2022-12-26 11:32:38
















2.英语广播稿 40词内

开头:hello everybody welcome to today's 节目名, a place where you can hear afatic english as it really spoken by native speakers i'm 你的名字 and will be the host and join by 你搭档的名字(如果要是有搭档)today

well。 in today's programmes i will show u lots of things that must be attract ur eyes including。。。。。.(各种各样的东西名) that must be contains somewhat you favorite

ok.. let's have a short break and will be back soon (此时播放广告)


结尾:ok that's for today's programe i wonder these tings i introdced can bring you good mood if any question please contact to (你的节目名) or email to me at(你的邮箱) i'm 你的名字 and see u next time on our compus readio (节目名) bye。

很平常的开始和结尾 用的是最常见的词汇 容易记住 记住要口语化 不要说的很死板 我原来就是搞学校英语广播的 呵呵 希望能帮助你


有两个 你自己看看~~然后自己挑选一下 十五分钟 浓缩一下 可以读完 希望能帮到你!

1.the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.

2. When times become difficult (and you know they sometimes will), remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness. Remember how it made you feel, and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.


When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle, remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. In doing so, you'll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.


When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy, remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest. 当你觉得精疲力尽的时候,暂时离开,让自己稍作休息。

Take the necessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy, so you'll be ready to face each new day. 从你的生活中多抽出点时间去梦想,重振你的精力,你会完全准备好又去迎接新的一天。

When you feel tension building, find something fun to do. You'll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.


When you're faced with so many negative and draining situations, realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.


4.关于Lene Marlin 的中英双语广播稿

August 17, 1980 was a very special day in the Pedersen household as Lene was born. Her parents gave her the name Lene Marlin Pedersen, today the world knows her better as Lene Marlin. Her parents must have sensed something special about Lene as she grew, in fact Lene tells the story of being two years old and crying because she had to leave a guitar behind at the music store. She attributes some of her love for music and playing the guitar to that day as she found a deep interest in music, both in writing songs and singing. When Lene was 15 years old her parents surprised her with a guitar for christmas, this one she kept close to her heart. It almost seemed as though the guitar belonged in her hands, she learned to play quickly and before long was performing for a small group of friends. Several of her first songs were recorded on her home cassette player which she would then playback and begin to refine her songs. Sometime during the summer of 1997, NRK (the main norwegian TV/Radio station) in Lene's hometown received a tip about this talented young girl who wrote and played her own songs, writing them from her room at home. The TV station invited her in to record a song. Someone who worked for NRK heard her music and told Per-Erik Johansen at Virgin Records about Lene. Three weeks later a contract had been signed and Lene's life took an interesting turn. In 1998 came the release in Norway of her first single "Unforgivable Sinner". It proved to be a huge hit as it reached number one and kept that position for 8 weeks. It was also the fastest selling single in Norwegian music history. Her second single "Sitting Down Here" also did very well in Norway and led into the release of her album "Playing My Game" on March 22 in Norway. In only 3 days the album sold 50,000 copies, quite the accomplishment in a country with a population of 4.4 million. (To put that in perspective for those in the US, that would mean that an artist would need to sell 3.4 million in the US in 3 days to match her numbers.) During 1999 her album sales have soared. Her album continues to sell well in Europe, today album sales total around 1,500,000. This is a very promising sign for Lene Marlin, her management, and Virgin Records. Lene won four awards at the norwegian grammy awards in 1999, as well as the MTV-Europe award for Best Nordic Act in Dublin on November 11, 1999, being yet another sign that this young lady is reaching heights that few have ever seen. Virgin has decided not to release her current album in the US. This due to a number of factors, one of which involves the amount of time she would need to spend in the US for the album to succeed. We are hopeful that in the near future, maybe with the release of her next album, Virgin will give some serious consideration and focus on the US market as well. 1980年8月17日,对于Pedersen一家来说是个特别的日子,这一天Lene出生了。

