2023-01-06 22:06:02


Fried chicken is chicken which is coated with a breading mixture or batter and then deep fried,pan fried or pressure fried.The breading adds a crispy crust to the exterior.The chicken itself may be chicken pieces on the bone with skin,or boneless and skinless pieces,usually breast meat,as in chicken fingers.It is the most widespread drink in the world with approximately half-a-trillion cups consumed every year.There are two fundamental types of coffee:espresso and regular,or non-espresso.Espresso is the variety of coffee available in cafés and restaurants,whilst regular coffee is generally meant for the home.Pumpkins and other squashes are native to North and Central America,but have since been cultivated around the world.The seeds are primarily used in herbal medicine.The yellow blossoms of pumpkins are also used as medicine in some native traditions.Pawpaw is a genus of small clustered trees with large leaves and fruit,native to North America.The genus includes the largest edible fruit indigenous to the continent.They are understory trees found in well drained deep fertile bottomland and hilly upland habitat.Pawpaw is in the same family as the custard-apple,cherimoya,sweetsop,ylang-ylang and soursop,and it is the only member of that family not confined to the tropics.。



New Year's Eve dinner is one of the customs of the Spring Festival, also known as the New Year dinner, reunion dinner, reunion dinner, especially the family reunion dinner at the end of the New Year's Eve. New Year's Eve dinner originated from the ancient year-end ritual, worship gods .

New Year's Eve dinner is a major event of the year before, not only rich and colorful, but also very moral. Before the Lunar New Year's dinner, worship gods and worship ancestors, and wait until the worship ceremony is completed before the meal is served.

There are chicken, fish, oyster sauce, vegetable, lotus root, lettuce, garlic and sausage for good fortune. Chinese New Year's Eve dinner is a family reunion dinner, which is the most abundant and important dinner at the end of the year.













参考资料来源:搜狗百科—年夜饭 (年尾除夕的聚餐)







The earth building is made of a mixture of sand and clay which is not calcined by a certain proportion of sand clay and clay sand. 翻译:土楼,是利用未经焙烧的按一定比例的沙质黏土和黏质沙土拌合而成的泥土。

The wall is made of wall panels (a few adobe brick walls) and columns and other structures. A wooden house is, in a nutshell, a house of any two or more floors that uses a adobe wall as a load-bearing system.翻译:以夹墙板夯筑而成墙体(少数以土坯砖砌墙)、柱梁等构架全部采用木料的楼屋,简言之,就是以生土版筑墙作为承重系统的任何两层以上的房屋。According to the interpretation of the Modern Chinese Dictionary, the so-called "floor" is "a house of two or more floors." 翻译:根据《现代汉浯词典》的解释,所谓“楼”,就是“两层或两层以上的房子”。

According to this, the house on the first floor, even if it is bearing the weight of the earthen wall and using the timber as the column beam, can not be called the earth building, can only be called the earth house. 翻译:据此,一层的房子,即使以生土墙承重、以木料作为柱梁等构架,也不能称为土楼,只能称为土屋。Earth Building is a unique large-scale residential area in the world and is known as the treasure of traditional Chinese dwellings.翻译:土楼是世界独一无二的大型民居形式,被称为中国传统民居的瑰宝。









Name: Capital Sweet and Sour FishDescription: Nice golden colour, tasty sweet and sour flavour, crispy at the outside with the melt-in-mouth inside.Ingredients:1 Whole Yellow croaker, about 750gm, (or any white fish)5g Golden Rice Cake for dacoration5g Green Preserved Pulm for dacoration10g Spring onion 10g Ginger125g White Sugar50g Vinegar3g Salt15g Cooking Wine10g Soy SauceSome Cooking Oil for deep frySome Potato Starch for coating and thickingSome Ginger juice according to tasteMethods:1, Clean the stomach the fish, remove any scales, fins, and tail. Rinse under cold water and pat dry. Cutting several diagonal every 2cm, right down to the bone and turn the knife horizontal to cut 1.5cm further alone by the main bone, to make the flesh almost leave the bone,in each side of the fish. Put aside waiting for step 2.Chip Golden Rice Cake and Green Preserved Pulm in to small cubes. Boilingin them in hot water by small sause pan for few minutes. Put aside waiting for step 3.2, Put a wok on heat with enough cooking oil, wait until 170-180C, turn the heat down. Pat the fish with Potato Starch (both side, and in the cuts). Put the fish in the hot oil, until cooked. Drain the fish and put in the serving plate for step 3. 3, Lefe some oil in wok and heat up, sizzle the Spring onion and Ginger pieces, bring out the flavour and dispose them. Add the Soy Sauce, White Sugar, Salt, Cooking Wine, Vinegar, and Ginger Juice, keep stir and bring to boil. Mix some Potato Starch with some cold water and pour in the wok, keep stir to make a thick sweet and sour sause. Pour the sause on the fish evenly, and do the final dacoration by cooked Golden Rice Cake and Green Preserved Pulm.糖醋鱼的做法,用英文翻译一下,非常感谢,在线等,内容如下:菜名: 糖醋鱼(京菜) 特点: 色泽金黄,甜咸适口,外焦里嫩. 原料: 黄鱼(也可用草鱼,鲤鱼等)1尾(重约750克),金糕,青梅各5克, 葱10克,姜10克,白糖125克,醋50克,盐3克,料酒15克,酱油10克,油,淀粉,姜汁各适量. 做法: (1)鱼去磷,鳍,腮,内脏洗净,鱼身两侧每隔2厘米切一刀至鱼骨,然后顺骨切1.5厘米,使鱼肉翻起.金糕,青梅切小丁用开水略烫。

(2)起锅放油烧7-8成热,投入挂淀粉的鱼微火炸透,捞厨房盘中. (3)锅留底油烧热,加入葱,姜末爆香,葱,姜末捞出,放入酱油,白糖,盐,料酒,醋,姜汁,烧开淋水淀粉制成糖醋汁,浇在炸好的鱼上,在撒青梅,金糕丁即可。


Cranberries protect against urinary tract infections, but may also lower cholesterol levels. And berries contain ellagic acid, which some studies show may fight cancer. Even watermelon, once considered to be a lightweight in the produce aisle because it contains 92 percent water, is now highly respected for its possible role in protecting against certain cancers. Watermelon and pink grapefruit are teeming with Lycopene, shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer. "Natural Health" magazine's Cheryl Redmond gives Gazpacho a fun new twist with watermelon. She also uses frozen berries, which, by the way, do retain their anti-oxidant powers in a frozen fruit smoothy.。


Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela,born 18 July 1918,served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1999,the first South-African president to be elected in a fully representative democratic election.Before his presidency,Mandela was an anti-apartheid activist,and the leader of the African National Congress's armed wing Umkhonto we Sizwe.The South African courts convicted him on charges of sabotage,as well as other crimes committed while he led the movement against apartheid.In accordance with his conviction's sentence,Mandela served 27 years in prison,spending many of these years on Robben Island.Following his release from prison on 11 February 1990,Mandela supported reconciliation and negotiation,and helped lead the transition towards multi-racial democracy in South Africa.Since the end of apartheid,many have frequently praised Mandela,including former opponents.In South Africa he is often known as Madiba,an honorary title adopted by elders of Mandela's clan.The title has come to be synonymous with Nelson Mandela.Mandela has received more than 250 awards over four decades,most notably the 1993 Nobel Peace Prize.In November 2009,the United Nations General Assembly announced that Mandela's birthday,18 July,is to be known as 'Mandela Day' to mark his contribution to world freedom.。



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