2022-12-29 06:15:42


leifeng spirit

it is a little bit weird we are still talking about leifeng spirit nowadays,but if we think about it,we may want that leifeng spirit come into our daily life again.

Hey, it is not a pretty clever choice to help an old man stand up if he is lying on the street, cause he may set you up by telling crowd that you push him down, then a big trouble is waitting for you right there, and since this kind of news we read almost everyday on newspaper, so nowadays people are very careful to help each others, and some of them they may very knid and have very strong willing to help othes, still, they will think twice before doing something, people are questioning the moral sense of today's society.

So what i wanna say is we are longing for leifeng spirit coming to our life again, and most important the government has the responsibility to conduct people to believe there are thousands of people care about each others, they are willing to help without no doubt.

As an old saying goes, I have a dream, one day, i am walking down the street, people are waitting for the bus on line, crossing the street one by one while vehicle automaticlly stop with no horning,children helping olds cross the street, the big smiles hanging up on everyone's face, at that time we are so glad that everyone of us a leifeng already。。。.


BBC News with Marian MarshallEuropean Union transport ministers have agreed to ease some other the restrictions on air travel which were imposed across Europe last week following the spread of volcanic ash from Iceland. After discussions by video conference, the EU Transport Commissioner Siim Kallas announced the decision to reporters in Brussels."New air control measures can come into effect from eight o'clock Tuesday morning. From tomorrow morning on, we should see progressively more planes start to fly and this is good news for Europe's stranded passengers, good news for airline industry and other sectors of this economy hard hit by this crisis."In an effort to ensure safety, the EU wants to create three designated fly zones. One will remain entirely off limits because of the threat of volcanic dust; another will be open to all aircraft, while a third zone will be available for a limited service. In Germany, the two main airlines, Lufthansa and Air Berlin, were granted exemptions from the existing fly ban to allow them to bring home stranded passengers. A Lufthansa spokesman said they were expected to carry a total of about 15,000 people from the Far East, Africa and the Americas. Britain has announced that it's sending warships to help bring home British travelers.The American military in Iraq has confirmed that the two most wanted al-Qaeda leaders in the country have been killed. The Iraqi government named them as Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi. The Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said their identities had been confirmed by medical tests on the bodies. The two men were reportedly tracked down by an intelligence team west of Baghdad and their hideout destroyed by missiles. The US Vice President Joe Biden said the deaths showed that Iraq was now better able to look after its own security."Their deaths are potentially devastating blows to al-Qaeda Iraq, but equally important, in my view, is this action demonstrates the improved security strength and capacity of Iraqi security forces. In short, the Iraqis have taken the lead in securing Iraq and its citizens by taking out both of these individuals."Officials in Pakistan say at least 23 people were killed when a suicide bomb exploded in a crowded market in Peshawar. Aleem Maqbool reports from Islamabad.The explosion happened close to a police station, in what's called the Storytellers' Bazaar, an historic market place in the central Peshawar that was packed with shoppers and also a large crowd protesting against the frequent power cuts in the city. One of Peshawar's senior most police officers was among those killed. It is Taliban militants who'd be suspected of carrying out the attack. They've recently come under increasing pressure across Northwest Pakistan, for Pakistani military carries out operations against them.World News from the BBCThe Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak has said Israel must recognize that the world will not accept Israeli rule over Palestinians for decades to come. He also warned of growing alienation between Israel and its long-standing ally, the United States. Mr Barak's warning comes at the time of growing criticism of the right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.Pope Benedict has invited the world's 400,000 Catholic priests to Rome in June to show their support for him over what, the Vatican says, are unjust attacks on his policies concerning pedophilia crimes. The invitation was contained in a letter from Cardinal Claudio Hummes. In the letter, the cardinal says the presence of so many priests in St Peter's Square will be a good way to show that they haven't been intimidated, as he put it, by the crimes committed by a few of their fellow clergy.A team of Sherpas in Nepal have announced that they will go on a clean-up expedition on Mount Everest. It's the first time that Mount Everest is to be cleaned above the altitude of 8,000 metres, an area which is called the "death zone" because of the low level of oxygen and treacherous conditions. Joanna Jolly reports.The team of 20 Sherpa mountaineers will set off on May 1 to establish camp at the point known as Everest's South Col. From here, they plan to start their cleaning operation, including removing at least two bodies from a narrow trail between the South Col and the summit. The Sherpas, many of whom have climbed Everest several times, say they also plan to remove 3,000 kilogrammes of empty oxygen bottles, old food wrappings, tents and ropes.A folk singing Cuban scientist has won a prestigious environmental prize in the United States for challenging the role of state bureaucrats in Cuban 。

