Love story:
I once liked a person. We have never met, actually is at a loss in the same place. He is my friend's friend, we are penetrate her to know. Originally I thought the le student only is plays, the result he tells me: I can protect you well. Since then, I only then discovered I liked him. I once because he fought was hospitalized have cried for a long time. Result how? Discovered he likes unexpectedly is friend of mine. Afterwards, his front girlfriend requested compound, I then proposed bid good-bye. The reason is. . . I thought he has the qualifications to pursue compared to I better fele student. . .
The Tale of the White SnakeThere is a very famous traditional Chinese love story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Long, long ago, two snakes, one was called White Lady and another was her sister, called Xiao Qing, lived on E'mei Mountain. White Lady was willing to repay Xu Xian for her life before 500 years ago. Then they turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.Outside the city gate, but still not far from the West Lake, there was a medicine shop run by a young man named Xu Xian. He was admired in the neighborhood for his diligence and honesty. His parents had died some years before and he remained unmarried. On the day of the Pure Brightness Festival, he got up very early and, according to the custom, set out to visit his parent's graves, taking with his sacrificial offerings. At the Broken Bridge, he happened upon White Lady. Being so attracted to each other, Xu Xian and White Lady fell in love and they were soon married.The new-weds moved to Suzhou where they opened an medicine shop and did many significant and meaningful things to the local citizens. They sold a lot of their own drugs in the form of powders and plasters. A board saying “Free Medicine for the Poor” was hung above the door. They got on well with the neighborhood and lived a comfortable life. They loved each other deeply and got a lovely son named Xu Shilin.But the monk, named Fa Hai, who came from the Jinshan Temple, kept making White Lady die. After several twists and turns, White Lady was enclosed in his magic alms-bowl and buried under the Leifeng Temple at the side of the West Lake. He made them apart and they had no chance to meet. After 18 years, their son, Xu Shilin, took the traditional Chinese examination and got the champion. He strove for saving his mother out of the Temple. His Xiao moved the God. Guanyin helped him and freed the White Lady out of the Temple. Finally, the family got a reunion.这个 是白蛇传的英文版 不错哦。
When I was just a lad of ten, my father said to me, "Come here and take a lesson from the lovely lemon tree. Don't put your faith in love, my boy." My father said to me, "I fear you'll find that love is like the lovely lemon tree."
Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat. Lemon tree very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat.
