2023-01-02 14:31:13


当你老了 叶芝














十首经典英文情诗1、Love is more than a wordit says so much.When I see these four letters,I almost feel your touch.This is only happened sinceI fell in love with you.Why this word does this,I haven't got a clue.Love不单是一个字,它还代表了许多意涵,当我看到这四个字母的时候我几乎能感受到你内心的感动但是这只是发生在,我爱上你之后,为何这个字有如此的魔力,我也不清楚2、Thank you for comfotting me when I'm sadLoving me when I'm madPicking me up when I'm downThank you for being my friend and being aroundTeaching me the meaning of loveEncouraging me when I need a shoveBut most of all thank you forLoving me for who I am.感谢你在伤心时安慰我,当我生气时感谢你护着我,当我沮丧时你拉拔我,感谢你作为我的朋友并且在我身旁,告诉我爱的意义是什么,当我需要动力时你鼓励我,但我最想感谢你的是,爱上像我这样的一个人。

3、Sweetheart,My thoughts are deep into youFrom the moment that I wake upAnd to the whole day throughHappy Valentine's Day亲爱的,我深深地想念着你,从我每天早上起来的那一刻起,每一分每一秒直到一天结束。情人节快乐!4、Thank you for standing behind meIn all that I doI hope you're as happy with meAs I am with you感谢你永远支持我,不论我作了些什麽,我希望你跟我在一起永远开心,就像我跟你在一起时那么地快乐。

5、If I could save time in a bottlethe first thing that i 'd like to dois to save every day until eternity passes awayjust to spend them with youif I could make days last foreverif words could make wishes come trueI'd save every day like a treasure and thenagain I would spend them with you如果我能把时间存入一个瓶子,我要作的第一件事就是,把每一天都存下来直到永恒,再和你一起慢慢度过。如果我能把时间化作永恒,如果我的愿望能一一成真,我会把每天都像宝贝一样存起来,再和你一起慢慢度过。

6、To sweetheart or friend,words can mean much.Valentine heart to heart,conveys a loving touch.给我的爱人或是朋友,一句话可以代表许多意思,让我们传递著情人节的讯息,也传送出爱的感觉。7、You're always there for meWhen things tend to go wrongIt's that faith you have in meThat makes our love strong就算是我犯了错误也没关系,是你对我坚定的信心,让我们的爱更加茁壮。

8、It's your loving and your caringAnd knowing that you're nearThat gentle touch you haveMake my troubles disappear是你的爱意和呵护,知道你就在我的身边,还有你的温柔和体贴,让我所有的麻烦全都不见。9、A better love I couldn't ask forWith your sweet and gently wayAnd knowing that your love for meGrows more everyday我再也没法找到一个比你更好爱我的人,能比你更加温柔和体贴,我也深深地相信,你对我的爱一天比一天更深。

10、We share so much togetherAnd you always pull me throughThank you for standing behind meIn all that I do我们分享生命中的每一天,感谢你带领着我感谢你一直支持着我不论我做了些什么参考资料:。


振奋的:Oh, Captain! My Captain!---By Walt WhitmanCaptain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is worn,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red!Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;Here, Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deckYou've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse or will;The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the vi。

振奋的:Oh, Captain! My Captain!---By Walt WhitmanCaptain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is worn,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red!Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;Here, Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head;It is some dream that on the deckYou've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse or will;The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;Exult, O Shores! and ring, O bell!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.中文译文:船长!我的船长!瓦尔特?惠特曼啊, 船长!我的船长!可怕的航程已完成;这船历尽风险,企求的目标已达成。港口在望,钟声响,人们在欢欣。


啊, 船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声;起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬;迎着您,多少花束花圈----候着您,千万人蜂拥岸边;他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!我的手臂托着您的头!莫非是一场梦:在甲板上您到下去,冰冷,永别。我的船长不作声,嘴唇惨白,毫不动弹;我的父亲没感到我的手臂,没有脉搏,没有遗言;船舶抛锚停下,平安抵达;航程终了;历经艰险返航,夺得胜利目标。