3.英语新闻稿三分钟以内 要求别太难

Hello everyone ,my name is **,It 's my great to talk about news

A rarely-seen heavy rain rocked the city this morning,bringing about flood.Early in the morning people were on their way to work when it poured rain.The rain came so suddenly that many of them were caught in it and all wet.Steets and roads were flooded,including many shops and markets.And also many factories had to stop running due to the heavy rain.It's believed that a rising of prices of the food and vegetables will be seen in the coming days.It's reported that the rain has been the heaviest one in the past fify-years,causing a great loss in economy .




By 2010, August 23, at around 9 am, a car carrying 25 (including Hong Kong) passengers 22 of the yankees in Manila centre near Reno grandstand before the Philippine police hijacked. This event by the Chinese government attaches great importance to FeiFang request immediate in ensuring the safety of the premise, to develop the rescue operations. Through negotiation, six Hong Kong tourists depart before release. At 23 night around 7:40 p.m., police rescue operations in Hong Kong, the implementation of assault tourists in eight people were killed and six others injured. The Hong Kong SAR government in 2010, August 24 to victims compatriots at 25 August mourning, the national mourning. Hong Kong killed。

5.短篇英语新闻稿拜托各位了 3Q

Today we have arrested Ratko Mladic. Extradition prosess is on the way. This is the result of full cooperation of Serbia with The Hague tribunal. We can always believe in our strategy and the work of every one involved in this prosess. Today we closed one chapter。

chapter of our recent history that will bring us one step closer to full reconciliation in the region.Over night, we have and we will provide today a list of 232 individuals that we have actual reports that individuals have come in and said they were missing and unaccounted for.We will release that list today. Now keeping in mind that on that list there are individuals that we are working directly with their family members to indentify and notify their love ones that they are deceased. You acturally were close enough to the smell in the trunk of that car, were you not? The only smell that I had was come from oil gas cans that were placed on the ground. And you did not smell any smell of human decomposition on June 24, 2008 in the trunk of yours daughter's car? Did not. Since this decision only focuses on licensing and that specific exemption,I do not believe that it is a predictor by any stretch of the imagination of what the supreme court will do, in terms of Arizona's boarder law SB1070.I'm hopful that the court will ultimately sustain the Arizona district court's decision to overturn key sections of Arizona's notorious show me your papers' law. This is a further example of Congress' failure to enact comprehensive immigration reform that is leading to a patchwork of immigration laws. We need a federal solution to our broken immigration system rather than a state-by-state process taking different approaches.。


North Korea: Kim's Uncle Sacked for 'Criminal Acts'这几天的,金正恩姑父遭清洗(国内sina也有报道)SEOUL — North Korea announced on Monday the dismissal of Jang Song Thaek, the once powerful uncle of leader Kim Jong Un, for what it described as a string of criminal acts including corruption, womanizing and drug-taking.South Korea's spy agency last week said it believed Jang, long regarded as the second most powerful man in the secretive state, had been relieved of his posts in November.The sacking means Pyongyang is undergoing its biggest leadership upheaval since the death in 2011 of former leader Kim Jong Il, the younger Kim's father.”Jang and his followers committed criminal acts baffling imagination and they did tremendous harm to our party and revolution,” the North's KCNA news agency said in a report following a meeting of the ruling Workers' Party politburo on Sunday.The meeting decided to dismiss Jang from all his posts and expel him from the Workers' Party, KCNA said. Kim Jong Un attended and `”guided” the meeting, it said.KCNA listed a series of acts committed by Jang that it said led to the decision to remove him, including mismanagement of the country's financial system, corruption, womanizing and abusing alcohol and drugs.”Jang pretended to uphold the party and leader but was engrossed in such factional acts [such] as dreaming different dreams and involving himself in double-dealing behind the scene,” KCNA said.”Affected by the capitalist way of living, Jang committed irregularities and corruption and led a dissolute and depraved life.”Jang is married to Kim's aunt, the daughter of the North's founding leader Kim Il Sung, and was widely considered to be working to ensure his nephew firmly established his grip on power in the past two years.Last week a South Korean official said Jang was likely alive and in no immediate physical danger, as was his wife, Kim Kyong Hui.Experts say Jang's removal will help the younger Kim consolidate his power base with a group of younger aides.Jang had been a prominent fixture in many of the reports and photographs of Kim Jong Un's public activities, but his appearances have tapered off sharply this year and he has not been in official media since early November.South Korean media said on Friday that a man who managed funds for Jang had fled and sought asylum in South Korea.The aide, who has not been not named, was being protected by South Korean officials in a secret location in China, cable news network YTN and the Kyunghyang Shinmun newspaper said, citing sources familiar with the matter.。


