2023-01-09 06:45:59


The high Eiffel Tower,the colorful streets,the beautiful river Seine,the glorious palaces,the romantic people,the old history … Paris is a great place to all people in the world.高耸入云的埃菲尔铁塔,流光溢彩的街道,美丽的塞纳河,金璧辉煌的宫殿,浪漫的民族,源远流长的历史…这就是巴黎 As the capital of France,Paris is a modern city with a long and rich history.So many events took place here and there are so many places for the visitors to have a trip.作为法国的首都,巴黎是一座古老而又现代的城市.这里发生了太多的历史事件,这里有那么多的地方让你流连忘返.The Triumphal Arch(凯旋门) was finished in 1836.It's a world famous building,too.The Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔),which is 320 meters high,is the symbol of Paris.It was completed in 1889.320米高的埃费尔铁塔是巴黎的标志.它建于1889年.s zg a。


After the ugly duckling has go through untold hardships, many tribulations into a white swan. Is the gold will shine. Destiny is no track, lies in the realm of beautiful, beautiful pursuit of ideals. The frustration and pain of life is inevitable, to learn them underfoot, every child will have a belongs to own dream, as long as they learn to set goals in life, on the self-confidence, hard work, they will be aware of their original can also become "white swan", can be the same as the ugly the realization of dreams, who have a dream, then, is no longer difficult difficult. metaphor is paid close attention to children or young people, sometimes just appearing, does not pay attention to things.。


A garden have water flowers YueJing look good, this time just can go; When watching a peach blossom, lake the peach blossom disc can go listening collection in love, no guide not suggest to lake, many allusion to someone explain will feel not white play, actually yangzhou han tomb good, in oil day into night sky, can see smallpox as, like, pretty magical pin-points; And also pretty good site made qingtang city its。

4.西安钟楼英文简单介绍 简单些

The Bell Tower Drum Tower and the City Well in Xi'an The Bell Tower, a classical building with carved beams and painted rafters, has been served as the symbol of Xi'an. It stands in the center of the downtown area where the north street, the south street, the west street and the east street meet. And the tower house a huge bell which in ancient times was use to strike the time every morning. This is how the tower got its name. now it is an important historical monument in shaanxi Province. The Bell tower was first built in Ying Xiang temple in 1384 during the Ming dynasty. It was moved to its present site in 1582 as a result of the city's expansion program. Ladies and gentlemen, There is a story about the Bell Tower. It's said that the first emperor of Ming dynasty , Zhu yuanzhang , he was born in a poor family. Both his parent died when he was young, and he had to live a hard life. Later, he went to a temple to become a monk. When he ascended the throne, he was afraid of being deposed by someone of “real dragon”. Therefore, he gave orders to build bell tower all over the county to repress the “dragon spirits”. Xi'an has been the imperial capital city since ancient times. So the “dragon spirits ” must be very strong here. That's why the bell tower in Xi'an was not only built earlier, but also bigger than the other ones in the country. The base of the tower is 1,337.4 square meters in size, 8.6 meters high and 35.5 meters wide. It was laid with blue bricks all over. The whole building is 36 meters above ground. It is a brick-and –wood structure. The eaves are supported by colored “dou gong” a traditional structural system in which brackets are used to join columns and crossbeams, the use of dou gong made the whole building firm and beautiful.。

5.用英语简短介绍一下the imperial palace

he Imperial Palace is located in the center of Beijing, also known as the "s residence;. Lived here 24 emperors, is the Ming and Qing Dynasties two dynasties (AD 1368 ~ 1911) of the palace, decided to move the capital Beijing, the Forbidden City began to build palaces, construction area of about 150000 square meters。;forbidden city"Museum of the Imperial Palace", to the Ming Yongle eighteen years (in 1420) completed. In accordance with the theory of astrology in ancient China is located in transit. The Imperial Palace covers an area of 720000 square meters, now into the ".

Since the Ming Dynasty emperor Yongle to seize the throne, the home is the emperor of heaven, heaven corresponding to the emperor', also known as the forbidden city


I like reading novels, because in the novels, I can imagine the world that the author creates, I treat myself as part of the novels, it feels like that I witness all the incidents. I especially like to read short novels, because I don't have so much to read the long novels, I am studying in the high school, I have many subjects to learn. I have little time only on the weekends. Short novels only costs me about one day to finish reading, while the long novels will take me more than a week to finish, if I hang on reading part of it, I will think about it all the time and can't focus my mind on studying. What's more, I like to read novels more than twice, so it is easy to do for me to read short novels. I gain so much for read these short novels.。


以下是对 Steve Jobs 的简短英文介绍,Steve Jobs was a famous American businessman and inventor in the world.He was co-founder,chairman,and chief executive officer of Apple Inc.He was widely recognized as a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer revolution.From the year of 2003,Steve Jobs fought an eight-year battle with cancer,and eventually resigned as CEO in August 2011.He was then elected chairman of Apple's board of directors.On October 5,2011,around 3:00 p.m.,Steve Jobs died at his home in Palo Alto,California,aged 56,six weeks after resigning as CEO of Apple.。


Not much is known about the earliest London Bridge although it's location is thought to be near the present one. The second bridge a wooden one existing in Saxon times seems to have given rise to the nursery rhyme 'London Bridge is falling down' which it did in 1014. In 1176 the first stone bridge was constructed. Houses sprung up on both sides of the bridge and stood until it was pulled down in 1831, making way for a more elegant, classic structure. This bridge was replaced in 1967 as it could no longer cope with the amount of traffic. The present London Bridge is more 100 feet wide.

The London Bridge preceding the current one was bought by the McCulloch Oil Corporation of California, which reconstructed it at Lake Havasu City, in a corner of America's Arizona Desert. Rumour has it that McCulloch's thought they were buying the much more spectacular Tower Bridge.

The Construction of Tower Bridge began in 1885 and it was opened 9yrs later by Edward VII the then Prince of Wales, Amidst pomp and ceremony. It is the only bridge in London that can be raised to allow ships to pass. Since the Thames is no longer used much as a trade and shipping route, the complex lifting mechanism is only used 4 or 5 times a week. The Tower bridge is often mistaken for London Bridge which is dull in comparison.





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