: Maybe it's really an abnormal disease.F: Is it serious?M: Please save my daughter's life, dear doctor.D: Well, has anything happened to her recently?F: oh, just some trifles.D: Exactly?M: She wants to go to school. You know, that's impossible.F: Have you heard of a girl studying at school? I won't let this happen in my family and be ashamed.D: That's the very point. I'm afraid only by meeting her requirement can we save your daughter's life.M: But---that is impossible.D: I've got an idea. How about pretending to be a man?F: Are you joking? No matter how she pretends, we can still tell.D: Don't be so sure. Even you may not recognize her sometimes.F: I don't think so. She is my daughter.D: What if you can't tell?F: If I can not, I will allow her to go to school.D: Really?F: Of course. I promise.D: (putting off the beard) Oh, my dear Dad. I love you so much!M: Ah, what's happening? You are……?D: yes, mum, it's me, Yingtai. Well, dad, you've promised I can go to school.F: You……M: (sign) Since you've made that promise, you should keep it.D: Thank you, mother, and also Dad.N: So, at last, Yingtai managed to go to school with her servant.Scene ⅡN: Yingtai has been in school for a few days. Even though her parents are not here and there is no friend, she is also very excited. One day, she goes to fly a kite in the backyard of the school.Z: look! My kite is flying. Be quick. Let it fly higher.S: oh Miss, do you hear some sound? Oh, I've never heard the sound before. It's so soft like a beautiful song.Z: Hey……, it is made by my kite. My kite can sing.S: I didn't know there is so charming a kite in the world.N: At this time, Ma Wencai appears.W: whose kite?Z: It's mine.W: Yours? From now on, it's mine.Z: No way.W: Do you know who I am?Z: It's none of my business.W: (so angry) Damn, I will make you know. (Then he comes to fetch)S: Wait, Mr. Ma, he is a new-comer. So he doesn't know the rules here. Forgive him, I beg your mercy. Let me tell him.S: His name is Ma Wencai. He comes from a very rich family. In this school, every one except the teacher is afraid of him. We'd better not disobey him.Z: Give my kite to that guy, impossible. (Turn to Ma Wencai) Get out of here as soon as possible; otherwise, I'll tell the teacher.W: Tell the teacher. First let me cut your tongue.N: Before Ma gets close to Zhu, the servant steps forward to stop him.S: Run! Run! Be quick!N: Yingtai picks up her kite. At the same time, she finds Wencai is beating her servant.Z: Help! Help! Ma Wencai is killing my servant.N: Then, Liang Shanbo comes.L: Stop! What are you doing?W: Who are you? It's interesting today. (Stop to turn to Liang) Do you know who I am?L: Of course I know. I know you are not a man.W: Oh, Damn. I think I should give you a good beating.N: Then, they two fight with each other and end up with Shanbo's winning. Ma Wencai runs 。


In Buddhism, when one died, usually one would wish to be reborn in the higher realms as humans or divas. But a pair of lovers find happiness to be reborn as a pair of butterflies after their death. One of the most popular Chinese folk stories that had been transformed into various artistic performances such as movies, novels, dramas, songs and a violin concerto is the legendary Butterfly Lovers. This violin concerto, which you are now listening to in midi format, had been made famous on the international scene by renowned performers such as Vanessa Mae (with the London Philharmonic Orchestra), Takako Nischizaki (with the Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra, Lim Kek-chang with the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, etc.). ACT I The Courtship The legend goes that a girl name Chu Ying-tai (literally, heroine platform) was a very beautiful young lady who wished to go to school to study like boys did. In ancient China, only boys were allowed to do certain things such as joining the Army or going to school. In order to do so, a girl had to be disguised as a boy and hopefully her identity was not revealed (hence the Disney movie Mulan!!). So, just like Mulan, Chu Ying-tai dressed up herself as a boy and off she went to school in a neighhourhood city. On the way to the city, Ying-tai met a handsome boy named Leung Shan-po (literally, mountain uncle) who was also going to the same school. Almost immediately, the two became very good friends, both on and off classes. Three years had passed and Shan-po still did not know that his school friend was actually a girl who had a crush on him. One day, she received a warning letter from her father ordering her to return home. Shan-po escorted her all the way, still not knowing that "he" was a girl even though she had given many hinds that she had fallen in love madly with him. When they departed, Ying-tai told him that she had a younger sister and "he" would ask "his" family to arrange a marriage with Shan-po. As Shan-po returned to school, his teacher's wife disclosed to him the secret: Ying-tai was a girl who had a crush on him. Suddenly, Shan-po was awakened from his foolishness and immediately went back to meet Ying-tai -- but it was too late。