On the night of National Day we watch fireworks.

It's October 1 ( the first).It's National Day.

October first is the National Day of China.

It's October 1 ( the first).It's National Day.

Two of my classmates descended upon me on National Day.

October 1 is celebrated as the National Day in China.

My grandmother is doing up some watermelon so that we can eat them on National Day.

We should make the best of our time and not waste the precious days ofour youth.

During the National Day, nearly all the units stick flags out.

After working in a factory for several years, he decided to dust off his middle school textbooks and sit for the college entrance examination


这个是英国广播公司BBC的新闻稿子原文:Pope Benedict has been celebrating Christmas midnight Mass at Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome. The service was broadcasted to more than forty countries around the world. Although it was conducted in Latin, the worldwide reach of the Roman Catholic Church was represented by readings and prayers in Italian, English, French, German, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, Arabic and Tagalog spoken in the Philippines. The Cuban authorities are reported to have flown in a leading Spanish surgeon for consultations on the health of President Fidel Castro. A Spanish newspaper reported that the head of the surgery at the Madrid hospital, Hose Luis Garcia Sabrido, had arrived in Havana several days ago. Stephen Gibbs reports from Havana. The Barcelona-based newspaper says the Doctor Garcia flew to Havana last Thursday on a jet chartered by the Cuban government. It says he came to give his professional advice on whether President Castro should undergo further surgery. There has been no confirmation from the Cuban government of any aspect of the report. Doctor Garcia is however understood to have been in Havana just last month, on that occasion to take part in an international conference on surgery. This is BBC world news. Georgia says it has agreed to buy eight hundred million cubic meters of gas from Turkey next year almost half of its needs. The price has not been disclosed, but the announcement follows Georgia agreeing last week to buy slightly larger amount from the Russian state-controlled Gazprom at double its previous price. The Iranian parliament has described the United Nation Security Council decision to impose sanctions on Iran because of its nuclear programme as unjust and illegal. The big majority of Iranian deputies have approved a bill, instructing the government to review cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency. The former Chilean military ruler General Augusto Pinochet who died earlier this month has left a posthumous letter. The letter was published by a group of his supporters who said it had been received in 2004. Simon Watts reports. General Pinochet saw himself as a warrior hero, but he was pursued to the last by investigations into alleged human rights abuses. Trying to salvage his reputation from beyond the grave, the general says he was proud of stopping a Marxist dictatorship. Referring to the estimated three thousand deaths during his rule, he says tough measures were needed but he was more flexible than generally realized. The letter reveals how unappreciated General Pinochet felt in his final days. He says there was a kind of banishment and unimagined loneliness. A contact of a former Russian agent who died in British after contracting radiation poisoning has been arrested in Naples. The man Mario Scaramella met the Russian Alexander Litvenenko on the day he became ill. Mr. Scaramella who has also been affected by radiation was arrested on his return from London. The BBC correspondent in Italy says the arrest is connected with the long-running investigation into arms trafficking and is not related to the death of Mr. Litvenenko. BBC world news.因为不知你要求的具体的范围,我只能提供这一篇咯。




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