One day beneath the lemon tree my love and I did lie. A girl so sweet that when she smiled, the stars rose in the sky. We passed that summer lost in love beneath the lemon tree. The music of her laughter hid my father's words from me.
One day she left without a word, she took away the sun. And in the dark she'd left behind, I knew what she had done. She left me for another; it's a common tale but true. A sadder man but wiser now, I sing these words to you.
The Tale of the White SnakeThere is a very famous traditional Chinese love story that has a close connection to the Dragon Boat Festival. Long, long ago, two snakes, one was called White Lady and another was her sister, called Xiao Qing, lived on E'mei Mountain. White Lady was willing to repay Xu Xian for her life before 500 years ago. Then they turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.Outside the city gate, but still not far from the West Lake, there was a medicine shop run by a young man named Xu Xian. He was admired in the neighborhood for his diligence and honesty. His parents had died some years before and he remained unmarried. On the day of the Pure Brightness Festival, he got up very early and, according to the custom, set out to visit his parent's graves, taking with his sacrificial offerings. At the Broken Bridge, he happened upon White Lady. Being so attracted to each other, Xu Xian and White Lady fell in love and they were soon married.The new-weds moved to Suzhou where they opened an medicine shop and did many significant and meaningful things to the local citizens. They sold a lot of their own drugs in the form of powders and plasters. A board saying “Free Medicine for the Poor” was hung above the door. They got on well with the neighborhood and lived a comfortable life. They loved each other deeply and got a lovely son named Xu Shilin.But the monk, named Fa Hai, who came from the Jinshan Temple, kept making White Lady die. After several twists and turns, White Lady was enclosed in his magic alms-bowl and buried under the Leifeng Temple at the side of the West Lake. He made them apart and they had no chance to meet. After 18 years, their son, Xu Shilin, took the traditional Chinese examination and got the champion. He strove for saving his mother out of the Temple. His Xiao moved the God. Guanyin helped him and freed the White Lady out of the Temple. Finally, the family got a reunion.这个 是白蛇传的英文版 不错哦。
希望同学们这节课一定要认真听讲,课后好好的消化回味。" 2。
学生们都抬起头来全神贯注的看着黑板。 3。
只有王元和董良埋头不知道看着什么。 4。
物理老师一边讲课一边扫视着讲台下面。 5。
物理老师突然冲到讲台下面到了王元和董良的课桌前。 物理老师威严的命令王元和董良,"把课桌下的东西拿出来!" 6。
王元和董良面面相觑。 王元嘀咕,"董良,还是你先拿吧。
" 董良嘀咕,"王元,还是你先拿吧。" 7。
物理老师不耐烦的命令,"你们两个不要推辞了,两个一齐拿出来!" 6。两人慢慢的从课桌下分别掏出两本书:《人之初》、《情深深,雨蒙蒙》 物理老师拿起两本书翻阅了几张。
他又把书放在两人课桌前一声叹息,"你们好之为之。" 7。
物理老师返身走到讲台之上,"下面我们继续上课。" 8。
下课后。 何言老k大熊围到董良王元的身边。
何言责怪董良王元,"这下好了,物理老师被你们气跑了。" 大熊:"就是,你们等着做孤家寡人吧。
" 老k帮两人辩解,"我看他们也是事出有因。他们一个是想要提前知道猪的生理构造,你知道人的生理构造跟猪的生理构造是很相近的,这很有利于大头的日后杀猪工作;一个是想要学习先进的爱情经验。
