2023-02-23 22:10:23


UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. Such objects include meteors, disintegrating satellites, flocks of birds, aircraft, lights, weather balloons, and just about anything moving within the visible band of electromagnetism. In common language UFO has been often a synonym for an alien spacecraft。


UFO is an acronym for Unidentified Flying Object. Such objects include meteors, disintegrating satellites, flocks of birds, aircraft, lights, weather balloons, and just about anything moving within the visible band of electromagnetism. In common language UFO has been often a synonym for an alien spacecraft.

There are many photographs of UFOs and they are of equal quality: blurs and forgeries. Other physical evidence, such as alleged debris from alien crashes, or burn marks on the ground from alien landings, or implants in bodies of alien abductees, have turned out to be quite terrestrial, including forgeries. The main reasons for believing in UFOs are the testimony of many people, the inability to distinguish science fiction from science, the willingness to trust men telling fantastic stories, the ability to distrust all contrary sources as being part of a conspiracy to withhold the truth, and a desire for contact with the world above. Belief in aliens in UFOs is akin to belief in supernatural beings.


In China, UFO research is a scroll along ancient and modern history, and now we can be assured of is that China is the world's earliest recorded UFO phenomenon in the world. In addition to folklore, a large number UFO records scattered in the various books.



We all know that we live in a complex world .Although the technics of the human beings are developing all the time , we still got so many unsolved problems. Among all of this puzzles , UFO is one of the most noticable things. Now as everybody knows ,UFO is what we call Unknown Flying Object for short.For a period of time ,once we mentioned UFO , we always communicate it with high-tech ,extra-terrestrials ,outter space culture and many other exciting things . There are a lot of witnesses around the world ,affirming that they chanced to have seen some strange things in the sky . However , most of them cannot hand in the credible evidence .That's a pity. With the long-term efforts of the ufologists , most of the incidents are finally considered as natural phenomenons or human conducts . Some so-called UFO is just a bird , a plane , a balloon or even a plastic bag . Until now ,we haven't found any clues on real extraterrestrial civilization or supernatural phenomenon .But we are willing to see , with the constant exertion of humanity,we will get more profound knowledge , we will get to realize the essence of the world.We have the faith!不明飞行物 我们大家都知道我们生活在一个复杂的世界上。




这是一个遗憾。 在UFO专家的长期努力下,大多数的事件最终被证实只是自然现象或者是人类的行为。

一些所谓的UFO只不过是一只鸟,一架飞机,一个气球,甚至只是一个塑料袋子。 我们还没有找到一点有关真正的地外文明和超自然现象的线索。



We all know that we live in a complex world .Although the technics of the human beings are developing all the time , we still got so many unsolved problems. Among all of this puzzles , UFO is one of the most noticable things.

Now as everybody knows ,UFO is what we call Unknown Flying Object for short.For a period of time ,once we mentioned UFO , we always communicate it with high-tech ,extra-terrestrials ,outter space culture and many other exciting things .

There are a lot of witnesses around the world ,affirming that they chanced to have seen some strange things in the sky . However , most of them cannot hand in the credible evidence .That's a pity.

With the long-term efforts of the ufologists , most of the incidents are finally considered as natural phenomenons or human conducts . Some so-called UFO is just a bird , a plane , a balloon or even a plastic bag .

Until now ,we haven't found any clues on real extraterrestrial civilization or supernatural phenomenon .But we are willing to see , with the constant exertion of humanity,we will get more profound knowledge , we will get to realize the essence of the world.We have the faith!







Every year, hundreds of people say that they have seen strange or unusual things in the sky. We call the object UFO. There are aliens in the object. It is said that in China a farmer has been carried for three times, to another city where is thousand meters away from his home when he was sleeping. once I watched a TV programme which was about aliens. Race but happens to have a counterpart, the mysterious thing happened again in Spain. One night a man was driving along on highway, which was empty. Darkness was around him. It seemed to be the only car on the highway. Suddenly there was a ray of dazzling light appeared I front of him. The light became brighter and brighter. He felt there was an object above his head. He was puzzled and anxious. His heart was eating very fast. Soon the light disappeared and fog arose and he couldn't see anything. He drove fast. He was afraid but he wanted to know what it was. There was no sound outside the car. He didn't stop driving until the sun rose. He found he was in an unfamiliar city. He asked the local for help and told them what had happened to him. But the local didn't believe that he could drive his car from Spain to Mexico in one night. Then the only thing he could do was finding the ambassador of Spanish. He came back to the hometown a few days later. Some scientists thought that were just a dream. But he is sure it is true. I don't think this story is true. After all, seeing is believing.。


We all know that we live in a complex world .Although the technics of the human beings are developing all the time , we still got so many unsolved problems. Among all of this puzzles , UFO is one of the most noticable things.