. Act II Forced Marriage As Ying-tai returned home to see her parents, she heard a shocking news: her parents had arranged to marry her to the next door neighbour, Mr. Mah Man-choi, who was the son of a very rich merchant. During feudal times in China, all marriages were practically arranged by the parents, and the teaching of Confucius is that children MUST obey their parents with no argument whatsoever. After much conflicts, she had no choice but to accept the arrangement. Shan-po finally arrived at the village and the two lovers met at a local Pagoda. But, unfortunately, their first date turned out to be their last greeting during their life times. The two lovers, under the doctrines of Confucism, had to be separated. Shan-po became severely sick afterwards and soon died of heartbreaking and was buried next to the village. ACT III Their Rebirths as Butterflies It was the wedding day for Ying-tai, but it was far from happy. As the bride and her procession was passing by Shan-po's tomb, suddenly a loud thunder roared from Heaven. A thunderbolt had hit her lover's tomb and cracked it opened. Immediately, Ying-tai jumped into the tomb and killed herself. Then, Heaven roared again, striking the tomb with another thunderbolt. Miraculously, the tomb closed up again to return to its normal shape. Soon, a pair of butterflies appeared flying among the flower beds - the two lovers were reborn as butterflies. They could not get married as human beings, but they continued to live happily together in their next lives as a pair of butterflies.。


"Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai" and "White Snake", "Meng Jiangnu", "the Cowherd and Weaver" and said China four ancient legend. Among them, the legend is China the most radiation oral tradition art, China folklore only has wide influence in the world. The love story in folk for more than 1 thousand and 460 years, China is known to every family, spread love deep, known as the "Romeo and Oriental poetic masterpiece through the ages," Juliet said.

This is a beautiful, plaintive and touching love story, how many years since the Caoejiang River and spread in Shangyu spread in beautiful dragon at the foot of the mountain.



6.有谁会梁山泊与祝英台的英文介绍 简短的




The Butterfly Lovers or Liang Zhu is a Chinese legend about the tragic romance between two lovers, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai.

The legend is sometimes regarded as the Chinese equivalent to Romeo and Juliet.



The story was set in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.


Zhu Yingtai was a beautiful, intelligent young woman from a wealthy noble family in Shangyu, Zhejiang. She disguised herself as a young man traveling to Hangzhou to study. During her journey, she encountered Liang Shanbo, a scholar from Kuaiji. They felt like old friends at the first meeting, and took vows of brotherhood.


During the three years in school, Yingtai slowly fell in love with Shanbo, yet Shanbo never noticed that Yingtai was a woman. Then Yingtai received a letter from her father asking her to return home. When she was leaving, she asked Shanbo to visit her house to propose marriage to her "sister", who was really herself.


When Yingtai returned home, her parents forced her to marry Ma Wencai, a rich and spoiled gentleman. When Shanbo arrived, Yingtai told him the bad news. He was heartbroken, became seriously ill and died.


On the day Yingtai was to be married to Ma Wencai, whirlwinds prevented the wedding procession. Yingtai left the procession and went to the grave of Shanbo. She begged the grave to open up, and it did after a clap of thunder. Yingtai leapt into the grave to join her beloved Shanbo. Their spirits turned into a pair of beautiful butterflies and emerged from the tomb, flying together among the flowers forever, never to be apart again.