不管怎么样,不都是从书本中学习知识么?"何言扑哧一声笑出来,"老k,你这纯粹是歪理邪说。" 9。
老k何言大熊围观。 11。
"何言:"还不快给物理老师送过去。" 12。
"老k:"光听说有模范情书,没想到还有模范检查书。" 14。
何言突然手指着教师办公室,"不要说了,有人来了。"董良:"好象不是物理老师吗?" 15。
然后他又如此拿起另一篇。 16。
王元惊喜的大叫,"看啊,我们的"杰作"有人欣赏了!"大熊怀疑,"等着看吧-" 17。那老师把那两份检查书揉成一团跑到自己桌前抹了桌子。
桌子上是一只歪着身子的茶被,茶水在桌子上四散逃逸。 18。
" 20。董良看见物理老师也坐在一角吃面,忙上前打招呼,"物理老师,早上好。
"物理老师放下筷子,对他们笑,"你们好,你们好。" 21。
" 23。"老师,昨天我错了。
"物理老师挥挥手,"老师不会那么小气的了,不过以后上课你们可要注意。" 24。
《半步天涯》,在新浪可以看 在一个风雨飘摇的黄昏,我独自撑着伞走在无人的空巷。
到了你家,你找出一身干净的衣服让我换上,只字不提被撞的事,然后拿伞送我去学校。 走进你的房间,里面空荡荡的,找不到一丝你的气息。
一切的一切都已成了过去,你就这样走出了我的世界。 我疲惫的坐在地板上,努力的回忆我们的故事,却发现脑海中一片空白,我再也找不到你的影子。
1一天夜里,男孩骑摩托车带着女孩超速行驶, 他们彼此深爱着对方。
男孩:“不,这样很有趣。.” 女孩:“求求你。
这样太吓人了。” 男孩:“好吧,那你说你爱我。”
你现在可以慢下来了吗?” 男孩:“紧紧抱我一下。” 女孩紧紧拥抱了他一下,女孩:“现在你可以慢下来了吧?” 男孩:“你可以脱下我的头盔并自己戴上吗?它让我感到不舒服,还干扰我驾车。”
第二天,报纸报道:一辆摩托车因为刹车失灵而撞毁在一幢建筑物上,车上有两个人,一个死亡, 一个幸存。 驾车的男孩知道刹车失灵,但他没有让女孩知道,因为那样会让女孩感到害怕。
相反,他让女孩最后一次说她爱他,最后一次拥抱他,并让她戴上自己的头盔,结果,女孩活着,他自己死了。 就在一会的时间里,就在平常的生活里,爱向我们展示了一个神话。
2一个男孩很喜欢一个女孩, 男孩对女孩说:"我爱你." 女孩只回答了一句:"我知道." 男孩闷闷地走开了, 过了一段时间 男孩对那女孩说:"我现在不爱你了." 女孩还是只说了一句:"我知道." 男孩走开了, 过了好一段时间, 男孩又对女孩说:"到现在我才发现,我一直爱得都是你,我爱你." 女孩还是回答他:"我知道." 男孩终于按捺不住了, 问道:"为什么每次你的回答都是我知道, 你真的知道什么?" 女孩淡淡的说道"我知道, 我爱你. "3相恋两年,不管是上学放学,还是一起逛街。 他总是风似得在前面走。
而她,要一路小跑,才能跟得上。 终于的终于,她累了。
“为什么?你不爱了吗?”他使劲抓着她的肩膀问道。 她笑了笑,“爱,很深。
但,你的脚步,是我永远跟不上的距离。” 4 每天最喜欢做的事,就是被他抱着,温暖的怀抱,使我感到好安全。
有天,他突然问我:“你说,如果爱情是一场战争,那输的人,会是谁啊?” 我想了想,坚定的说:“我。” 他回过头,疑惑的问:“为什么阿?” 我正视着他,说:“因为在你面前,我会变的好安静,只想听你一个人说话。
因为当你不开心的时候,我也会高兴不起来……” 他抱的我更紧了:“亲爱的,我们一起输吧。”5记得他第一次送我的花是彼岸花。
两年后,我们分手了。 同第一次送我花一样,他送了一束彼岸花给我。
说:“你知道么,彼岸花其实还有一种花语。” 我淡淡的问道:“还有什么啊。”
他笑了笑,一如两年前:“隐藏好的悲伤,不想让你发觉。”6他在公司第一次注意到她,是因为她左手拇指上涂成红色的指甲 他脑海中天马行空的想象又开始不停的琢磨她 为什么涂红色?为什么单单一个手指? 慢慢的,他开始对她感兴趣,一点一点接触着她 她的特别充斥着自己满满的好奇心,一来一往他们在一起了。
结婚那天,她问他为什么会爱上自己。 他很诚实,告诉了她那个红色指甲的事情 她突然大笑起来说:“傻瓜,那是朋友买指甲油我帮忙试用而已。”
这天鬼子到了他们的村子,他和别的男人一样为了保护自己心爱的人。 死在了村口,听外面的人捎来的话她躲在地窖里哭了很久很久。
鬼子走了之后她在一堆被践踏的血肉模糊的尸体中,找到了他。 他们问她为什么能分辨的这样准确.她摇了摇头没有说话。
如果你深爱一个人,在万千人之中,他的背影,他的呼息, 他的心跳,哪怕是不再有那37°的体温,你都会分辨的一清二楚。8爱我就带我去哈根达斯他爱她,但一直羞于说出口。
有一天,他请她帮讲道题,成绩优异的她轻松解答。 他要回座位时,她拉住他的衣角说:我给你讲题没啥好处昂? 他问:什么好处? 她说;请我吃饭吧。
他问去哪吃。 她轻声说:哈根达斯。
9她年轻的时候很爱高跟鞋 鞋柜里摆满了各式各样七八厘米的高跟鞋,衬的她的身材更加高挑舞者,天生高贵的气质。 后来,她嫁了他,渐渐地离开了高跟鞋,渐渐地成了平常的主妇。
过年他们一同上街,她在一双高跟鞋旁边犹豫了好久。 他开了口:买下吧,走路累的时候我可以背着你。
两个人在一起半年后他对她说分手 原因是每次他应酬喝多时她都没有尽到女朋友的职责,没有陪伴着他。 她安静的同意,默默的收拾东西走了。
日子一天天的过去,有一天他出去应酬,喝多了独自坐在酒吧的沙发上。 拿起手机下意识的长长的按了2号键,电话接通了。
他喊妈,嘟嘟囔囔的说了很多。 电话那头的她默默的听着什么都没说。
她对他说:“明天就要去日本了,什么时候教我几句日语吧。” “好啊,你想要学什么?”屏幕上他发来一个可爱的表情。
“日文的我爱你怎么说?”“私はあなたが好きです” 看完这句,她。
love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。
2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. 没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 3) The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them. 失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。
4) Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. 纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。 5) To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。
