2023-01-16 11:32:17


Mom's sick, she say she can't get up. 妈妈病了,她说她起不来My little brother is getting hungry. 我弟弟肚子开始饿了I must go to the village to ask for some food, would you help me? 我要到村里找点食物,你能帮我吗?Sure Connie, I'll help you. 当然了,Connie,我会帮你的 I always feel good when you're with me.你在我身边时我感觉总是很好 You're my friend, Connie. 你是我的朋友,Connie Are you always gonna be there when I grow up, are you? 当我长大了,你会一直在我身边吗?你会吗? Cross my heart. 我保证 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我We were soft and young, in a world of innocence. 我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget all of our dreams. 别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦 Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains. 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白I always feel good when you're with me. 你在我身边时我感觉总是很好 You're my friend Connie. 你是我的朋友,Connie Are you always gonna be there when I grow up, are you? 当我长大了,你会一直在我身边吗?你会吗? Don't you forget about me, don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我 We were soft and young, in a world of innocence. 我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget all of our dreams. 别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦 Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains. 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我 We were soft and young, in a world of innocence. 我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget all of our dreams. 别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦 Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains. 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白Don't you forget about me. Don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我。

至真至纯的誓言~Don't you forgetDon't You Forget——这首歌出自ERA的专辑《The Mass》,音乐巨匠Eric Levi创作。前奏中女孩与男孩的对话天真无邪却意味深远,一遍一遍重放,脑海里久久不能消失的是男孩和女孩稚嫩的声音:Girl: " Are you always gonna be there when I grow up?Boy: " Cross my heart. " 仿佛看到女孩满怀期待的双眼和男孩信誓旦旦地指着自己的心,给着人生中第一个承诺。


一遍遍的'Don't you forget'在质问着我们的心……。


Baby let me be,

亲爱的 让我成为

Your lovin teddy bear


Put a chain around my neck,


And lead me anywhere


Oh let me be

哦 让我成为

Your teddy bear.


I dont wanna be a tiger


Cause tigers play too rough


I dont wanna be a lion


cause lions aint the kind You love enough.


Just wanna be, your teddy bear

就是想成为 你喜欢的泰迪熊

Put a chain around my neck


And lead me anywhere


Oh let me be

哦 让我成为

Your teddy bear.


Baby let me be, around you every night

亲爱的让我去吧 每一夜围绕着你

Run your fingers through my hair,


And cuddle me real tight



3.把这些歌词翻译成英文~要求简洁 而且意思恰到好处

海的思念绵延不绝终于和天在地平线交会 爱如果走得够远应该也会跟幸福相见 承诺常常很像蝴蝶美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 但我相信你给我的誓言就像一定会来的春天 我始终带着你爱的微笑一路上寻找我遗失的美好 不小心当泪滑嘴角就用你握过的手抹掉 再多的风景也从不停靠只一心寻找我遗失的美好 有的人说不清哪里好但就是谁都替代不了 承诺常常很像蝴蝶美丽的飞盘旋然后不见 但我相信你给我的誓言就像一定会来的春天 我始终带着你爱的微笑一路上寻找我遗失的美好 不小心当泪滑嘴角就用你握过的手抹掉 再多的风景也从不停靠只一心寻找我遗失的美好 有的人说不清哪里好但就是谁都替代不了 在最开始的那一秒有些事早已经注定要到老 虽然命运爱开玩笑真心会和真心遇到 我始终带着你爱的微笑一路上寻找我遗失的美好 不小心当泪滑嘴角就用你握过的手抹掉 再多的风景也从不停靠只一心寻找我遗失的美好 有的人说不清哪里好但就是谁都替代不了Missing from the sea is continuous Meeting with the sky on the horizon Love, if can go on and on Maybe can meet with the bliss Promises is always like butterfly Fly and gyrate gracefully, then disappear But I believe the promises you gave Like the spring must be come I will always take the smile you like Seeking missed happiness on my way If tears carelessly drop from lip I will wipe by my hands that you holed Even more scenery I will never be stop only seeking missed happiness whole-heartedly Someone can not say where is good But whoever can substitute for it At the original seconds Something have been doomed to be old Though fate like joking Two true heart will meet。


《twinkle twinkle little star》一闪一闪亮晶晶的英文版

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are.

Up above the world so high,

Like a diamond in the sky.

Twinkle, twinkle, little star,

How I wonder what you are!

《jingle bells》 铃儿响叮当的英文版

jingle bells, jingle bells,

jingle all the way!

o what fun it is to ride

in a one-horse open sleigh.

dashing through the snow

on a one-horse open sleigh,

over the fields we go,

laughing all the way;

bells on bob-tail ring,

making spirits bright,

what fun it is to ride and sing

a sleighing song tonight.


很久很久以后我们才知道After a long time we did not know当一个女孩说她再也不理你When a girl says she doesn't care for you anymore不是真的讨厌你I don't really hate you.而是她很在乎你But she cares about you.非常非常在乎你Very very much care about you我听见雨滴落在青青草地I heard the rain on the green grass我听见远方下课钟声响起I hear the bell ring可是我没有听见你的声音But I don't hear your voice认真呼唤我姓名Call my name爱上你的时候还不懂感情Fall in love with you do not know the feelings离别了才觉得刻骨铭心Leave that The imprint is engraved on my heart.为什么没有发现遇见了你Why didn't you find that I met you是生命最好的事情Is the best thing in life.也许当时忙着微笑和哭泣Maybe at that time I was busy smiling and crying.忙着追逐天空中的流星Busy chasing the stars in the sky人理所当然地忘记People take it for granted.是谁风里雨里一直默默守护在原地Who is the wind in the rain has been quietly guarded in situ原来你是我最想留住的幸运So you are my most want to keep the lucky原来我们和爱情曾经靠的那么近We and love have been so close那为我对抗世界的决定The decision to fight the world for me那陪我淋的雨The rain that accompanies me一幕幕都是你All of you一尘不染的真心Spotless heart与你相遇好幸运Good luck to meet you可我已失去为你泪流满面的权力But I have lost the power to burst into tears for you但远在我看不到的天际But far away in the sky I can't see你张开了双翼You opened your wings遇见你的注定Meet your destinedOH~OH~他会有多幸运How lucky he will be--。


