2022-12-22 14:45:18


Canada is a society built around existing Aboriginal peoples,two founding European cultures,and successive waves of immigration.Canada reflects a cultural,ethnic and linguistic diversity that is found nowhere else on earth; it is a country characterised by its diversity.

In 1971,Canada became the first country in the world to adopt an official Multiculturalism Policy.It was designed to provide programs and services to encourage the full participation in Canadian society of all of Canada's people,regardless of their background.Parliament passed the Canadian Multiculturalism Act in 1988.

The Multiculturalism Policy is based on the fundamental values that unite Canadians,such as respect for human rights,equality,and recognition of diversity.


Autumn is a colorful season, you watch the glistening of the persimmon, bright red apple, there was a variety of shapes of mushrooms, but my favorite is the fall of the wind.Whenever I finish work, they and the mother to the river side of the walk, while feeling the breath of autumn, wind blowing waves of children, red autumn maple leaves were falling from the trees the wind, floating floating wow wow, like a only flying only a "butterfly" cleaner aunt almost overwhelmed, and had just swept the children here, children began out there. See how naughty these Maple Leaf lovely!The distant mountains with many trees still long, there are apple trees, persimmon trees, as long as the autumn wind gently blowing, the fruit on the swing with a small head, as if to say: "Children, come pick me! Or I it off the ground! "wanted to leave some fruit trees can not help her mother's arms," lovemaking 。

"with a fall from a tree last autumn they come!Farmer uncle home to see their own fruit trees fruit, harvest in sight, was wind blowing from side to side, can not help but music from ear to ear, and eyes narrowed in a line of it.I like the Emerald golden autumn, more like autumn wind, because it brings us joy, bringing vision and hope 。Autumn, brought a cool; autumn, sent a heavy fruit; autumn, the leaves dancing. The fall of the woods, it is beautiful, intoxicating!Autumn came to earth girl, unconsciously, she walks in the wheat, the wheat ripen; walk orchard, ripe fruit; she flew to the woods, the leaves as if ten million butterflies in the forest waving. Attracted me and the arrival of a group of partners, we came to the forest, looking at Yi Keke tall trees, the tree has become our intimate friends, we enjoy playing in the forest, enjoy playing, enjoy the cry, forget all, we enjoy the wind and the leaves dance song, though he also turned into an ordinary girl, like autumn leaves and cheering - the arrival of autumn!There are a variety of forest leaves, such as maple, willow 。

and a lot of fruit leaves, I took my laptop to find a lot of leaves in the forest and made a set of leaves, all right, to turn open notebook, as if to see which piece of the leaves back to the woods, fall again 。 。

Autumn people feel good, the arrival of autumn, so that the farmers harvest the fruit, I love autumn love autumn in the woods more!。


Hello, I am a sixth grade elementary student, I am the joyful Geminigirl, this year 13 years old. Must ask our family has how many members, I can say: Four. Besides hasthe love I father and mother, I have also raised a dog, is a spot dog,is called Tony. Did not look I am a girl, but I actually have the hobby which manyboys all has - to play the soccer. Whenever 课余时间, I always canon approximately very many people, together play the soccer. Besides plays the soccer, I also have a big hobby - slippery rollerskating. I starts from four years old to study. If you must study, maydo obeisance me is the teacher! Certainly, I super like English. Because I thought English is one kindis very interesting, fills the mystical language. Study English hasalso brought the infinite pleasure to me. Therefore, I certainly canstudy English well. Today very happily does for everybody introduces oneself. Thanks!。


A:1.act 动作 2.aim 瞄准

B:1.bar 酒吧 小卖铺 2.bat 蝙蝠

C:1.cap 棒球帽 2.cot 幼儿床

D:1.den 兽穴 2.dig 挖;刨

E:1.evil 极坏的 2.eye 眼睛

F:1.fib 假话 2.fry 煎;炒

G:1.god 上帝 2.gun 枪

H:1.hill 山冈 2.hug 拥抱

I:1.ice 冰 2.if 如果

J:1.jam 果酱 2.job 工作

K:1.kid 小孩 2.key 钥匙

L:1.leg 腿 2.lie 躺;平卧

M:1.May 五月 2.mix 混合

N:1.now 现在 2.nut 坚果

O:1.old 老的 2.or 或者

P:1.pat 轻拍 2.peg 钉;钩


R:1.rag 抹布 2.run 跑

S:1.sad 悲伤的 2.sea 海

T:1.two 二 2.top 顶部

U:1.use 使用 2.up 上

V:1.vet (缩写)兽医 2.vase 花瓶

W:1.win 获胜 2.way 道路


Y:1.yes 是;对 2.you 你

Z:1.zip 拉链 2.zoo 动物园




everyone,i am very glad to be here for your competetion.my name is **,i am ** years old!

generally speaking,i am a hard working student especially do the thing my interested in.i will try my best to finish it no matter how difficult it is.

furthermore,i am a person with great perseverrance.during the days preparing for the examination,i insist on getting up at 6.30 every day.and just owning to this ,i get all A.

i enoy _______________,also,english is my favorite,i am in love with ________.

but i know my english is not good enought,i will continue studying.

OK,that's all,thank you for your attention!


Nowadays there are a lot of fake commodities on the market. They range from daily commodities to expensive goods. They have caused a lot of harm in society.(现象)

First, fake commodities damage the consumers' interests. In addition, fake commodities affect businessmen and manufacturers, too. Those who have been deceived will be reluctant to consume, which will make business slack. Worst of all, some fake commodities such as medicine, gas cylinder and electric devices will endanger people's lives and social security.(危害)

There are many ways to eliminate fake commodities but the following ones may be effhcfive. First, the laws of the protection of consumers should be enforced to severely punish those who produce or sell fake commodities. Second, consumers should be taught how to tell good commodities from fake ones. Third,they should be advised to protect their own interests and not to be led astray by false advertisements.(措施)

In a word, the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of fake commodities and launch a campaign against them. only in this way will fake commodities be possibly eliminated from the market in the future.(总结)


I am glad to receive your letter.from your letter,I know you are facing the problem on making friends in your new school. But I think there is no need to be worried. Since the students in your class come from different places, they may have the same trouble with you.So you'd better join in their games in your free time and have lunch togehter.In a word, as long as you get in touch with them actively,you are sure to make friends with them.I hope you can have a good time in your new schol.

Look forward to hearing from you.



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