Income Certification To whom it may concern, We certify that [Mr。
/Ms。**[Passport No。
**] has been employed by [company name**] as a [title] since [month/year]。 We also certify that [his/her] current monthly salary is RMB[**] (after/before tax)。
This letter has been only issued to assist [Mr。 /Ms。
**] for [his/her] application of a tourist visa。 Yours sincerely, [Company Name] Sign by: [Name] and [Title] Dated: 。
His/Herannualincomeforthepastthreeyearsar ;XX,0002009-RMB¥XX,0002010-RMB¥XX,000(签名)NameandTitleofSignatory:(直属部门主管或负责人的姓名及职衔)(Ihaveauthoritytoissuethiscertification。 ) :XXXXXXXXX(BONAFIDE是拉丁文,英文即INGOODFAITH:即,货真价实的,而且诚信的,多用于确认文件或身份的真实性。
比如: American Embassy To whom it may concerned, We hereby confirmed that Mr。(你的名字)is a staff of our company。
He has worked in our company for more than (5) years till present and will continue his obligation after he come back at YYY/ZZZ。 (你回国的年月日) Any question regarding his working history please do not hesitate to contact us at fax number____, tel number______。
Best regards, (你经理的名字) (你公司的名字) ————此处盖章。 2006/01/14。
It is certified that XXX is employed as XXX and entitled to total income of RMB8000 Yuan/monthly, include salary RMBXXX Yuan/monthly。
In compliance with the demand of Inland Revenue, the income Tax has been paid on monthly basis。 其中XXX为你的名字和职业以及工资数额。
个人收入证明 XX银行: 兹证明XXX(身份证号:#############)为本单位正式职工,最高学历为XX,目前在我单位担任XX职务。 该职工的平均月收入为#####元。
特此证明 XXXXXXXX有限责任公司(公章) 200#年##月#日 单位全称:XXXXXXXX有限责任公司 单位地址:X@#$$%%%^&&@* 单位电话:#########。
**, 男性, cookings 老师的水平, 是出生到卡号7月5,1976 日, 身份证: (****), 从in1997 8月1995 年在这旅馆工作, 开始担任厨师的工作是长的直到现在, themonthly 现在薪俸2,600 元。 东部郊区宾馆东部山东省** 街道262, ishas 中国特征旅馆, 菜是由theShandong 烹调, 广东烹调, 四川烹调, theplace 典型菜, Jiaodong 菜, 各亲切的ofseafood 主要, 旅馆大厦, 二楼?Yajian 30, 可以receivethe 另外费用宴会, 高级典雅6, undertakingupscale 宴会, 二个大厅承担各大scaleconference, 婚礼宴会, 也许同时拿着500 个人多哥吃。
旅馆有另外茂盛的厨师22, 服务人60, 各chefconcrete 责任不同, 先生。** 采取了在我的旅馆kitchendivision 司令员, 主要认识工作之下: assistanceadministration 主要管子处理厨房定期工作, 象thekitchen 规则并且章程公式化和施行, thekitchen 卫生检查、菜质量监视、rawmaterial被分类的存贮和温度控制, comethe 职员使厨房最近继续技术教导, servicetraining 等等。
先生。**?? 是精妙的, 他成一体presentsociety 发展和许多岁月工作经验, designdevelopment 新菜, 深深地customer's 高称赞, 先生。
** alsois 负责任高级菜煮沸系统, 和actsaccording 对另外访客公式化另外菜单。 先生。
** 由诚实的专业质量, 赢取了旅馆职员andfellowleaders' 认同。如果进一步想要明白先生。
** 在我的旅馆工作环境, 请拨电话: .百万, 关系与经理****。 。
Income Certificate This is to confirm that Mr./Ms. (姓名) works in our company. He/She started to work here since (年份). His/her annual income is about RMB yuan. Company name and seal: Date: 个人收入证明英语版(二) Income Certification To whom it may concern, We certify that Mr. XXX and Ms. XXX have their own business in XXX. We also certify that their current yearly income is RMB XXX. This letter has been only issued to assist their child for the application of Canada Student Visa. Yours sincerely, XXX Trade and Industry Bureau 。
中文还是英文的? 工作证明应注意的几个问题 从雇主那里提供工作证明书要注意的有下面几点: (一) 证明书要打印在公司信纸上面。
(二) 信纸上应该有公司的详细地址及电话号码。 (三) 证明信应该有单位负责人签名,也应该有公司盖章。
(四) 内容需要清楚讲明职位,在什么时候开始工作,每年的总收入有多少,是否包括年薪、房屋津贴、年终奖金及公司分红等等。 (五) 信里面最好能够提供如果需要询问的话,要找谁与其电话号码。