2023-02-15 16:21:32

  As of Feb. 13, Türkiye's Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD) had carried out a comprehensive deployment of large-scale excavating equipment in earthquake-stricken areas. The rescue coordination and command center of the Ramunion rescue team assessed the local situation and believed that we had completed our rescue tasks and could leave for home.

  After receiving approval to leave from the Chinese Embassy in Türkiye and China's Ministry of Emergency Management, Ramunion gave orders to our team members on the front line: All personnel and equipment would evacuate Türkiye's Hatay Province on the afternoon of Feb. 13 local time and return to China in the small hours of Feb. 15.

  Members of the rescue team of Ramunion pose for a group photo after completing rescue tasks in Hatay Province, Türkiye, Feb. 11, 2023. (Photo courtesy of the rescue team of Ramunion)

  Looking back on our rescue experience in the country, I can remember how people gave us warm looks as we arrived at Istanbul Airport six days ago. They were so anxious for us to reach the quake-stricken areas as soon as possible that they were even willing to let us take their flight to go first.

  We have all been hoping for miracles. However, earthquake rescue is not an easy job. It relies on science, respect for facts, a rational and rigorous attitude, and cooperation among team members. We often have to carry out a massive search and conduct assessment of the structure of a building and the security of the surrounding environment before demolishing it.

  I think I will remember the frightened face of the child we rescued in Belen town on Feb. 9 for the rest of my life.

  A woman rescued by the Ramunion rescue team gives a thumbs up to rescuers. (Photo courtesy of the rescue team of Ramunion)

  I can still recall the excitement of Wang Bin, the deputy head of our rescue team, when we finally confirmed that the people we were trying to locate were still alive. Before that, we had spent more than three hours working at the site, inspecting and demolishing the building.

  "We found them! We found them!" he cried. It was a family of five. The mother couldn't speak when she was carried out, but tried her best to give a thumbs up to the rescuers. There was thunderous applause from the crowd. Everyone had been waiting so eagerly to see lives saved.

  As of the evening of Feb. 12 local time, the rescue team of Ramunion had searched 178 collapsed buildings in four cities of Hatay Province, rescuing and helping rescue a total of 24 people. Among them, nine survived.

  The world needs mutual assistance and love. The rescue operation has given me an opportunity to get to know Türkiye. When we worked together with the local people, I was deeply impressed by their modesty, courtesy, rigorous manner, and carefulness.

  Members of the rescue team of Ramunion run to a rescue site. (Photo courtesy of the rescue team of Ramunion)

  When you provide assistance to others, you have to respect and understand them. Our team members have also impressed the local people with our respect for the local customs, our professionalism and scientific approach in rescue work.

  I believe we have made it. We have carried out a transnational rescue operation in a professional manner.

  Chinese people enjoy having a major influence in the world. As we become better versions of ourselves, we are able to help and influence others.

  The rescue team of Ramunion has taken part in 17 transnational rescue operations. The team’s professionalism is a reflection of China's strength in international humanitarian assistance.

  I'm convinced that as long as we do a good job in everything we think is worth doing, we will win the admiration of the entire world.

  Members of the rescue team of Ramunion pose for a group photo at a frontline camp in İskenderun, Hatay Province, Türkiye, Feb. 8. (Photo courtesy of the rescue team of Ramunion)



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