Mom's sick, she say she can't get up. 妈妈病了,她说她起不来My little brother is getting hungry. 我弟弟肚子开始饿了I must go to the village to ask for some food, would you help me? 我要到村里找点食物,你能帮我吗?Sure Connie, I'll help you. 当然了,Connie,我会帮你的 I always feel good when you're with me.你在我身边时我感觉总是很好 You're my friend, Connie. 你是我的朋友,Connie Are you always gonna be there when I grow up, are you? 当我长大了,你会一直在我身边吗?你会吗? Cross my heart. 我保证 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我We were soft and young, in a world of innocence. 我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget all of our dreams. 别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦 Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains. 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白I always feel good when you're with me. 你在我身边时我感觉总是很好 You're my friend Connie. 你是我的朋友,Connie Are you always gonna be there when I grow up, are you? 当我长大了,你会一直在我身边吗?你会吗? Don't you forget about me, don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我 We were soft and young, in a world of innocence. 我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget all of our dreams. 别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦 Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains. 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我 We were soft and young, in a world of innocence. 我们曾经是柔弱的,年轻的 Don't you forget about me, don't you forget all of our dreams. 别忘了我,别忘了我们所有的梦 Now you've gone away, only emptiness remains. 如今你走了,留下的只有一片空白Don't you forget about me. Don't you forget about me. 别忘了我,别忘了我。

至真至纯的誓言~Don't you forgetDon't You Forget——这首歌出自ERA的专辑《The Mass》,音乐巨匠Eric Levi创作。前奏中女孩与男孩的对话天真无邪却意味深远,一遍一遍重放,脑海里久久不能消失的是男孩和女孩稚嫩的声音:Girl: " Are you always gonna be there when I grow up?Boy: " Cross my heart. " 仿佛看到女孩满怀期待的双眼和男孩信誓旦旦地指着自己的心,给着人生中第一个承诺。


一遍遍的'Don't you forget'在质问着我们的心……。


imagine me without you--Jaci Velasquez(杰西.韦拉斯克斯)Aslong as stars shine down from heaven 直到星星不再从天堂那样亮丽的闪烁 And the rivers run into the sea 直到小溪不再流进大海里 Till the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头 You're the only love I'll need 你是我唯一需要的爱 In my life you're all that matters 在我的生命里, 你是唯一需要关心的 In my eyes the only truth I see 在我双眼里, 是唯一的真实 When my hopes and dreams have shattered 当我的希望和梦想都碎了 You're the one that's there for me 你是在我身旁的人 When I found you I was blessed 我是那么的幸运, 找到你 And I will never leave you, I need you 而我不会离开你, 我需要你 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 I'd be lost and so confused 我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤 I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid 我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕 Without you there to see me through 因为你不在我的身边 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 Lord, you know it's just impossible 上天, 你知道我不可能活下去的 Because of you, it's all brand new 因为你, 世界是那么的鲜明 My life is now worthwhile 我的生命现在值得了 I can't imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 When you caught me I was falling 当我掉落时, 是你抓住了我 You're love lifted me back on my feet 你是让我重新站起来的爱 It was like you heard me calling 就像是你听到我在呼唤你 And you rush to set me free 而你冲了过来让我自由 When I found you I was blessed 我是那么的幸运, 能够找到你 And I will never leave you, I need you 而我不会离开你, 我需要你 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 I'd be lost and so confused 我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤 I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid 我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕 Without you there to see me through 因为你不在我的身边 When I found you I was blessed 我是那么的幸运, 能找到你 And I will never leave you, I need you oh 而我不会离开你, 我需要你 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你 I'd be lost and so confused 我会变的那么失落, 那么的悲伤 I wouldn't last a day, I'd be afraid 我活不了一天, 我会那么的害怕 Without you there to see me through 因为你不在我的身边 Imagine me without you 我不敢想象自己没有你。


Forever at your feet 《永远相随》 中文歌词翻译(原创) 歌词翻译:絮语情话 三个指尖敲打一份挂牵 似小船扬帆,伸手接住一把雨滴 我是生长在玫瑰园里的野蔷薇 苦苦挣扎 永远与你相随 似玻璃欲碎,惊悸的心啊 泪水溅落了掌心的雨 停下来,别走 请你带我回家,求你立刻出发 永远与你相随 希望你不要介意,亲爱的 那天你凝视的是我眼中的谎言, 亲爱的 因为我想逃避,与你彻底分离 逃避,你那比薄荷清香的吻 轻轻一下儿 比大海还要深沉 哦,宝贝儿 我将会 永远与你相随 原英文歌词: Knocking on the triad A boat that makes for rain A briar grows in twain with roses Come to rid Forever at your feet Glass and pinch of breast Knocking at my tray While leave on Please take me home my long to leave Forever at your feet And I hope that you won't mind, my dear When you see my eyes are lie, my dear It's because I avoided all these of you All your kisses, sweeter than mint And touch them Softer than sea Oh, treasure I would be Forever at your feet。

9.翻译歌词 较短 简单 给50分























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