Now as everybody knows ,UFO is what we call Unknown Flying Object for short.For a period of time ,once we mentioned UFO , we always communicate it with high-tech ,extra-terrestrials ,outter space culture and many other exciting things .

There are a lot of witnesses around the world ,affirming that they chanced to have seen some strange things in the sky . However , most of them cannot hand in the credible evidence .That's a pity.

With the long-term efforts of the ufologists , most of the incidents are finally considered as natural phenomenons or human conducts . Some so-called UFO is just a bird , a plane , a balloon or even a plastic bag .

Until now ,we haven't found any clues on real extraterrestrial civilization or supernatural phenomenon .But we are willing to see , with the constant exertion of humanity,we will get more profound knowledge , we will get to realize the essence of the world.We have the faith!







UFO(俗称飞碟),是Unidentified Flying Object的简称,意指所有一切未经查明或者不可识别的飞行物;经专家、科学工作者鉴别,不可识别的飞行物体。这个词最早出现于40年代美国空军的调查报告中。




UFO全称UNIDENTIFIED FLYING OBJECT『前为缩写,意为不明飞行物,则飞碟』 什么是UFO? 飞碟的英文缩写为UFO。

严格讲飞碟只属于UFO的一种,即类似碟子形状的不明飞行物。而UFO还包括不明飞行生物或不明自然现象.Unidentified Flying Objects 简称为UFO,是出现在天空或地面附 近的一种奇异的光或物体,我们还不知其由来。

某些人相信它是来自 其他行星的太空船,有的人以为UFO之出现乃自然现象。即使是科学 家也无法解释所有的UFO报告。

目击者描述飞碟的种类很多。其中有许多UFO形状类似一只发光的管 子或碟子,飞行速度甚高,不是宁静无息,便是有一种嘶嘶声。

它的 出现会让动物惊慌,使无线电(收音机等)产生静电干扰。有时且会 登陆在地面留下痕迹。

近几百年来,人们常报告看到天空中有神秘的物体。二次世界大战期 间(1939 - 45),这类报告大增。

许多军方和民间的飞行员声称目击 奇怪且会移动的光。他们叫它做Foo-Fighter。

至於别的报告(其中有 的被叫做飞碟)发生在本世纪中期的美国及其他国家。这些报告许多 是来自可靠的观察家,有的人曾拍下看到的东西。

大多数的 UFO 报告,科学家已提供了合理的解释。比方说,在许多 例子中,报告的 UFO 事后被认明是一颗流星、一个行星、一艘火箭 、一颗星星、一颗人造卫星或是一个气球,飞机或其排出之尾迹,在 异常照射情况下被人看了,也会当成 UFO 报告。

此外,大气层状态 也会产生眼睛上的错觉,被误认为UFO。但仍有百分之五未能确明是 何种物体。

自 1966 到 68 年,美国空军发起了一项UFO研究工作,由科罗拉多大 学的科学家来进行。科学家们无法解释所有的 UFO 报告,可是证明 不出 UFO 是来自别的行星。

空军也调查了发生于 1947 到 69 年的 12618 件报告。调查终了,结论是 UFO 对国家安全没有威胁。

在 1890 年代,北美州各处都有人看到奇怪的飞船,开著明亮的搜索灯,在农场或小镇的上空飞行。有些人宣称他们见到了开飞船的人,研究人员不认同这些描述的可信度,许多调查人员认为飞船的报告是由当地的「吹牛俱乐部」所传播的骗局,或是由具有想像力的记者所写出来的故事,以提高报纸的销售量。

然而,有些幽浮学家深信这些飞船的目击事件是历史上最早的可信的 UFO 报告。 在二次大战期间,有飞行员看到奇怪的、明亮的光球在他们的飞机旁边飞行,他们把这些光叫做 foo fighters,这字的起源是当时很受欢迎的漫画来的。

起先盟军指挥部相信这些 foo fighter 是德军的秘密武器或监察装置,一直到战后他们才发现德军的飞行员也看这这些明亮的光点,还以为是美军或英军的秘密装备呢! 在 1946 年的夏季及秋季,在瑞典和挪威的上空出现好几次不寻常的飞行物,有人把它们叫做「幽灵火箭 (ghost rocket)」当时人们相信这些是俄罗斯人从德军战时的火箭计划所开发出来的武器。瑞典国防部说明,一千次的幽灵火箭中,有百分之八十是可以用自然现象来解释的,但是有大约 200 个案例,无法用自然现象、瑞典或俄罗斯飞行器,或是误认来解释的。

