2023-01-06 11:45:19


兵马俑英文简介The terra-cotta warriors museum is China's largest ancient military museum. In 1961, the state council of the People's Republic of China will be emperor qinshihuang as the national cultural relic protection unit. For the first emperor qin shihuang cemetery thorough archeological investigation begins. In 1962, the archeologists were plotted cemetery, the first piece of plane layout diagram, via detecting, cemetery ranges 56.25 square kilometers, which is equivalent to nearly 78 palace, cause the archaeology sensation. In 1987, the emperor qinshihuang and Terra Cotta Warriors pit "by UNESCO world heritage list approved listed in the", and is known as "eighth wonder of the world" make the whole world, make amazing all Chinese proud!



The Terracotta Army or Terracotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 larger than life Chinese terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located near the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor. The figures vary in height according to their rank; the tallest being the Generals. The heights range is 184-197cm (6ft - 6ft 5in), or more than a full foot taller than the average soldier of the period. The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, China。


Qin Shi Huang was the first emperor of a unified China, and his tomb in Xi'an Chengdong 30 kilometers. Since then, the one buried underground for more than 2,000 years of military RUF was excavated and built the museum. Emperor Qin terracotta warriors and horses pits of the holes by 1, 2, on the 3rd hole and soldiers yards figurines pit component. The ceramic funerary display warrior figurines and horses Total 8000, arranged array, the momentum spectacular. Figurines-General guardians, Kolchuga guardians, kneeling radio figurines, etc.. Pit also yields tens of thousands of pieces of combat weapons, the museum display emperor large painting. Known as "the world's eighth largest miracle" 'Qin terracotta warriors and horses displayed the ancient Chang'an past glories, Changan He also has been the starting point of the Silk Road will become a snapshot.

You tourists, everyone, today you are going to visit the miracle is the world's eighth largest Qin terracotta warriors and horses. I am one of your guides, called xxx, you can ask me xxx derivative. We are now taking the car to the Lintong District of Xi'an in Shaanxi Province and reportedly fled, but also the location of the Qin terracotta warriors and horses. During a visit to time, please do a civilized tourists, in addition to footprints, what they should not leave; addition to photographs, what they should not take away.




The Terracotta Army (Chinese: 兵马俑; Pinyin: Bīng Mǎ Yǒng; literally "military servants") or Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses is a collection of 8,099 life-size terra cotta figures of warriors and horses located in the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor (秦始皇陵; Qín Shǐ Huáng Líng). The figures were discovered in 1974 near Xi'an, Shaanxi province, The terracotta figures were buried with the first Emperor of Qin (Qin Shi Huang) in 210-209 BC. Consequently, they are also sometimes referred to as "Qin's Army." The Terracotta Army of China was discovered in March 1974 by local farmers drilling a well to the east of Mount Li. Mount Li is the name of the man-made necropolis and tomb of the First Emperor of Qin; Qin Shi Huang. Construction of this mausoleum began in 246 B.C. and is believed to have taken 700,000 workers and craftsmen 36 years to complete. Qin Shi Huang was interred inside the tomb complex upon his death in 210 B.C. According to the Grand Historian Sima Qian, The First Emperor was buried alongside great amounts of treasure and objects of craftsmanship, as well as a scale replica of the universe complete with gemmed ceilings representing the cosmos, and flowing mercury. representing the great earthly bodies of water. Recent scientific work at the site has shown high levels of mercury in the soil of Mount Li, tentatively indicating an accurate description of the site's contents by Sima Qian. The tomb of Qin Shi Huang is near an earthen pyramid 76 meters tall and nearly 350 meters square. The tomb presently remains unopened. There are plans to seal-off the area around the tomb with a special tent-type structure to prevent corrosion from exposure to outside air. However, there is at present only one company in the world that makes these tents, and their largest model will not cover the site as needed. Qin Shi Huang's necropolis complex was constructed to serve as an imperial compound or palace. It is comprised of several offices, halls and other structures and is surrounded by a wall with gateway entrances. The remains of the craftsmen working in the tomb may also be found within its confines, as it is believed they were sealed inside alive to keep them from divulging any secrets about its riches or entrance. It was only fitting, therefore, to have this compound protected by the massive terra cotta army interred nearby. 这个比较详细。


