2023-01-19 11:45:35







标题语言特征可以从词汇的选择,语法特征来认识,分析这些特征可以帮助读者快速地抓住英语新闻内容的主要焦点并使读者根据自己的兴趣爱好做进一步的阅读。 一、英语新闻标题的词汇特征 (一)小词的大量使用 英语新闻标题的显著特征就是对简短的词或者小词的频繁使用。


另一方面,小词容易吸引读者的眼球,引起读者的共鸣。例如Project bridges digital divide (bridge = to narrow the gap)这个标题的含义是,通过开发让更多的农村孩子接触电脑这项工程,横亘在农村孩子与城市孩子之间的教育差距会在很大程度上被缩小,桥这个词可以让读者很容易的联想到这样的一个画面:一座桥连接农村与城市之间,使农村孩子有机会接触到现代教育方式。

再比如:Pension row disrupts UK life(row = quarrel? dispute)Row这个词的本意是音量很大的噪音,通过对这个词的运用,发生在英国的有关养老金改革的无休止的争吵局面便被形象的展现在读者的面前。Titan eyes potential purchases? expansion (eye = watch with great interests)这则标题给我们提供了这样的信息:马来西亚石化公司欲在亚洲进行更大规模的收购,标题中的eye使用的形象生动,读者似乎能够看到该公司领导那一双善于发现并充满雄心壮志的眼睛。


正因小词的短小精悍,所以它们被反复的用于新闻的标题中,这是英语新闻标题的一个突出特点,我们却很难看到它们被应用于其他英语文体之中。 (二)缩略词和缩写词的应用 由于设定格式和寻求新颖的考虑,大量的缩略词与缩写词被引进到英语新闻标题的词库中,其使用目的很大程度上是为了吸引读者去发现所使用的缩略词真正的含义。

利用词的第一个字母代表一个词组的缩略词,就叫做首字母缩略词。一个典型例子是BBC,指British Broadcasting Corporation(英国广播公司)首先,这种缩略词的使用可以节省标题的占用空间,其次缩略词可以带给读者悬念,激发读者的好奇心,吸引读者阅读兴趣,使读者为了寻找缩略词准确的含义而继续阅读。

缩略词通常被用于代指某个组织的名称或是人们的工作职务等,如Measures adopted to bring down surplus ? PBOC chief ? =People's Bank of China? organization ; IPRS 'not a factor' behind trade surplus?=intellectual property rights? things FM says unaware of Iraq kickback report?=foreign minister? occupation 多数情况下,缩略词的含义会在新闻的第一段或者是第二段找到,通常是在导语中得到解释在这个例子中,如: CPC? KMT urge closer trade relations Lien Chan criticizes closed-door policy? calls for direct links across Taiwan Strait The Communist Party of China ?CPC and Taiwan's opposition Kuomintang ?KMT have underlined the significance of stronger cross-strait economic links amid political tension across the Straits…… 在标题中出现的两党名称时缩略形式仅仅用到6个字母,相反如果不用缩略形式而是在标题中写出两党的全称,将会用到33个字母,这将大大占用标题的空间,除了考虑到排版,缩略词也给读者以视觉上的冲击。而后,在新闻报道的开头即导语中,CPC和KMT的准确含义被给出。

但是我们会发现这样的例外,如果某个缩略词的含义已经被人们所熟知,那么它的准确含义往往不被在文中提到,比如:DM可以是药剂师或者数据管理的含义,一般就不会在导语或正文中得到解释。 缩写词频繁地被使用以节省空间。


譬如President seeks int'l efforts to fight terrorism ? = international US? Aussies smash records ? =Australians (三)常用报刊新词 在通读和研究英文报纸标题时,我们会遇到一些由两个或者多个单词组合而成的复合词。他们的组合方法并不复杂。



A purported new video of Osama bin Laden shows the al-Qaeda leader urging Americans to convert to Islam to stop the Iraq war, but the video does not contain any overt threat ahead of the sixth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks.

The videotape's authenticity has not yet been /confirm/ied, but media organizations have quoted unnamed U.S. officials as saying it appeared to have been made as recently as this summer.

In a soft voice, and measured tone, the man purported to be bin Laden delivers a wandering 30-minute tirade against democracy, capitalism and Western political leaders.

He specifically refers to U.S. President George W. Bush, the Democratic victory in U.S. Congress, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, who was elected in May, and new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who took office in June.








1.It is expected To Have Worst Trade Balance Since 20002.,Business leaders urge Harper to quit talking and get a Canada-EU trade deal done.3.US oil output beats imports for first time in 18 years.4.China files WTO green energy complaint.5.Study says Internet freedom is costly for Filipinos.6.World Trade Volume Rose 2.2% in May7.Deputy Finance Minister says there are 14.6m Internet banking subscribers in Malaysia 8.Iran says recognition of nuclear rights prerequisite for " success" of talks9.China and Europe agree currency deal to boost trade10.Climate talks in trouble as green groups walk out。


I am here to share with you one of the most exciting breakthroughs in the Science of Regenerative Medicine that I have ever seen.

If you"ve been searching for safe, effective relief from the adverse effects of radiation and chemotherapy, your search is over.