虽然飞船与 foo fighter 的报告会比古代在天上出现的怪异奇迹要来得详细,也较为可信,但许多幽浮学家也质疑这些目击事件能不能让人接受为真正的 UFO 报告。因此,许多研究人员说,现代的 UFO 时代是从 1947 年的 6 月 24 日开始的,那是商人兼飞行员的 Kenneth Arnold 的目击事件。

他驾者小型飞机沿华盛顿州的 Cascade 山区飞行时,看到了九个新月型的物体,沿著山的棱线飞行,虽然他只看到了三分半钟,他知道这些并不是一般的飞机。他用无线电报告了目击事件,当他在机场降落时,已有记者等在那里要问问题了。

他把那些物体的移动状况描述为:「就像你将酱油碟在水面上抛过去一样」,「飞碟」这个名词就是这麽来的。 自从四十年代开始发生了UFO现象后, 直至现在, 不同地区已超过百万人次有遇到UFO之经验. 就一些目击者称, 他们在晚空看到一些不普通的光. 及受到UFO之绑架. 在绑架期间, 他们可能会和"异型"交谈, 医学实验, 强暴, 植入一些物件在体内, 或甚至飞住其他星球. 墨西哥洲是世界上发现最多飞碟 UFO 的地方. 在 1947 年,飞碟堕毁的报导开始了全世界的 UFO 热潮. 在 1947 年 的某月某日,有消息报导,在墨西哥洲的 ROSWELL 发现有不明飞行物体堕毁,并拍下了数张公开了的照片、传说便是外星人的尸体. 以综合众多个案,接触事件可分类为: 第一类接触:远距离发现幽浮,仅是目击者遥远看到。

第二类接触:近距离目击飞碟,对目击者或地物留下痕迹。 第三类接触:直接和外星人接触,包括对话、绑架以及肌肤接触等。

证据种类: 目击〔人证〕、照片、影片、雷达、实体〔飞碟及外星人本体、用品或残骸〕、环境痕迹〔压扁植物、脱水折枝、牲畜惊吓、动物死亡、地面印痕、土壤变质等〕、人体效应〔目眩目盲、烧灼疼痛、精神错乱〕 一九四七年七月四日罕见的大雷雨夜晚,在美国新墨西哥州罗斯威尔附近,发生不明物体坠毁事件。 一九四七年七月五日,距科罗那(Corona)50公里、距罗斯威尔(Roswell)西北方120公里的一个农场主。

10.谁能给我个UFO的英文简介 也要中文

An unidentified flying object (usually abbreviated to UFO or U.F.O.) is any unusual apparent object or phenomenon in the sky whose cause cannot be identified by the observer, or (in a narrower definition) by investigators; though in popular usage it more loosely means alien spacecraft, being one explanation (among several) offered for such sightings. Though UFO sightings have occurred throughout history, modern interest in them dates from World War II, since when governments have investigated UFO reports, often from a military perspective, and UFO researchers have investigated, written about and created organizations devoted to the subject.

Studies have established that the majority of UFOs are observations of some real but conventional object—most commonly aircraft, balloons, noctilucent clouds, nacreous clouds, or astronomical objects such as meteors or bright planets — that have been misidentified by the observer as anomalies, while a small percentage of reported UFOs are hoaxes. However, after excluding these incorrect reports, between 5% and 20% of the total remain unexplained, and so can be classified as unidentified in the strictest sense. Many such reports have been made by trained observers such as pilots, police and the military; some involve radar traces, so not all reports are visual. Proponents of an extraterrestrial hypothesis believe that these unidentified reports are of alien spacecraft, though various other hypotheses have been proposed.

无法立即向观测者解释清楚的空中物体或光学现象。第二次世界大战以后,随着航空航天事业的发展,人们对不明飞行物的关注倍增。20世纪50年代一个调查异常现象的美国政府科学小组报告,不明飞行物中有90%是天文或气候现象,或者看到的是飞机、鸟类或热气,有时则是由于异常的天气条件造成的。有些现象仍然无法解释,在20世纪 60年代中期,个别科学家认为少数报告显示有天外来客的出现。这种耸人听闻的假说在报刊发表后,立即遭到其他科学家的反对。始于1968年的美国空军不明飞行物研究报告坚决摒弃天外来客说,但美国大部分公众和少数科学家仍然支持此种假说。不明飞行物报告在可靠性方面有很大差别。肉眼很容易产生错觉,雷达对不明飞行物的探测虽然在某些方面较为可靠,但可能无法将有形物体与流星余迹、雨水或热跃变的径迹区分开,并且还会受到电波干扰。



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