兵马俑( terra-cotta figures; soldier and horse figures) 兵马俑多用模塑结合的方法制成,先用陶模作出初胎,再覆盖一层细泥进行加工刻划加彩,有的是先烧后接,有的是先接再烧,火候均匀、色泽单纯、硬度很高。



秦始皇陵位于距西安市30多千米的临潼县城以东的骊山脚下。据史书记载:秦始皇 嬴政从13岁即位时就开始营建陵园,由丞相李斯主持规划设计,大将章邯监工,修筑时间长达38年,工程之浩大、气魄之宏伟,创历代封建统治者奢侈厚葬之先例。



它还是“世界八大奇迹”之一呢! 秦始皇陵土陵冢高43米,底边周长1700余米,筑有内外两重夯土城垣,象征都城的皇城和宫城。内城略呈方形,周长3890米,除北面开两门外,其余三面各开一门。

外城为长方 形,周长6294米,四面各开一门。陵冢位置在陵园南部。

秦始皇兵马俑坑是秦始皇陵的陪葬坑,位于陵园东侧l 500米处。昔日,这里是一片坟地,当地农民在掘墓时曾发现有像人一样的东西。

1974年3月,在陵东的西杨村村民抗旱打 井时,在陵墓以东三里的下和村和五垃村之间,发现规模宏大的秦始皇陵兵马俑坑,经考古工作者的发掘,才揭开了埋葬于地下的2000多年前的秦俑宝藏。 秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑坐西向东,三坑呈品字形排列。

最早发现的是一号俑坑,呈长方形,东西长230米,南北宽62米,深约5米,总面积14260平方米,四面有斜坡门道,左右两侧又各有一个兵马俑坑,现称二号坑和三号坑。 秦始皇兵马俑陪葬坑,是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。

俑坑布局合理,结构奇特,在深5米左右的坑底,每隔3米架起一道东西向的承重墙,兵马俑排列在墙间空档的过洞中。 在一号坑中已发掘出武士俑500余件,战车6乘,驾车马24匹,还有青铜剑、吴钩、矛、箭、弩机、铜戟等实战用的青铜兵器和铁器。





这样做的好处是游客既可以参观到二号坑局部的风采,有可以亲眼看到二号坑的挖掘工作。” 据初步推算,二号坑有陶俑陶马1300多件,战车80余辆,青铜兵器数万件,其中将军俑、鞍马俑、跪姿射俑为首次发现。






每乘车后除三名车士外,还配有8~36个步兵俑。 第四单元,位于军阵左侧,108个骑士俑和180匹陶鞍马俑排成11列横队,组成长方形骑兵阵。



1、A POPULAR HISTORY OF CHINA英文版(中国历史) 2、LATEST DISCOVERIES IN QIN MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY GARDEN《秦俑》(中英日韩文)大画册 3、LATEST DISCOVERIES IN QIN MAUSOLEUM CEMETERY GARDEN《秦俑》(德意西法文)大画册 4、MYSTERIOUS QIN MAUSOLEUM AND ITS TERRA-COTTA《凝视秦陵秦俑》(中英日韩文)中画册 6、西安,为您收藏3000年——帮您游西安兵马俑华清池Help you to tour Xi'an,the Entombed Terra-cotta Army and the Huaqing Pool西安兵马俑と华清池への游ぶ相手《西安,为您收藏3000年》(中英日韩文)7、《风流华清池》(中英日韩文)小画册 HELP YOU TOUR THE HUAQING POOL华清池を游ぶ相手????? ????? ??? ?? ??? ?? ???……8、THE MAUSOLEUM OF THE QIN EMPEROR AND THE TERRA-COTTAARMY秦兵马俑明言片(中英文)9、CHINA'S FIRST EMPEROR AND HIS TERRA-COTTAARMY(中国第一个皇帝和他的兵马俑)(英文介绍秦兵马俑专著).These books are all experts in the Terracotta Museum,China's well-known translator Liu Tao Xuanyi,and by a number of foreign experts in the trial of foreign English translation,published by the Shaanxi Tourism Publishing House,e-mail:daoxuanliu@163.com TEL:13991016266以上这些书全为秦始皇兵马俑博物馆专家撰写,我国著名翻译家刘道选译并经多名外外籍英文专家审译,由陕西旅游出版社出版发行,电子邮件:daoxuanliu@163.com TEL:13991016266。