The good news I am about to share is built upon over forty years of solid science and proven nutritional evidence. Read on to learn about the latest development in high performance molecular nutrition known as Chemovive?/I>.

Every year an estimated 400,000 patients develop radiation-induced mucous ulcers (infections) in the lining of their mouth and throat. This is the most painful side effect of treatment and usually requires narcotics.

As Chemovive?fortifies your cells, the negative effects of your therapy are reduced, which keeps you on track.

The increased risk of infection is the greatest cause of disrupted radiation therapy and dose reduction in chemotherapy. Remember that any reduction in dosage EXTENDS the length of your cancer treatment.


African expeditionary bomb flew over a land of orient Libya Wednesday, descending digit bombs on an area mostly dominated by the opposition. Youths in Ajdabiya were amassing and heading toward the conflict area to help defend the town, which has been in the control of rebel forces in recent days。


1. Theresa May: 'More to do on immigration'里萨·梅说:在移民问题上做的更多。

里萨·梅为英国内政大臣。2.Nigel Farage: UK should be free to make its own trade deals 奈杰尔.法拉奇说:英国应该自由的处理自己的贸易事务。

奈杰尔.法拉奇是英国独立党领袖。3.Meeting the migrants on Germany-Austria border在德奥边境会见移民。

4.What is going on after the Portuguese election?在葡萄牙大选后的走向。5.NASA tracking Asteroid TB-145 with radio telescopesNASA(美国国家航空航天局)用射电望远镜跟踪小行星TB-145。

6. 2:33 Nasa tests enormous rocket booster2点33分NASA试验了巨大的火箭助推器。7.Watching the skies for asteroids that could threaten Earth监测天空中的可能威胁地球的小行星。

8.New lithium-air battery from Cambridge is 'most efficient'来自剑桥的锂-空气电池是“效率最高的”9.Japan and China ties key to growth日本和中国关系增长的关键所在10.Russian plane crash: A nation in mourning俄罗斯飞机坠毁: 全国默哀。


China's online community won't have Watch-Wearing Brother to kick around anymore.中国的互联网上不会再有“表哥”了。

Quoting local officials, the state-run Xinhua news agency said on Friday that Yang Dacai, a local official in Shaanxi province, had been ousted from his post for the possession of numerous expensive watches and other violations of discipline. Xinhua said officials are continuing a probe into his conduct.新华社上周五援引当地官员的话报道,陕西省地方官员杨达才因佩戴多块名表及其他严重违纪问题被撤销职务。新华社说,对调查中发现的杨达才的其他违纪线索,有关部门正在进一步调查。

Mr. Yang rose to Internet notoriety earlier last month after a photographer captured him smiling at the scene of a deadly collision between and bus and a tanker truck in Shaanxi that killed 36 people.上个月早些时候,有人拍到杨达才在陕西省的一起交通事故现场面带微笑,此事在互联网上引发了强烈争议。在那起交通事故中,一辆客车和一辆罐车追尾,造成36人死亡。

But it was his accessories that soon became the focus of China's online vigilantes. Some noticed the lowly public official appeared to be wearing an expensive watch. China's massive community of volunteer Internet sleuths soon found a number of other photos of Mr. Yang wearing a succession of different high-end watches the sort of time pieces a local official in the hustings would be hard-pressed to afford with a regular government salary.不过,是他的穿戴很快成为中国网民关注的焦点。一些人注意到,这位职位不高的公职人员似乎戴了一块名表。

中国庞大的互联网“人肉搜索”群体很快就发现,在其他一些照片中杨达才戴着各种名表,这种名表是中国一名地方官员很难用普通工资买得起的。Dubbed Watch-Wearing Brother by his critics, Mr. Yang went on the offensive. In a highly unusual move for a Chinese public official, he turned to the Internet to address is critics directly. Writing on his account on Sina Corp.'s Weibo microblogging service, he said he was sorry for his smile at the scene of the accident, explaining that he was having a hard time understanding the local dialect and wanted to put nervous comrades at ease. On the watches, he assured his critics that he purchased the watches 'using my own legal income.' 被批评人士称为“表哥”的杨达才发起了反击。

他做出了在中国公职人员中非常罕见的举措,借助互联网直接回应批评人士。杨达才在新浪(Sina Corp.)微博账户中写道,他要对遇难者家属表示诚挚道歉。




Sprint Agrees to Sell Majority Stake to SoftBank


U.S. Rushes to Help Create Commando Force in Libya


Philippine Government Signs Pact With Muslim Rebels


Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian Leader Through Shifting Allegiances, Dies at 89


Memo From the West Bank: All-Female Ticket Aims to Be Heard, if Not Seen




Army's Hand Suspected in Kyrgyzstan

Valley of Death: One Platoon's Tour of Duty

U.N. Voices Concern on Child Soldiers in Somalia

U.S. Imposes New Penalties on Iran

France: Deadly Flash Floods Strike

Mets' Streak Is in the Right Direction

Swiss Provide World Cup's First Shock

Surprising the World, and Almost Brazil

A Final Opportunity to Prepare for the Open

22 Percent of Internet Time Is Social, Nielsen Says

----------New York Times



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