啊,岸上钟声齐鸣,啊,人们一片欢腾!但是,我在甲板上,在船长身旁,心悲切,步履沉重:因为他倒下去,冰冷,永别。感人的:With Rue My Heart Is LadenWith rue my heart is ladenFor golden friends I had,For many a rose-lipt maidenAnd many a lightfoot lad.By brooks too broad for leapingThe lightfoot boys are laid;The rose-lipt girls are sleepingIn fields where roses fade.--A.E.Housman施颖洲译:《我的心载满了伤悲》我的心载满了伤悲,为了我的金石故人,为多少玫瑰唇的少女,为多少捷足的少年。

在宽广难越的溪滨,捷足的少年头已埋下,玫瑰唇的少女们长眠在玫瑰花落的田野。tommyleea译:《悲满怀》何事悲满怀金玉良友俱已逝几多蛾眉红颜几多捷足少年涧广不得跃纵青春步履轻健朱唇少女长眠野地蔷薇凋谢“假如生活欺骗了你”(1825年) 普希金假如生活欺骗了你,不要忧郁,也不要愤慨!不顺心时暂且克制自己,相信吧,快乐之日就会到来。

我们的心儿憧憬着未来,现今总是令人悲哀:一切都是暂时的,转瞬既逝,而那逝去的将变为可爱。If by life you were deceivedDon't be dismal,don't be wildIn the day of grief,be mildMerry days will come believeHeart is living in tomorrowPresent is dejected hereIn a moment,passes sorrowThat which passes will be dearWhen you are old(爱情诗歌经典中的经典)Yeats叶芝When you are old and gray and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire,take down this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft look,Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep.How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face.And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how love fled,And paced upon the mountains overhead,And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.爱尔兰诗人 叶芝:经柳园而下Down by the sally gardenDown by the salley 。


振奋的:Oh, Captain! My Captain!---By Walt Whitman Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is worn,The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring; But O heart! heart! heart!O the bleeding drops of red!Where on the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells; Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores crowding,For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning; Here, Captain! dear father!This arm beneath your head; It is some dream that on the deck You've fallen cold and dead.My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse or will; The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done; From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won; Exult, O Shores! and ring, O bell!But I, with mournful tread,Walk the deck my Captain lies,Fallen cold and dead.中文译文:船长!我的船长!瓦尔特?惠特曼 啊, 船长!我的船长!可怕的航程已完成;这船历尽风险,企求的目标已达成。


但是痛心啊!痛心!痛心!瞧一滴滴鲜红的血!甲板上躺着我的船长,他到下去,冰冷,永别。啊, 船长!我的船长!起来吧,倾听钟声;起来吧,号角为您长鸣,旌旗为您高悬;迎着您,多少花束花圈----候着您,千万人蜂拥岸边;他们向您高呼,拥来挤去,仰起殷切的脸;啊,船长!亲爱的父亲!我的手臂托着您的头!莫非是一场梦:在甲板上 您到下去,冰冷,永别。


感人的:With Rue My Heart Is Laden With rue my heart is laden For golden friends I had,For many a rose-lipt maiden And many a lightfoot lad.By brooks too broad for leaping The lightfoot boys are laid; The rose-lipt girls are sleeping In fields where roses fade.--A.E.Housman 施颖洲译:《我的心载满了伤悲》我的心载满了伤悲,为了我的金石故人,为多少玫瑰唇的少女,为多少捷足的少年。在宽广难越的溪滨,捷足的少年头已埋下,玫瑰唇的少女们长眠 在玫瑰花落的田野。

tommyleea译:《悲满怀》何事悲满怀 金玉良友俱已逝 几多蛾眉红颜 几多捷足少年 涧广不得跃 纵青春步履轻健 朱唇少女长眠 野地蔷薇凋谢 “假如生活欺骗了你” (1825年) 普希金 假如生活欺骗了你,不要忧郁,也不要愤慨!不顺心时暂且克制自己,相信吧,快乐之日就会到来。我们的心儿憧憬着未来,现今总是令人悲哀:一切都是暂时的,转瞬既逝,而那逝去的将变为可爱。

