China's first sea-crossing high-speed railway under construction
2023-02-25 17:13:29

This aerial photo taken on Feb. 21, 2023 shows the Fuzhou South Railway Station under construction in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province. The 277-km railway runs along southeast China's coastline and crosses over three major bays on gigantic bridges. It's the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour. (Xinhua/Lin Shanchuan)

This aerial photo taken on Feb. 19, 2023 shows Fuqing West Railway Station of the new Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed railway in Fuqing, southeast China's Fujian Province. The 277-km railway runs along southeast China's coastline and crosses over three major bays on gigantic bridges. It's the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour. (Xinhua/Lin Shanchuan)

This aerial photo taken on Feb. 23, 2023 shows Xiamen North Railway Station of the new Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed railway in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province. The 277-km railway runs along southeast China's coastline and crosses over three major bays on gigantic bridges. It's the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour. (Xinhua)

Workers install the suspended ceiling at the waiting hall of Xiamen North Railway Station of the new Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed railway in Xiamen, southeast China's Fujian Province, Feb. 23, 2023. The 277-km railway runs along southeast China's coastline and crosses over three major bays on gigantic bridges. It's the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour. (Xinhua)

This aerial photo taken on Feb. 19, 2023 shows the construction site near the Fuqing West Railway Station of the new Fuzhou-Xiamen high-speed railway in southeast China's Fujian Province. The 277-km railway runs along southeast China's coastline and crosses over three major bays on gigantic bridges. It's the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour. (Xinhua/Lin Shanchuan)

Constructors lay floor tiles at Fuzhou South Railway Station in Fuzhou, southeast China's Fujian Province, Feb. 21, 2023. The 277-km railway runs along southeast China's coastline and crosses over three major bays on gigantic bridges. It's the country's first sea-crossing high-speed railway. With a designed speed of 350 km per hour and eight stations along the route, it is expected to slash the travel time between the two cities to just one hour. (Xinhua/Lin Shanchuan)



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