6) Don't waste your time on a man/woman, who isn't willing to waste their time on you. 不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。 7) Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have. 爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。
8) Don't try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。 9) Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful. 在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。
10) Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened. 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。
胡适:自由恋爱缺勇气 一个穿着花袄花裙花鞋的农家小脚女子江冬秀长到了15岁,在她什么都不懂的时候,父母让她与一个比她还小一岁的男孩订了婚,那个男孩叫胡适。
就在陈衡哲满以为好梦成真的时候,软弱的胡适不得不回老家与江冬秀办婚事,陈衡哲万般无奈,只能退而与别人结婚。 胡适真正的恋爱,应该讲就是跟曹诚英。
胡适与曹诚英两个人有说不尽的恩爱情话,胡适对曹诚英所表现出来的热烈的感情是真挚而空前强烈的。 此时,胡适第一次产生了与江冬秀离婚的念头,但她抓住了胡适一个最大的弱点:爱惜自己的名声。
胡适只能压抑自己的感情,向江冬秀妥协。 翻译后:Hu: free love lack courage Wearing a coat Huaqunhuaxie flower farm women's bound feet Jiang Dong-soo long to the 15-year-old, in what she did not know when her parents and her little more than a one-year-old boy engaged, the boy called Hu. Parents on both sides to prepare for the engagement ceremony, Hu Shi, he seemed like escape to study the home. Hu arrived in the United States in the near future of the United States faced girl Williams Adams, Adams Williams of Mostyn free and easy independent personality attracted Hu. He then wrote a letter to the mother's ability to raise Jiang Dong-soo and the lifting of the marriage. The mother is still a clear-cut answer: you and Jiang Dong-soo has been the relationship between pre-programmed, it is absolutely can not be changed. Since then, in a long time, Hu has always been a Williams miss Sri Lanka. Williams Adams also Weijia life, to preserve her freedom and independence. Hu sent her to her more than 100 letters as a sacred memorial, a collection of 50 years. Hu after the death of the third year, she sent a letter to Ms. Hu Shide Jiang Dong-soo. Williams said good-bye to Sri Lanka, Hu feelings into another world, another to the United States to study China's Chen Zhe talented woman. Hu Chen-chul with in a short period of between six months there, had a 40 letters, passing a warm romance. Just thought Hengzhe dream come true, the weak and Hu Shi had to go home and show Banhun Shi Dong Jiang, Chen Zhe Driven to despair, and still active and can only marry other people. Hu true love, should speak with the CAO is the United Kingdom. Hu Shi was during the wedding ceremony, the bride's small chaperone to the British CAO Hu left a good impression. Six years later, Hu Shi in Hangzhou and another British CAO met. Hu Shi and Cao said that there are individuals in the United Kingdom are not ex love, Hu CAO of the United Kingdom demonstrated by the warm feelings are sincere and unprecedented strong. At this point, the first time that Hu and Jiang have had a winter show of the divorce idea, but she grasped the Hu Shih is one of the greatest weaknesses: the care of their reputation. Hu can only suppress their feelings, Jiang Dong-soo to compromise.。