2022-12-18 16:45:16


科学家张衡 张衡(公元78~140年),河南南阳人,东汉杰出的科学家,也是世界上最早的天文学家之一。






过了几天甘肃东南部有人来报告说,那里前几天发生了大地震,人们这才相信。 这是人类历史上第一次用仪器来观测地震方向。

中国以外,直到公元13世纪,才有类似的仪器出现。 地动仪是怎么工作的? 地动仪是用青铜制造的,仪器内部竖?一根铜柱,周围有8根杆子连接外面。


Zhang Heng, a Pioneering Scientist Zhang Heng (78-140 AD) was born in Nanyang, Henan Province. He was one of the world's first astronomers. He was also a learned mathematician. He was appointed official with historiographic duties, and was also in charge of drawing up the calendar and observing astronomical phenomena. He developed an armillary sphere, on which were carved all the astronomical phenomena known at that time. Contrary to the popular belief at that time, Zhang Heng maintained that earthquakes were not signs of Heaven's anger but natural disasters. As a result of careful observations of earthquakes, he invented a seismograph in 132, which was the world's first instrument to identify and ascertain the direction of earthquakes. When an earthquake occurred, even if it could not be felt in Luoyang, the capital, a bronze ball would fall from the mouth of one of the carved dragon's heads on the instrument facing the direction of the epicenter of the earthquake into the mouth of a bronze toad below. It was not until the 13th century that similar instruments appeared outside China. Zhang Heng's Seismograph The seismograph was made entirely of bronze. Inside, there was a balanced post and eight rods connected to eight dragon's heads on the outside. When an earthquake occurred, the balanced post would tilt in the direction of the quake, push a rod, and cause the corresponding dragon's head to disgorge a bronze ball, which would then fall into the mouth of a bronze toad below.。



2017年5月,来自“一带一路”沿线的20国青年评选出了“中国的新四大发明”:高铁、扫码支付、共享单车和网购。1、High-speed rail On October 1, 1964, Tokaido Shinkansen Line was officially opened to traffic. The operation speed is as high as 210 km/h. So the first real high-speed railway in the world was invented by Japan. This marks the arrival of a new era of high-speed railway in the world.As a pioneer of high-speed railway in the world, Japan has accumulated rich experience for other countries, including China, which have not yet developed or are developing high-speed railway, and transferred some technology to these countries to help them develop high-speed railway system faster and more conveniently.In March 2006, the CRH2A train Retrofitted from E2 series 1000 sets sailed from Kobe Port to Qingdao, China, and transferred some technology to China, thus ushering in the era of high-speed railway in China.中文翻译:1、高铁1964年10月1日,日本东海道新干线正式通车。



2006年3月,由E2系1000番台改造而来的CRH2A型列车从神户港装船出发前往中国青岛,并转让部分技术予中国,由此开启了中国的高铁时代。2、Sweep Payment The scanner payment model is based on the concept of mobile payment, and the earliest batch of payments made by mobile devices occurred in Finland in 1997. Finnish local media reported that Finland Telecom has launched a service to operate jukeboxes and beverage vending machines by dialing a pay phone number, which can buy Coca-Cola at Helsinki Airport.The scanned two-dimensional code was invented by Japan DW Company in 1994.2、扫码支付 扫码支付的模式建立在移动支付的概念上,而最早一批由移动设备完成的付款发生在1997年的芬兰。


3、Shared bicycle As early as 1965, Amsterdam Municipal Government of the Netherlands put forward the "White Plan", according to which 50 bicycles were purchased by the government and painted with white paint and scattered around the city for people to use. This is the earliest unmanned shared bicycle system in the world, so the shared bicycle was invented by the Netherlands. In 2007, France also had the freedom of bicycle travel. Later, it became popular and innovative in China, and promoted overseas.3、共享单车 早在1965年,荷兰的阿姆斯特丹市政府提出了“白色计划”,根据该计划由政府购置50辆自行车并将其刷上白漆作为记号散放在城市各处供人使用,这是世界上最早的无人管理的共享单车系统,故共享单车由荷兰发明。2007年,法国也有单车自由行,到后来才中国风靡和创新模式发展,并推广海外。

4、online shopping online shopping belongs to the category of electronic commerce. In 1979, British Michael Aldrich invented the concept of online shopping. Aldridge used a technology called Videotex to connect ordinary televisions to local retailers'computers over telephone lines.By the 1990s, after Amazon and eBay launched their websites in 1995, e-commerce began to be popular around the world.4、网购 网购属于电子商务的范畴。在1979年,英国人麦克·奥德里奇(Michael Aldrich)发明了网上购物的概念。


扩展资料:1、中国古代四大发明 四大发明,是关于中国科学技术史的一种观点,是指中国古代对世界具有很大影响的四种发明,是中国古代劳动人民的重要创造,是指造纸术、指南针、火药及印刷术。此一说法最早由英国汉学家艾约瑟提出并为后来许多中国的历史学家所继承,普遍认为这四种发明对中国古代的政治、经济、文化的发展产生了巨大的推动作用,且这些发明经由各种途径传至西方,对世界文明发展史也产生了很大的影响。

2、历史意义 造纸术的发明:为人类提供了经济﹑便利的书写材料,掀起一场人类文字载体革命。雕版印刷术的发明:大大促进了文化的传播。



Sky Lantern is an ancient Han Chinese handicrafts, ancient do military purposes. Put lanterns and more modern use as a blessing it. Hand writing greeting men and women desire, a symbol of harvest success, happiness every year. Usually in the Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and other major festivals cast. Legend has it that by the time of the Three Kingdoms Zhuge Liang invented. At that time, Zhuge Liang was besieged in Pingyang, unable to send troops out of the city for help. Ming considered quasi-wind, floating paper lanterns will be made on line help message, then turned out of danger, so future generations will call this lantern as the Sky Lantern。


The compass is one of the four great inventions of ancient China, the development of the science and technology and the invention of human civilization, plays an immeasurable role. In ancient Chinese compass, initially used inritual, ceremonial, military and divination and geomancy to determine azimuth. At the end of Eleventh Century or early twelfth Century, the ship began to use the compass navigation China. The Northern Song Dynasty, "Ping": onthe boat (helm) knowledge of geography, night stargazing, day day, dark view compass."。


The Telephone

The telephone is one of the most welcome and useful inventions.No wonder more and more families have got to use their own telephones today.

The telephone makes things easy in many ways.Especially,after the mobile telephone appears,communication becomes easier and rapider.To students and people going out for business far away from their homes,the telephone can shorten the distance between them and their families.Thus they will get comfort whenever they are homesick or they run into trouble.With the help of the telephone,people can keep in touch with anyone at any time and in any place for urgent help.

All in all,the telephone is so helpful that we can say that nowadays we can not live without the telephone in our daily life.We will further improve the performance of the telephone so as to create better conditions for its development.







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