梁山伯与祝英台 英文版 故事

A young woman named Zhu Yingtai from Shangyu, Zhejiang, disguised herself as a man travelling to Hangzhou to study. During her journey, she met and joined Liang Shanbo, a companion schoolmate from Kuaiji (会稽, Kuàijī, now known as Suzhou) in the same province. They studied together for three years, during which their relationship strengthened. When the two parted, Zhu offered to arrange for Liang to marry her 59 fictitious sister. When Liang travelled to Zhu's home, he discovered her true gender. Although they were devoted and passionate about each other at that point, Zhu was already engaged with Ma Wencai (马文才, Mǎ Wéncái), a man her parents had arranged for her to be married to. Depressed, Liang died in office as a county magistrate. On the day Zhu was to be married to Ma, whirlwinds prevented the wedding procession from escorting Zhu beyond Liang's tomb. Zhu left the procession to pay her respects for Liang. Liang's tomb split apart, and Zhu dived into it to join him. A pair of butterflies emerged from the tomb and flew away.


The Butterfly Lovers is a Chinese legend of a tragic love story of a pair of lovers, Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai , whose names form the title of the story. The title is often abbreviated to Liang Zhu .

The story is now counted as one of China's Four Great Folktales, the others being the Legend of the White Snake (Baishezhuan), Lady Meng Jiang, and The Cowherd and the Weaving Maid (Niulang Zhinü). Six cities in China have collaborated in 2004 on a formal application for the Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity on the legend at UNESCO,submitted in 2006 through the Chinese Ministry of Culture.



9.谁能帮我发篇梁祝英文故事简介过来,其他ROMANTIC LOVE STORY

Key word: Butterfly Long long ago there was a landlord surnamed Zhu. He had a daughter named Zhu Yingtai who was very beautiful and smart and liked learning very much. However the girl was not permitted to go to school during that old time. So she had to stay at home and looked at the students coming and going on the street through the window everyday. She envied them very much and thought: Why the girl has to stay at home and do the embroidering? Why I can't go to school? Suddenly she went back to the room and told her parents with courage:"Dad, Mum, I want to go to Hangzhou to have classes. I can wear man's garments and act like a man and I will not be recognized .I promise. Please let me go, please! "The old couple didn't agree at first but had to do so later because Yingtai implored continually. The next morning, Yingtai and her maid all in man's suits set out to Hangzhou happily after bidding a farewell to her parents. At school she met a classmate named Liang Shanbo who was excellent and knowledgeable. They were like old friends just the moment they saw each other for the first sight. The two talked and discussed together a lot from then on. Later, they decided to be sworn brothers and became more intimate than before . Spring went autumn came. Three years had gone. It was time to say goodbye to her teacher and return home. Zhu Yingtai felt she loved Liang Shanbo very much after three year's studying together. Liang also hated to see her going home although he didn't know that she was a girl actually. They missed each other day and night after their parting . Several months' later, Liang Shanbo went to visit Zhu Yingtai and he found Yingtai a girl with surprise and rejoicing. Later, Liang Shanbo sent a woman matchmaker to Zhu's to get the permission of marrying with Yingtai. But the landlord had already accepted the proposal of the young master surnamed Ma, a son of a rich family. Liang Shanbo felt utterly sad and got sick severely. Soon he died. Yingtai who opposed her father's decision of marrying her with master Ma became strangely silent when she received the message of her brother Liang's passing away. She put the red wedding apparel on and went into the bridle sedan. When the party of escorting the bride passed by the tomb of Liang Shanbo. The wind blew hardly out of expectation. The party had to stop for the time being. Yingtai came out from the sedan and put the red wedding attire off and just was in white. She cried loudly and sadly in front of the tomb. A sudden thunder-storm came and the tomb split with loud noise amazingly. Yingtai who loved Liang deeply jumped into the tomb with smile before others could realize it. Then the tomb closed with a loud noise again. The wind ceased and the cloud scattered. Flowers were dancing in the wind.Two beautiful butterflies flying out of the tomb danced elegantly , freely and happily in the sun.。