她的父母给她取名Lene Marlin Pedersen,她就是如今大家熟知的Lene Marlin。Lene的父母在她很小的时候就感觉她与众不同,Lene说,在她两岁的有一天,在音乐店里第一次看到了吉他,她非常感兴趣, 以至于父母要抱她离开时竟然大哭起来。

Lene在音乐和练习吉他方面投入了很多热情, 她发现她能在音乐里找到很多乐趣,同时写歌和唱歌也让她感到十分快乐。 1997年夏季的某一天,Lene家乡的NRK(挪威主要的一个广播电视台)的Troms从别人那里知道了Lene这样一个能自己写歌唱歌的女孩,就邀请Lene去录了一首歌,电视台一些人听过Lene的音乐后就向挪威 Virgin唱片的Per-Erik Johansen推荐。

三个星期后,Virgin唱片和Lene签约了,从此Lene的生命翻开了更精彩的一页。 1998年,Lene的第一张单曲唱片“Unforgivable Sinner” 在挪威发行。


Lene的第二支单曲“Sitting Down Here”也创下很好的成绩, 并被收入她的第一张专辑“Playing My Game”中, 这张99年三月22日发行的专辑,仅仅三天就销售50,000张, 这在仅有四百四十万人口的国家里确实是一个相当不错的成绩。99年,这张专辑的销售一直居高不下。

对Lene Marlin和Virgin唱片来说,他们的签约都很有价值。


胜利的橄榄枝 黎明前黑暗的苍穹 繁星点点 普罗米修斯将体育的圣火点燃 随着一道霞光 运动的火焰升腾在奥林匹亚山 今日的健儿们 英姿勃发 志存高远 精神饱满的将目光凝聚在终点线 努力吧 拼搏吧 奋斗吧 女神将献上胜利的橄榄枝编成的花环。

运动之歌 风对我耳语:“运动是我这样的轻盈岁月!” 雨对我耳语:“运动是我这样的淋漓尽致!” 雷对我耳语:“运动是我这样的铿锵有力!” 电对我耳语:“运动是我这样的亮丽透明!” 运动吧!在运动中接受风雨的洗礼,在运动中感受雷电的闪光 阳光不锈 秋阳普照大地,那攒动的人群 在呐喊声与歌声中意气风发 那奔跑的身影 融入秋日的阳光 阳光不锈 青春的阳光在悄悄地流淌 流淌在那鼓声里 流淌在那奔跑的脚步里 流淌在那发令枪的声响里 生命浸润在阳光中 阳光不锈 运动生命在阳光里展现风采 生命的凯歌在阳光中走向辉煌 运动的序幕已经拉开 让我们用运动的火光来点燃生命的激情 生命阳光永不锈 The olive branch of victory The dawn ex- dark blue sky The heavy star orders The general rice fixs 斯 to spark the Olympic flame of athletics Along with a 霞 light The athletic flames rises 腾 in the 奥 wood's second mountain The soldiers of today The heroic bearing thrives The ambition saves high far In high spirit of coagulate vision in the finish line Make great effort Work hard Struggle The fairy will dedicate victory of olive branch plait become of garland. The song of sport The breeze whispers to me:"Sport is the supple years that I am such!" Rain whispers to me:"Sport is thoroughly I am such!" The thunder whispers to me:"Sport is I am such of sonorous and forceful!" The electricity whispers to me:"Sport is I am such of bright and transparent!" Exercise!Accept the baptism of rains and winds in sport, feel the flashlight of thunder and lightning in sport Sunlight not rust The autumn sun 普 shines on the earth, that 攒 moves of crowd In the battle cry voice and the singing energetic and daring The figure that that rushes Integrate sunlight of autumn day Sunlight not rust The sunlight of youth is flowing to drip silently Flow to drip in that drumbeat The footstep flowed to drip to rush there in Flow to drip in that hair make the voice of the gun ring Life gradually in the sunlight Sunlight not rust Sport life emerges elegant appearance in the sunlight The song of victory of life heads for brilliancy in the sunlight The athletic prologue has already drawn back Let us spark vital intense emotion with the athletic light of fire Life sunlight never rust。


































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