2023-02-23 10:45:21


My name is Wendy, Im seven years old.


I study in Asdon English School for half a year.


Im a happy girl, because my face is very big!


I have a happy family, Daddy,Mommy and me.


I like pink and purple, and I like rabbit. I also like playing badminton with my parents.


I like to speak English better because it can say "Pingguo" as "Apple" and call "Maomi" as "cat", very interesting!


Make friends with me. Let's say together .






Hello everyone

My name is,。 I am nineteen years old. There are four people in my family, my parents, my grandmother and I. I love my family. I am interested in dancing, singing and playing the piano. I am a lively girl. I love children very much. I hope I can be an excellent children teacher. Thanks very much.


Hello, everyone.

My name is XXX. You can call me Andy in English. I'm from China. I'm 。。 years old. As you can see, I have big eyes and round face. I am not very tall but I am very smart.

I like English. Sometimes I talk with my mom in English. My mom helped me a lot in learning English. I like singing, dancing and drawing. My favorite colors are blue and green. These two colors make me think of the sky, ocean and forest. I want to grow up to be a man with broad mind like the sky, to be a deep thinker like ocean and an active protector for others like forest. Thank you!


My name is Wendy, Im seven years old. 我的名字叫Wendy,今年7岁。

I study in Asdon English School for half a year. 在Asdon英语学校学习英语半年了。 Im a happy girl, because my face is very big! 我是个幸福的女孩,因为我的脸很大! I have a happy family, Daddy,Mommy and me. 我有一个幸福的家,爸爸、妈妈和我。

I like pink and purple, and I like rabbit. I also like playing badminton with my parents. 我最喜欢的颜色是粉色和紫色,我最换的动物是兔子。我还喜欢和爸爸妈妈一起打羽毛球。

I like to speak English better because it can say "Pingguo" as "Apple" and call "Maomi" as "cat", very interesting! 我更喜欢说英语,因为他可以把“苹果”说成“Apple”,把猫咪叫成cat,有趣吧! Make friends with me. Let's say together . 和我交朋友,我们一起说吧。 拓展资料: 幼儿英语教育启蒙应坚持“听说领先”。


听说读写、自然拼音、单词拼写之间存在着内在的联系,每一个家长在孩子开始学英语之前,都应该对此有个清楚的认识。 参考资料:百度知道-幼儿英语教育。


my name is xxx. I'm great to see you. I'm x years old. I can wear clothes by myself as brush my teeth and wash my face. my best favorite color is green, because green is means peace. my best favorite food is 。。。 my best favorite sport is 。。。.my home town is 。。..,which is beautiful town. There are father,mother and I in my family, my father is a worker ,my mother is a docter,we are very happy everyday. I'm great to make friends with you.Thank you.




Hello everyone! My name is Allen, I'm six years old. I have been studying at OK English school for two months. I like watching KAKU cartoons and car toys. I also like sports. My favourate sport is basketball. Candy is the best food for me, how about you?大家好,我叫Allen,今年六岁了,我在OK英语学校学习英语2个月了。




大家好 我叫### 毕业于##幼儿师范学校 我爱这个美丽和谐的校园!也非常感谢学校对我们得培养! 我来自## 我爱我的家乡 我今年20岁 有一个很温暖的家庭 有爸爸 妈妈 哥哥 。

我是一个活泼开朗的女孩 我喜欢微笑面对生活 因为我相信只要用心去做每一件事 再大的困难都会被我们的真心所融化 就会有成功的那一刻,所以我想问:今天你微笑了吗!孩子是天真无邪的,作为未来老师的我 我会以一颗童心和真心对待他们 爱他们。

我的爱好很多 喜欢画画 我觉得画画可以考验一个人的耐心和细心 ,我喜欢听歌,因为听歌可以让我在放松的状态下思考问题 那样想得就更具体全面。我喜欢挑战自己 ,在将来的工作岗位上我会用我的行动来证明我的能力,用我的爱心,细心 耐心 责任心 和童心去对待每一个幼儿 ,用我得微笑面对所有 !谢谢!

Hello everybody my name is ###, ### children graduated from the Normal School, I love this beautiful and harmonious campus! Also very grateful to have culture in our schools! I am from the ### I love my home I am 20 years old have a very warm family father mother and her brother.

I am a cheerful girl and I liked the smiling face of life because I believe that as long as the intention to do everything with the greatest difficulty would be that we really will have successfully melted the moment, so I ask: Today you smile you! Children are innocent, as a future teacher I have a childlike innocence and I will treat them really love them.

I love a lot like painting I think painting can test one's patience and careful, I like the songs, because songs can make me think in a state of relaxation to be more specific as comprehensive. I like to challenge myself to work on in the future I will use my actions to prove my ability, with my love, patience, responsibility and innocence careful to treat each child, with the face of all I have to smile! Thank you!



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