2023-01-18 15:31:21


Certificate of Employment

This serves to certify that Ms XXXX female, DOB: ( 日 )/(月 )/(年 ), is currently a full-time employee of my company. She joined our company in January 2010 and is currently holding the post of Manager Assistant.

Name of Company: Jinan XX Shopping Plaza


Address and chop of company:


Date :



This is to confirm that Mr/Ms: XXX is in the employ of 公司名 from 年月 to present. He/she holds the position of 职位 with a basic monthly salary of 月薪.

Mr/Ms. xxx will be travelling to the U.S.A and Canada from xxx to xxx(日期),14 days in total . All expense incurred by her will be borne by hi/ herself. After which, he/she will return to China to resume work at our company.

Attached is Mr./Ms.xxx's China entry & exit record for your reference.

We would appreciate if you could grant Mr.Ms xxx an entry visa.

Your sincerely,

公司名 盖章 领导签字 日期



Dear Madam or Sir,

With reference to the visa application of Mr. 张三(Passport No. 123456) in our company who will visit your country from China to South Africa for tourism . His position is manager(职位:经理) of xxxxxxxx company. His monthly salary is RMB10000(工资数). We hereby declare that we shall be responsible for him and guarantee he will come back to China on time.

All the costs of this trip will be borne by him.

We are guarantee as following:

Abide by all outbound laws and regulations.

90(带薪假期天数) days vacation with salary.

Keep the current position for him

We should be obliged to you if the requisite visa could be issued at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully

General Manager: xxx(总经理名字)





Hereby certificate that Miss XXX, ID No.0000, Passport No. 000, works as a salesperson at the Business Department of my company since January 2012. Her salary is 000 RMB. She was agreed by the company to return to school to handle the relevant issues, and come back to work when everything is finished.

Address of the company:


Tel. of the company:


To Whom It May Concern, Ms。

xx , female, was born on dd mm yy, xx years old。 She has worked as xxx , in xxx department of xxx company from dd mm yy。

Her salary is * RMB per month。 We have approved Ms。

xx to take leave from dd mm yy to dd mm yy for her holiday to xx country。 We shall retain her position till the end of the holiday。

During the vacation, Ms。 xx will be responsible for all the fees and legal duties herself and xxx company will not be responsible for what she has done。

This certification can only be used by Ms。 to apply for xx country holiday visa。

Please kindly issue her the visa after your checking up! Best regards, Department Manager: Tel: dd mm yy。



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