2023-01-27 07:45:15

1.用汉语复述电影 圣诞夜惊魂 主要内容






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故事发生在阴暗灰冷的万圣镇,那里住着各种各样的鬼怪,他们唯一的任务就是为每年一度的万圣节作准备。瘦高个子的稻草人,顶着一颗人类的骷髅头——南瓜王子杰克深受怪物的爱戴,但是却没有人知道他内心的痛苦,他有着诗人般忧郁浪漫的情怀,渴望着不同于万圣村邪恶之灵的生活。 当杰克无意在树林的深处发现了一圈有着奇怪的门的大树,他被其中一扇刻有圣诞树的门深深吸引了,好奇之下,他打开了这扇神奇的门,结果一下子坠入到了另一个洁白的冰雪世界——圣诞镇,镇上明亮的灯光和斑斓的色彩使稻草人惊奇不已,而镇上那种欢乐的气氛更让杰克心驰神往。为了体会圣诞节,他绑架了圣诞老人,并按照圣诞节的规矩生产“礼物”。 杰克有着美好的愿望——要给人们带来欢乐,但是他手下的妖怪却只会生产各式各样吓人的玩具,他们一心以为这是伟大的杰克想出的又一个“整人计划”,于是圣诞节还是变成了万圣节,人们从孩子的惊叫声中醒来,他们将穿着圣诞老人衣服正满心欢喜地驾着鹿车飞过天空的杰克一炮轰了下来……


he film begins in Halloween Town, a magical world inhabited by various creatures who make elaborate plans for a dark ceremony every year on October 31, hoping for each Halloween to be superior to the last. Though the residents of Halloween Town are always up for a trick or a good scare, they never truly mean to hurt anyone with their holiday. The land is led by Jack Skellington, a slender undead creature who is thought to be the scariest being in the entire world. As the townspeople celebrate their annual ceremony, Jack feels depressed, wishes for variety, and wonders whether there is more to life than scaring people. Meanwhile, Jack's secret admirer, Sally the Rag Doll, watches him from afar, although she is constantly abused by her control-seeking creator, Doctor Finklestein.While wandering in the woods, Jack and his ghostly pet dog, Zero, encounter portals leading to other holiday-themed worlds. Jack accidentally enters Christmas Town, a land of eternal joy and winter, and is amazed by the population's joyous behavior. Jack, wishing to embrace this culture, quickly returns to Halloween Town, where he presents the townspeople with his slightly inaccurate impressions of Christmas. The townspeople, interested in the holiday, agree to celebrate Christmas this year.Jack decides to operate the holiday, eventually becoming obsessed with Christmas and deciding to usurp the role of Santa Claus. Every resident is assigned a task, although Sally believes that his plans will lead to ruin. There is some foreshadowing to suggest that she is correct; because the people of Halloween Town have lived all their lives by scaring people, the Christmas gifts and decorations they create are more frightening and grotesque than pleasing. Jack ignores Sally's warning and commissions her to create his Christmas outfit. Jack then assigns Lock, Shock, and Barrel, a trio of mischievous, child-like monsters representing trick-or-treaters, to transport Santa to Halloween Town. They, after mistakenly capturing (and, on Jack's orders, returning) the Easter Bunny, successfully kidnap Santa Claus. Against Jack's wishes and largely for their own amusement, the trio deliver Santa to the lair of Oogie Boogie, a sadistic, compulsive gambler who plots to play a game with Santa's life.December 25 soon arrives; although Sally attempts to stop him, Jack embarks into the sky on a coffin-like sled pulled by skeletal reindeer (all three created by Finklestein), hoping to deliver presents to children around the world; while the townspeople are overjoyed, Sally wanders off alone to be miserable. As Jack begins delivering gifts, children are horrified by their monstrous, animated presents, while their parents believe Jack to be a monster attempting to imitate Santa Claus. The military shoot him out of the sky, destroying his sleigh. Although Jack is initially depressed, he realizes he is still the ruler of Halloween Town and can bring joy to the world in his own way.Sally attempts to free Santa, only to be captured by Oogie Boogie. Just as they are about to be killed by immersion in a foul stew, Jack arrives and challenges their captor. Oogie Boogie flees, placing his complex, sophisticated, deadly gaming machines in Jack's path as obstacles. However, Oogie Boogie becomes tangled in one of his own machines and is (with Jack's intervention) split open, revealing himself to be merely an animated sackful of insects. Most of Oogie's "bugs" fall into the stew and are boiled alive.Santa Claus, freed, reprimands Jack, and then sets off to correct Christmas by exchanging Jack's frightening toys for more pleasant playthings. This he does successfully. Jack and Sally return to Halloween Town, aided by a reformed Lock, Shock, and Barrel. There, they kiss atop a spiral-shaped, flexible extension of land, while Zero looks on from afar. Sally has been replaced in Doctor Finklestein's service by another mannequin, leaving her free to live with Jack.。



A ghoulish tale with wicked humour & stunning animation.





The Nightmare Before ChristmasMeet Jack Skellington. He s in charge of making Halloweenland the coolest creepy place around. But when Jack suddenly grows bored with tricks and treats, he goes searching for new ways to celebrate。

and he finds them in Christmas Town! Christmas, Jack decides, is just what Halloweenland -- and the world -- needs! He sets out to take over the role of Santa. But can anything good come of a tall and lanky skeleton dressed up as everyone s favorite jolly old elf?。



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