2023-01-05 23:04:42



Hereby ,We would like to authorize MR xxxxx

Managing Director



Office Address: xxxxxx

xxxxx, Israel

Ph: +xxxxxxxx

As Representative of “ xxx COFFEETABLE “ in France for sell our products from January ,10th 2009 to August ,30th 2009 as our cooperative probation except those models xxx & xxx bought,xxx

During of probation, we can only sell those old models xxx bought before to xxx. We will offer 5% commission based on the order amount as our support to MR xxx, Meanwhile ,MR xxx should take his responsibility as our representative who introduce more customers ,such as xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx, xxx and expand turnover , visiting & revisiting customers periodically and feedback promptly , and help us handle the after-sale service and claim. In the meanwhile, the existed France customers of xxx will be handed in Mr. xxx, and xxx will give Mr. xxxx 2% commission if the existed customers place orders in the future. During this probation,

After our cooperative probation period, the quantities should be up to ten 40' containers HQ, otherwise xxx cannot offer Mr. xxx 5% commission but 3% commission instead. In the meanwhile, both of us will re-discuss and decide if we go on contract time against the actual situation, then update our agreement.

Address of Authority: ShenZhen , China

Company of Authority:


Address: ShenZhen,





仅是个例子哈KNOW ALL MEN by these presents that the undersigned ----------, Board Chairman of -------------------. lawfully authorized to represent and act on behalf of the said company, whose registered address is -------------------------------------do hereby appoint ----------------, ------------------ Co., Ltd., whose signature appears below to be true and lawful attorney, and authorize the said attorney to execute all the necessary matters related thereto, in the name and on behalf of the said company in connection with the Contract--------------------of-----------------Project.In witness thereof, we have hereto set out respective hands this --------------- day (month and year)Signature of Legal Representative: ________________________________Signature of Attorney: _______________________________________Witnessed by: _____________________________________________Name and Title of Witness: _____ Name of Firm of Witness: ______Address of Witness: ___。


I,__(1)__,of__(2)__,hereby appoint__(3)__,of__(4)__,as my attorney in fact to act in my capacity to do every act that I may legally do through an attorney in fact. This power shall be in full force and effect on the date below written and shall remain in full force and effect until__(5)__or unless specifically extended or rescinded earlier by either party.


Dated__(6)__,20_(7)_. __(8)__

STATE OF__(9)__ (签名处)

COUNTY OF__(10)__





BE IT DNOWN, that I,__(1)__,the undersigned Shareholder of__(2)__,a__(3)__corporation, hereby constitute and appoint__(4)__as my true and lawful attorney and agent for me and in my name, place and stead, to vote as my proxy at the Meeting of the Shareholders of the said corporation, to be held on__(5)__or any adjournment thereof, for the transaction of any business which may legally come before the meeting, and for me and in my name, to act as fully as I could do if personally present; and I herewith revoke any other proxy heretofore given.


WITNESS my hand and seal this__(6)__day of__(7)__,20__(8)__.




According to "People's Republic of China Contract Law" and other relevant laws and regulations, Party A Party B to accept the commission for the State Party xx customers find products, by consensus the two sides signed the contract. Matters entrusted to the first Party A Party B commissioned in the country xx clients find the right products to sell as well as the Party for the Party and State xx contract to provide business contacts, assistance and other services bring together and facilitate xx State Party and the contract for the sale of business set up. Commissioned a second matter the specific requirements of (1) Party A should ensure that the legality of products and product quality assurance. (2) Party A and business transactions xx country specific pricing, delivery methods, such as payment by the State Party xx businessmen and consultation between the two sides agreed. (3) Party A and Party B is not the country xx businessmen secured transactions, Party A should be in strict accordance with the terms of international trade "FOB, CIF" and other terms and conditions of business contracts xx country. The third commission, bonus and service charge calculation, payment methods and payment time (1) the calculation and payment of commission B is independently developed by the projects and customers, and thus have access to the actual orders and after sales (not including: the sale by the Party or is independently developed by an independent team to undertake the projects and customers in sales), Party A on a quarterly basis Party B paid commission, but at the same time Party A Party B must comply with the approval process of the price process, the commission must also be included in the company's cost xx areas. Party A based on the actual situation of each project in proportion to the commission paid to Party B, the ratio of specific: total sales xx ‰ ~ xx% (2) the calculation and payment of bonuses Party A Party B in accordance with the requirements of the project, and strive to complete the work of Party goals designated by Party A decision based on the actual situation in a one-time items to be paid a certain amount of money B. Party B in obtaining the money, the Party A Party B no longer pay the cost of other.根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和其他有关法律法规规定,乙方接受甲方的委托,为甲方产品寻找xx国客商,双方经协商一致签订本合同。

第一条 委托事项 甲方委托乙方在xx国国内寻找合适的客户推销甲方生产的产品以及为甲方与xx国客商签订合同提供联络、协助、撮合等服务,并促成甲方与xx国客商的买卖合同的成立。 第二条 委托事项的具体要求 (1)甲方应该保证所生产的产品的合法性及保证产品质量。

(2)甲方与xx国客商交易的具体价格、交货方式、支付方式等由甲方与xx国客商双方协商约定。 (3)乙方不对甲方与xx国客商的交易提供担保,甲方应该严格按照国际贸易术语中的“FOB、CIF”等条款与xx国客商签订合同。

第三条 佣金、奖金及服务费的计算、给付方式和给付时间 (1)佣金的计算与给付 乙方独立开发的项目和客户,并且由此获取订单而产生了实际了销售额后(不包括:由甲方销售团队独立开发或独立承接的项目和客户产生的销售额),甲方按季度给付乙方佣金,但同时乙方必须遵守甲方的价格流程审批程序,其佣金也必须纳入xx公司的成本计算范畴。甲方依据每个项目的实际情况按比例支付给乙方佣金,具体比例为: 总销售额的xx‰~xx% (2)奖金的计算与给付 乙方按照甲方的项目要求,努力完成甲方指定的工作目标时,由甲方依据项目实际情况决定一次性给付给乙方一定金额的奖金。

乙方在获取该奖金后,甲方不再给付乙方其他的费用。部分委托代理合同 partly authorized representation contract。



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