1.Dear Lucy: Glad to receive your letter,Today is Sunday, my family are resting and doing the things we like. I've been fine recently, but had some difficulty in studying math, I hope you can help me solve those problems, OK? Best wished to you! Yours, Sandy翻译:亲爱的Lucy: 很高兴收到你的信件,今天是周日,我的家人都在休息,做着自己喜爱的事情.我最近不错,但在学习数学上遇到了困难,我希望你能帮我解决这些问题,好吗? 致敬! 爱你的Sandy2.Last summer vacation, I went to Xi'an to have a trip.The weather was very well, and I visited a lot of interesting places, I really enjoyed a happy time, I still remembered the famousterr-cotta soldiers and horses which was made 2000 years ago. that was really fantastic. I also visited Banpo Village Museum, which also has thousands years history. I really love that trip!翻译:上个暑假我去了西安旅行.天气很好,我参观了很多景区,玩得真的很开心.我仍记得著名的兵马俑,它是2000年前的产物,这真是美妙极了.我也参观了半坡村,它也有着数千年的历史.我真得非常喜爱那次旅行。


兵马俑英文简介: Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang and Terra-cotta Warriors Emperor Qin's mausoleum is the largest of ancient China, situated at the northern foot of Mt Li, Lintong County, some 30m east of Xi'an city, facing Weishui River in the north,close to the tourist resort Huaqing Pool in the west. The huge and amazing satellite pit of terra-cotta warriors is 1 500m east of the mau-soleum,discovered in March of 1974, by a group of farmers drilling a well against the draught. Archaeologist the unearthed the treasure of Qin dynasty hidden for over 2000 years. The pit is truly an underground military museum largest worldwide. Its design is rational and unique with a weight wall every 3m,dividing the 5m deep pit into lanes of warriors neatly arrayed. 翻译: 始皇陵及兵马俑 秦始皇的陵墓是古代中国最大的,位于北部的临潼县骊山脚下,西安以东约30 m处,面朝在北面的渭河,接近西面的华清池旅游胜地。

巨大的、令人惊叹的兵马俑卫星坑在陵墓以1500米处,1974年3月由一群钻井抗旱的农民发现。 考古学家发掘了在地下隐藏2000年的宝藏,坑确实是世界最大的地下军事博物馆。

其设计是理性的和独特的,每3米有重墙,把5米深坑里整齐排列的战士划分开。 由于它的宏大和缺乏书面数据,中国考古学家和历史学家研究陵墓已经有几十年的的时间了。

全面挖掘留给未来,除了一些科学发掘一些卫星坑,游客到这里只能看到冰山一角。 扩展资料: 兵马俑从身份上区分,主要有士兵与军吏两大类,军吏又有低级、中级、高级之别。

一般士兵不戴冠,而军吏戴冠,普通军吏的冠与将军的冠又不相同,甚至铠甲也有区别。 其中的兵俑包括步兵、骑兵、车兵三类。

根据实战需要,不同兵种的武士装备各异。 俑坑中最多的是武士俑,大部分手执青铜兵器,有弓、弩、箭镞、铍、矛、戈、殳、剑、弯刀和钺,身穿甲片细密的铠甲,胸前有彩线挽成的结穗。



