2023-01-27 08:33:44


盘口我不会看 但你问的这个问题我觉得可以说一下我的看法 我觉得不管什么样的盘口他们的第一目的是盈利 第二是在盈利少的情况下尽可能压到最低损失 所以我觉得他们的盘怎么变化都是以 盈亏平衡为标准 你的这7中可能中发现3. (0.75) 主受让半球 (1.10)和6. (0.80) 主受让平/半 (1.05)的陪率是高的 在我看来 这两个盘是最平衡的盘 我觉得这4个数字是决定了 这期销量的综合指数 包括投住总额对比 和交易量对比 剩下的5个 我有点怀疑 是各大庄家之间的一种无形的共事 因为他们都是以盈利为基础的 但这个手段我不可能知道 要不然他们就得喝西北风了 呵呵好运~~!~~。



具体有问题可以联系我。Dear ***, I am an honest fan of yours from China named XXX(你的名字) .Although I live in the orient china ,I always look for every chance to watch your match on TV .I know you are one of the best clubs all over the world ,there are many world stars in your team like XXX,XXX and XXX (球队的明星名字).In all your stars, I like XXX (你最喜欢的该球队球星的名字)best,he is the best player as far as I know.His nice pass ,shoot,skill often lead you to win each match.,I crary for all that.I bagan to support you since 19XX(开始支持该球队的时间),that year you get the champions of league,and I never forget that exciting time. From then I became your real fan.Last season you played not very well,you lost to XXX(该球队输给过的强队),I think you had the power to beat any oppinent including XXX.I could not find out a reason of that.Perhaps you are lack of luck.Several days before I watched a match between you and XXX(几周内该队曾经交手的对手),and at last you win the game with X:X(该队赢球的比分),it is a good bigining of the road to champion,I hope you will do as well as this game and good luck will follow you forever.As your fan ,I long to see you get a champion again.I think there are too many famous stars in your team,it is no doubt that they realy do work for the team,and many fans come to stadion to see the stars,but I believe sometimes young player could do more,they have more energy,power and the most importance is that they are the future of team,they need more chance,I hope you could grow your own stars like manchester united.Can you agree with me?It is known to all that China is a beautiful country,we have the Great Wall,favourite food, lovely panda and esperially many your honest football fans like me.I hope I could have the chance to watch your match here,how happy it will be if it comes to true!I believe the day will come one day.At china there are few souvenir of yours for sale,as your fan I long to get some from you,can you help me?I know it is very hard but I hear you are always very kind.I long to get your letter soon.With Best WishesYoursXXX(你的名字)。





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