2023-01-17 11:15:08



Aladdin is a street-urchin who lives in a large and busy town long ago with his faithful monkey friend Abu. When Princess Jasmine gets tired of being forced to remain in the palace that overlooks the city, she sneaks out to the marketplace, where she accidentally meets Aladdin. Under the orders of the evil Jafar (the sultan's advisor), Aladdin is thrown in jail and becomes caught up in Jafar's plot to rule the land with the aid of a mysterious lamp. Legend has it that only a person who is a "diamond in the rough" can retrieve the lamp from the Cave of Wonders. Aladdin might fight that description, but that's not enough to marry the princess, who must (by law) marry a prince.


Two hundred and fifty years in the future, life as we know it is threatened by the arrival of Evil. only the fifth element can stop the Evil from extinguishing life, as it tries to do every five thousand years. She is helped by ex-soldier, current-cab-driver, Korben Dallas, who is, in turn, helped by Prince/Arsenio clone, Ruby Rhod. Unfortunately, Evil is being assisted by Mr. Zorg, who seeks to profit from the chaos that Evil will bring, and his alien mercenaries.


Avatar 阿凡达

In the future, Jake, a paraplegic war veteran, is brought to another planet, Pandora, which is inhabited by the Na'vi, a humanoid race with their own language and culture. Those from Earth find themselves at odds with each other and the local culture.

Titanic 泰坦尼克号

Beginning with genuine footage of the departure of the Titanic on its fateful voyage, this epic movie tells the events of that tragic night from the perspective of fictional survivor Rose. As an old lady of 100 she recounts her story of duty, love and disaster to a salvage crew searching for a lost gem.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring 指环王1

In ancient times, the Elven-smiths created the Rings of Power. Then the Dark Lord Sauron created a Ring to rule the Lesser Rings. But the Ring was stolen, and for a long time, he thought it to be lost. But many years later, the Ring came to the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a land called the Shire, Frodo inherits the Ring from his uncle, Bilbo. Now Frodo must take a journey across Middle-earth, and throw the Ring into the volcano, Mt. Doom, the only place it can be destroyed.


"2012" is my favourite movie lately. It is a disaster movie. The story is about a scientist found that the earth is coming to an end in 2012. He reported to the president. The president made a plan with other world leaders. When the disaster come, the whole world is wiped out the earthquake, and everywhere is flooded by tidal waves. only part of the people are saved because several world leaders decided to make few big modern boats two years ago in order to escape in this disaster. The movie provides plently of visual thrills. It is really exciting.。


Matt Damon (born October 8, 1970) is an American actor, screenwriter, and philanthropist whose career was launched following the success of the film Good Will Hunting (1997), from a screenplay he co-wrote with friend Ben Affleck. The pair won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and the Golden Globe Award for Best Screenplay.









这是我帮别人翻译的一篇东西:Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life. 'Avatar' is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful。

I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a 'human' and a Na'vi princess, but also a educational file. The film has someting in common with the USA history. The Na'vi people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house。 But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedactor in such a crul way. How coldblood they were.In this film, the charactors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beeings, and the locol Indians turn into the Na'vi people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say 'we' are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature. On the The U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese govenmengt published our aim, reducing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own industry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Obama, I can't understand why did he do this.In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldior that the Na'vi people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don't have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiors in this film, have completed been coldblood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they're robbers. For the commander's orders? Then they're idiot。

My men it's time to wake up! It's time for us to hang together just like brothers and sisters, to fight for our living areas. Come on! 译文:昨天我和我母亲还有她学校里的其他老师去看IMAX 3D版的“阿凡达”了。不得不承认,这电影真是奇迹,我想在人的一生中相当值得一看。


















hello,everyone.i will introduce a film“Kung Fu Panda”(功夫熊猫)The panda is very cute, funny and humorous. And he dreams to be a Master and he realizes it finally.But the process is very hard. There are other animals in the cartoon played some small roles such as tiger, monkey, crane and so on. They are also strong and fight for justice. i like this movie wery much.It encouages me to study hard like the panda then my dream will come true finally.i also hope that everyone could study hard like me.so all of us can be better.




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