2023-01-30 12:09:31


A. Nice weather ,isn't it?


It sure was hot last week.


B. I'm glad it is getting cooler as we are into autumn now.

真高兴现在是秋天, 凉快一点儿了.

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival.


A. What's that?


B. It is a traditional Chinese holiday. It falls on the 15th day of the eighth moon according to the lunar calendar.

是一个传统中国节日, 农历的八月十五日.

A. What do you do on Moon Festival ?


B. It's a time for family reunion. 是全家团圆的日子.

A. Any traditional food ?(Any special food?)

有没有什么传统的(或特别的) 食物?

B. Yes, we eat moon cake for dessert.

有, 我们吃月饼当甜点.

Dragon Boat Festival was for commemorates China ancient times poet Qu Yuan to produce






A:We need to buy some office stationery!

B:I am not sure about it .What kind of stationer should we buy?

C:You can contact some factory for help, Ningbo Ideal Stationery Co.,ltd.

A:Good suggestion, i wll check later.

B:We will maek a decision later.

3.关于节日的英语对话,两人 的,要两分钟

A. Nice weather ,isn't it?


It sure was hot last week.


B. I'm glad it is getting cooler as we are into autumn now.

真高兴现在是秋天, 凉快一点儿了.

Today is Mid-Autumn Festival.


A. What's that?


B. It is a traditional Chinese holiday. It falls on the 15th day of the eighth moon according to the lunar calendar.

是一个传统中国节日, 农历的八月十五日.

A. What do you do on Moon Festival ?


B. It's a time for family reunion. 58英语,简单学习


A. Any traditional food ?(Any special food?)

有没有什么传统的(或特别的) 食物?

B. Yes, we eat moon cake for dessert.

有, 我们吃月饼当甜点.


有关节日的英语对话,是4个人的 高二的 什么节日都可以 不过最好是愚人节的 问题补充:最好是普通学生之间的对话 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 A: Hi GuysB/C/D: Hello AA: What are you doing?B: We are having a discussion about April fool's Day.A: What about it?C: Do you know where the concept of April fool's Day came from?A: I think I read about it the school newspaper. Since April 1st signifies the start of the spring planting season, so some people wanted to have some fun before all the work begins. Therefore, they invented April fool's Day. Is that right?C: Sounds about right. Although I read in an English newspaper that April fool's Day dates back to the time of Noah. It was named for the day when Noah accidentally sent his dove off too early, before the waters had receded. A: Is that so? Interesting.D: Never mind that. We were talking about our plan for April fools day.A: Plans?D: Yes, I want to pull a prank in school today. All those homework has put a lot of stress on me, on us. I think everyone could use a laugh.A: I don't think Ms. Lin will appreciate your prank.D: Why not?A: Because we have our English presentations today. It is an important project. It is worth 30% of our mark.D: WHAT!!! The presentations are due today? B, please let me copy you homework! (D runs off with B, leaving wide-eyed A & C behind)C: Um… The English presentations are not due today. They are due on April 7th.A: (shrugged) I know. April fools.。


地道的bbc英语 Michael: I love Xmas!Billy: What is your favorite aspect of the Christmas season Michael?Michael: I love to see the fact that people are happy, peaceful and looking forward to their holidays.Billy: What about all of the decorations? What about the carolers in the streets and the frenzied shoppers hunting for last minute bargains?Michael: I do like all of those things but my favorite part of Xmas is the good cheer of everyone.Billy: You know that not everyone celebrates Xmas though?Michael: Yes, but it seems that the good Xmas mood has a positive effect on all people.Billy: Maybe we should find a way to make it Xmas everyday! 迈克尔:我喜欢圣诞节!比利:你最喜欢圣诞季节的哪一个方面,迈克尔?迈克尔:我喜欢看到人们快乐、祥和并且在期盼着节日的到来。

比利:所有那些装饰品怎么样?街上那些唱圣诞颂歌的人们还有那些等到最后一分钟疯狂买便宜货的人们呢?迈克尔:我确实都喜欢所有这些东西,不过圣诞节我最喜欢的一个部分是每个人都兴高采烈。比利:可是你知道并不是人人都庆祝圣诞节吗?迈克尔: 知道,不过好像圣诞节的美好气氛对所有人都产生正面影响。