10.用英语介绍一下唐诗和宋词 再介绍一下梁祝的故事

The Poems of the T'ang Dynasty (唐诗) As many a dynasty in Chinese history is marked by some phase of success representing the thought and life of that period, the T'ang Dynasty is commonly recognized as the golden age of poetry. Beginning with the founder of the dynasty, down to the last ruler, almost every one of the emperors was a great lover and patron of poetry, and many were poets themselves. A special tribute should be paid to the Empress Wu Chao or the "Woman Emperor" (684-704), through whose influence poetry became a requisite in examinations for degrees and an important course leading to official promotion. This made every official as well as every scholar a poet. The poems required in the examination, after long years of gradual development, followed a formula, and many regulations were established. Not only must the length of a line be limited to a certain number of the characters, usually five or seven, but also the length of a poem was limited to a certain number of lines, usually four or eight or twelve. The maintenance of rhymes, the parallelism of characters, and the balance of tones were other rules considered essential. This is called the "modern" or "ruled" poetry. In the Ch'ing or Manchu Dynasty the examination poem was standardized as a five-character-line poem of sixteen lines with every other line rhymed. This "eight-rhyme" poem was accompanied by the famous "eight-legged" literature ( a form of literature divided into eight sections ) as a guiding light for entrance into mandarin life.The above-mentioned rules of poetry applied first only to examination poems. But afterwards they became a common exercise with "modern" or "ruled" poems in general. Chinese poetry since the T'ang Dynasty has followed practically only two forms, the "modern" or "ruled" form and the "ancient" or "unruled" form. A poet usually writes both. The "eight-rhyme" poem, however, was practised for official examinations only.The most famous writers are Li Bai 李白 (Li Taibai 李太白), Du Fu 杜甫, Du Mu 杜牧, Meng Haoran 孟浩然, Wang Wei 王维, Bai Juyi 白居易 (Bo Juyi), Li Shangyin 李商隐, Yuan Zhen 元稹, and many more. Several thousand Tang poems are collected in the Qing time compilation Quan Tang Shi (Quantangshi) 全唐诗. The second half of Tang Dynasty saw the rise of a new poetry style. A poet should fill a traditional melody pattern with new words (ci 词). This ci style poem was more complicated like the old shi style poems and reached its maturity during Song Dynasty. The most important representant of Tang ci poetry was Li Yu 李煜, emperor of Southern Tang (937-975).------- The Lyrics of the S'ong Dynasty (宋词) The ci 词 lyric is very different from the shi type. Today the term ci simply means "word". While the older Tang Dynasty shi lyric can be read without minding the underlying melodies - even if there existed some underlying melodies - ci poetry must be seen as written songs. Most of the poems do not even have their own title, but they are named after an original melody. Composers and writers used this melody to write a new poem that could be sung to the original famous melody or tune pattern (cipai 词牌), a technique called contrafactury. This is the reason why we often see the same title for a ci poem, like Die lian hua 蝶恋花 "Butterflies love blossoms", Man ting fang 满庭芳 "Scent fills the hall", or Yu meiren 虞美人 "Lady Yu". There are more than 800 tune patterns. Ci lyric emerged during the Tang Dynasty in response to the popularity of foreign musical tunes imported from Inner Asia. During Song Dynasty, two different styles of ci poetry developed, the haofang 豪放 "heroic abandon", and the wanyue 婉约 "delicate restraint". Like shi poetry was still in use during the Song Dynasty (see an example of a Lu You shi), ci lyric again became very popular during the Qing Dynasty. Even the communist chairman Mao Zedong is considered to be a great ci poet. The "Three Hundred Song poems" (Song ci sanbai shou 宋词三百首) anthology was compiled by the "Jiangcun ci club" Shangjiang Cunmin 上强村民 under the guidance of Zhu Zumou (1859-1931) 朱祖谋. Except the examples below, there are some famous Song poets, like Wang Yucheng 王禹偁 (954-1101), Liu Yong 刘永 (980-1053), Yan Shu 晏殊 (991-1055), Mei Yaochen 梅尧臣 (1002-1060), Shao Yong 邵雍 (1011-1077), Wang Anshi 王安石 (1021-1086), Huang Tingjian 黄庭坚 (1045-1105), Qin Guan 秦观 (1049-1100), Zhao Buzhi 晁补之 (1053-1110), Chen Shidao 陈。



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