If by life you were deceived Don't be dismal,don't be wild In the day of grief,be mild Merry days will come believe Heart is living in tomorrow Present is dejected here In a moment,passes sorrow That which passes will be dear When you are old(爱情诗歌经典中的经典) Yeats 叶芝 When you are old and gray and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire,take down this book,And slowly read,and dream of the soft look,Your eyes had once,and of their shadows deep.How many loved your moments of glad grace,And loved your beauty with love false or true,But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,And loved the sorrows of your changing face.And bending down beside the glowing bars,Murmur,a little sadly,how love fled,And paced upon the mountains overhead,And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.爱尔兰诗人 叶芝:经柳园而下 Down by the sally garden Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet; 在莎莉花园深处,吾爱与我曾经相遇。She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.她穿越莎莉花园,以雪白的小脚。

She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree; 她嘱咐我要爱得轻松,当新叶在枝桠萌芽。But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.但我当年年幼无知,不予轻率苟同。

In a field by the river my love and I did stand,在河边的田野,吾爱与我曾经驻足。And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.她依靠在我的肩膀,以雪白的小手。

She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs; 她嘱咐我要活得轻松,当青草在堤岸滋长。But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.但我当年年幼无知,而今热泪盈眶。

Down by the Salley Gardens 走进莎莉花园 My love and I did meet 我和我的爱人相遇 She passed the Salley Gardens 她穿越莎莉花园 With little snow-white feet 踏著雪白的纤足 She 。


致橡树 To The Oak 舒婷 我如果爱你 If I love you 绝不像攀援的凌霄花, I won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeper 借你的高枝炫耀自己; upvalue myself by your height 我如果爱你—— If I love you 绝不学痴情的鸟儿, I will never follow a spoony bird 为绿荫重复单调的歌曲; repeating the monotune song for the green shade 也不止像泉源, not only like a springhead 常年送来清凉的慰籍; brings you clean coolness whole year long 也不止像险峰, not only like a steepy peak 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。

enhances your height, sets off your straightness 甚至日光。 even sunshine 甚至春雨。

and spring rain 不,这些都还不够! No, all these are not enough! 我必须是你近旁的一株木棉, I must be a ceiba by your side 做为树的形象和你站在一起。 as a tree standing together with you 根,紧握在地下, our roots melt underneath 叶,相触在云里。

our leaves merge in clouds 每一阵风过, when wind breezes 我们都互相致意, we greet each other 但没有人 but no one 听懂我们的言语。 can understand our peculiar words 你有你的铜枝铁干, you have your strong stem and branches 像刀,像剑, like knives and swords 也像戟, and like halberds 我有我的红硕花朵, I have my red ample flowers 像沉重的叹息, like heavy sighs 又像英勇的火炬, and heroic torches as well 我们分担寒潮、风雷、霹雳; we partake cold tide,thunder storm,firebolt 我们共享雾霭、流岚、虹霓, together we share brume,flowing mist,rainbow 仿佛永远分离, as if we separate all the time 却又终身相依, actually we forever rely on each other 这才是伟大的爱情, this is great love 坚贞就在这里: loyalty lives here 爱 Love 不仅爱你伟岸的身躯, not only your giant body 也爱你坚持的位置,脚下的土地。

but also the position you stand,the earth under your feet。


《世界上最遥远的距离》 世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死 而是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你 世界上最遥远的距离不是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你 而是明明知道彼此相爱却不能在一起 世界上最遥远的距离不是明明知道彼此相爱却不能在一起 而是明明无法抵挡这股思念却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里 世界上最遥远的距离不是明明无法抵挡这股思念却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里 而是用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠 《世界上最遥远的距离》(附1)一诗确实是泰戈尔作的,而《世界上最遥远的距离》(附4、5)并非泰戈尔所作。









清华大学有一网页“ /show.aspx?id=1977&cid=37”内容为《世界上最遥远的距离》(附1),页眉注名《世界上最遥远的距离》(附1)的作者是泰戈尔。张小娴可能是改编了《世界上最遥远的距离》(附1)的第一节,当作《世界上最遥远的距离》(附4、5)的第一节。















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