比利:也许我们应该寻找一种方法,把每一天都变成圣诞节! Michael: It seems that the whole world has gone Christmas mad!Billy: Why do you say that Michael?Michael: Everywhere I look I see Xmas decorations and everywhere I go I hear Xmas carols!Billy: Well, decorations and carols and two important aspects of the Christmas festival.Michael: What about Xmas cards? Have you sent yours yet?Billy: You know that I am always well organized. I bought cards in July, arranged my address book in September, wrote the cards in November and posted them two weeks ago.Michael: What about your Xmas shopping? I bet you have not finished that yet!Billy: I did all of that July during the sales, so I could save a fortune.Michael: I have so much to learn!第 1 页:对话文本 第 2 页:参考翻译 迈克尔:看起来整个世界都在为圣诞节而疯狂!比利:你为什么这么说,迈克尔?迈克尔:我无论看哪里都能看到圣诞装饰品,无论去哪都能听到圣诞歌声。比利:圣诞装饰品和圣诞歌曲是圣诞节两个很重要的方面。





How old you this year? . I this year 18.. What kind of fruit do you like? . I like to eat apples.. What is your favorite sport? . My favorite sport is basketball. 你今年多大了?。





7.求简单的英语2人对话 3分钟左右 不要太难

已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 谁有大学英语2人对话 [ 标签:英语 对话,大学,英语 ] 大学英语2人对话,时间在5分钟左右的。 ぁ★蕊☆い 回答:3 人气:11 解决时间:2009-01-02 23:33 检举 (Sam and Tom are talking about the difference between Collage and university)

Tom: hi Sam, how are you?

Sam: good thanks

Tom: so, is every thing fine at your university?

Sam: pretty good. Just feel a bit weird.

Tom: same here, I feel weird too about going to university everyday without any having any interest about it.

Sam: it's like you feel like you're rejected, nothing feels unfamiliar to you, and sometimes you gets really scared of a teacher. It's nothing like collage at all!

Tom: I agree, even some of my classmates were scared too, because all teachers look much severed.

Sam: in collage, at least the teachers aren't that scary and strict. Homework are not so hard. In university, homework are increasing so fast that you can't get a breath out of it!

Tom: next week, I'm having a test, and they said it's going to be so hard!

Sam: me too, not next week, but soon. In collage, we don't get much trouble if we don't get a high mark, but in university, you just have to go for it, try as hard as you can to graduate at the end.

Tom: yes, I think I better go back home to study now, see ya!

Sam: ok, see ya!


杰克:Hi, Happy new year! 嗨.新年快乐!凯特:Hey,the same to you! 嘿.新年快乐!杰克:Time flies!One year has been a history aleady! 时间过得真快!又一年过去了.凯特:Definitely,it`s time to say byebye to the last year and to say hello to the new year! 是啊.是时候和旧年说再见迎接新年到来了.杰克:Yeah.Did you made some good resolutions for this new year? 是啊.你有制定什么新年计划吗?凯特:Some resolutions?That`s a wonderful idea,but I have no idea yet.How about you? 新年计划?这个想法不错诶.但是我还没有想好.你呢?杰克:I want to be healthier this year,so I think I should take more exercises. 我想要更健康.所以我打算多做运动.凯特:That will be a good job!Anything else? 好计划.还有吗?杰克:Maybe I should make a plan about learning my biochemistry,what a mass! 也许制定计划好好学学我的生物化学.我的生物化学学得实在太烂了.凯特:Sounds great!Let`s go to make our plans! 听起来很不错.让我们一起去制定我们的新年计划吧.杰克:Let`s go! 好的。


Mary:Hi!Tom,you look fine in the new shirt!Tom:Thanks a lot for saying so.And you are quite beautiful in the fine sirt.Mary:Thanks!Then,what food do you like to eat for lunch?Tom:Oh,I like noodles very much.But my brother likes rice.How about you?Mary:I'd like to have rice,too.However,my parents prefer noodles for lunch.So,my parents often have to prepare special meals for me.This make me greatly moved by their love.Tom:You are very lucky to be taken good care of,and so am I.By the way,what do you want to do in the future?Mary:I am looking forward to going to university and then work as an engineer after graduation.What's your dream?Tom:I am fond of music ,therefore,I am going to study music at collge and then work as a singer.Mary:Then,let's study hard and work together to make our dreams come true.手工原创,专业帮助。




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