Xi'an, once the capital of eleven Chinese dynasties, is famous throughout the world for life-sized terra-cotta warriors and horses. They have won fame as one of the greatest archaeological finds of this century. Back in 1974, while digging a well to fight drought, some farmers from Lintong county, about thirty kilometers east of Xi'an, unearthed some brown pottery fragments, which led to the great discovery of the executed terra-cotta legions as an exterior section of the mausoleum, of Qin Shi Huang or First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty (255-210B. C.) Details of Qin Shi Huang's tomb can be traced in The Historical Records (compiled by Sima Qian) and legends about it have been widespread. However, for technical reasons, the major part of the tomb remains unexcavated today with its mound still standing 76 meters high against the slopes of Mt. Lishan and facing the Huishui River. After 20 years of careful excavation three underground vaults officially opened to the public in 1979, 1989, and 1994 respectively, displaying thousands of terra-cotta warriors, horses and chariots, all arranged in battle formations. Vault 1, built with earth and timber, measures 210 meters long, 60 meters wide and 4.6 to 6.5 meters high. In this area of 12, 600 square meters, six thousand life-sized warriors and horses of terra-cotta were found in rectangular battle formation. The troops were of a fairly uniform height of 1.8 meters. They wear helmets and armor and carry real bows and arrows, swords, lances, javelins and crossbows in their hands. Each chariot, made of wood, is drawn by a team of four horses, 1. 5 meters in height. Three rows of infantrymen make up the vanguard of the formation, and these are followed by the main body of the army, 38 rows of troops. There are also flank columns and rearguards. The array breathes the power of Qin Shi Huang's army. Vault 2 is approximately one half vault I in size, housing nearly a thousand pottery warriors. Compared with Vault 1, these warriors are of a larger variety and arranged in more complex battle array. Unlike Vault 1, the war chariots and infantrymen are arranged separately in four square formations which are linked to one another in a polygon. Again, however, the warriors carry real weapons. The projecting part of the polygon consists of archers, either standing or kneeling, with crossbows or handbows and quivers and so appears to be the vanguard of the phalanx. The archers are followed by a unit of cavalrymen to the left and one of chariots to the right, forming the two wings of the phalanx. Infantrymen and war chariots bring up the rear. Each chariot drawn by four horses has1l driver and two assistants, one on either side. The charioteers are armored and carry spears, swords and crossbows, Indicating that they could engage in long-range battles, short-range fighting and hand-to-hand combat. All the cavalrymen carry crossbows, a sign that shooting on horseback was a common practice in the army at that time. From among the chariots a robust and unusually tall figure at 1. 95 meters has been unearthed. His armor is interlinked and overlapped with finer metal pieces than that of the common soldiers, and he is believed to be a high-ranking commander of the 1egion. Vault 3 is a modest building more resembling a gallery. It has 69 pottery warriors with defensive weapons and a wooden chariot pulled by four magnificent horses. The structure of the gallery and the line-up of the soldiers suggest that this was likely the headquarters of the troops of Vault 1 and 2. However, the commander is missing. Many archaeologists believe that since the underground army represents the emperor's garrison under his direct command, no marshal was necessary. Altogether ten thousand pieces of actual weaponry have been unearthed from the three vaults, including arrow-heads, swords, spears and halberds. Two long-handled swords dug out recently are still sharp and gleaming despite their burial for more than two thousand years. Some bronze arrow-heads from Vault 2 are 41 cm in length and 100 grams in weight. They are the biggest bronze weapons excavated in China. important to the study of Qin technology was the discovery of bronze arrow-heads and swords treated with a preservative that has prevented erosion for 22 centuries. Chemical analysis revealed the sword to have been cast of an alloy of copper, tin and various other elements, including nickel, magnesium, and cobalt. The arrow-heads which contain 7.71 percent lead are considered by archaeologists to be the world's most poisonous. Experts expect future discoveries to unearth even more 。



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