2022-12-14 19:04:07


Commission Agreement





( Date: June 22, 2003. Place: XXXXX, China. )

L/C NO.: xxxxxx L/C Amount: USD xxxxxx

Commission Value: USDxxxxxx


Part A and Part B reached an agreement of commission under the captioned letter of credit as follows:

1) Part B should pay Part A the commission within 7 working days after received the L/C payment from your customer.

2) The commission payment should be carried out by Telegraphic Transfer to Part A's Bank information as follows:




The detailed commission value is as follows:

Total L/C amount is USDxxx*5%=USDxxx

(But commission can not exceed $10,000.- in each L/C.)


The quantity and amount will go up and down according to the actual shipment. The agreement is of two original copies, Part A and Part B hold one copy each. )

(Chop and Authorized Signature) (Chop and Authorized Signature






Under the friendly negotiation, the Party A and Party B reach the following agreement for the


based on the mutual benefits, Party A and Party B promise that, they won't expose

commercial secret/patento f eacho ther. Party A should arranget he shipment strictly

according to counter-signedc ontract.T he Party B shall provide the necessarya ssistance.I f

the payment term is LlC,Party B has the responsibility to urge his customer to open L/C or to

make the payment in favor of Party A.

The contents of sales contract:

1. Contract, proforma orLlC noHS008-SHMP00l dated Feb 20,2008

2. Product name : SHMP

3. Packing : 25 kg bags

4. Quantity : 23.9 mton

5. Price : 1060 usd/mton CIF GEMLIK

6. Shipping time : March 2008

7. Paymentterm:% 25TT inadvancea nd%o7a5g ainstfaxcopyof BL

8. Contract amount : 25 334.- usd

9. Commission rate and amount : 45 usd/mton, I 075.50 usd

10. Party A and Party B agree that this draft contract becomes valid via fax when signed

by Party A and Party B.

Party B should urge his customer to effect the payment according to contract timely.

After receiving the full payment, the Party A should transfer the commission to the account

designatedb y Party B. The commissionw ill be paid by USD.




Date: February 20,2008



COMMISSION AGREEMENTPARTY A:PARTY B: Under the friendly negotiation, the Party A and Party B reach the following agreement for theexportation.based on the mutual benefits, Party A and Party B promise that, they won't exposecommercial secret/patento f eacho ther. Party A should arranget he shipment strictlyaccording to counter-signedc ontract.T he Party B shall provide the necessarya ssistance.I fthe payment term is LlC,Party B has the responsibility to urge his customer to open L/C or tomake the payment in favor of Party A.The contents of sales contract:1. Contract, proforma orLlC noHS008-SHMP00l dated Feb 20,20082. Product name : SHMP3. Packing : 25 kg bags4. Quantity : 23.9 mton5. Price : 1060 usd/mton CIF GEMLIK6. Shipping time : March 20087. Paymentterm:% 25TT inadvancea nd%o7a5g ainstfaxcopyof BL8. Contract amount : 25 334.- usd9. Commission rate and amount : 45 usd/mton, I 075.50 usd10. Party A and Party B agree that this draft contract becomes valid via fax when signedby Party A and Party B.Party B should urge his customer to effect the payment according to contract timely.After receiving the full payment, the Party A should transfer the commission to the accountdesignatedb y Party B. The commissionw ill be paid by USD.PARTY A: Date:PARTY B: Date: February 20,2008。


This agreement is established between XXX Company Limited (hereafter as Party A) and XXX (hereafter as PartyB) on the bases of the following terms and conditions. 1. Party A employs Party B as Party A's business representative from the date of January 1st 2005 to December 31st 2008.After the maturity of this Agreement, both parties based on own necessity, may either renew or terminate the agreement without any condition. 2. Responsibilities and services for Party B are listed below: (1) Provide expansion and service for the current clients-XXX;XXX….. (2) Promote sales of Part A. new products and provide assistance and services as requested by aforementioned clients. (3) Develop potential clients in Europe market. (4) Collect and analyze marketing information in Europe, and report the result to Part A. Sales Department for reference for developing new products in future. (5) Assist related product exhibition including liaison and execution of the said exhibition. 3. Commission to be paid to Party B under the following terms: (1) For the current clients as mentioned before: ?% against total sales amount (2) For new clients; First year: ?% against total sales amount. Second year: ?% against total sales amount. Consecutive years: ?% against total sales amount. (3) Party A will calculate on the 10theach month the commission amount according to the received sales amount of last month form the clients, then Party A will pay to Party B's account through (this line for Part B's account information) On 30th of every month payment of commission for last month will be made 4. Responsible Areas: Within Party A's business areas excluding USA and China, and Party A may have the flexibility in coordination with Party B for a reasonable adjustment, so as to meet Party A business requirements. 5. During this Agreement covering period, both parties for good reasons may request to terminated the Agreement, but either Party must inform the other Party 10days ahead of time. 6. once this Agreement becomes effective, Party B must observe Party A's business secrecy, and enjoy no labor insurance, health insurance, group insurance and other welfare measurements. 7. 7days before expiry date of this Agreement, if Party A has not informed Party B about termination, this Agreement is deemed to be renewed for another year. 8. Party B must observe Party A's security regulation of this Agreement and so forth within 3years period. 9. Party B within this Agreement period, may have literary work, trade mark, patent or any other relevant intellectual asset, except already negotiated with party A, will refer to Party A's right of possession without any condition. 10. Both Parties keep one copy of this Agreement. Part A Part B 这个细节你要自己看着改改!大概条款基本就是这些,如果你觉得太啰嗦,可以减少一些条目》。


1 佣 金 协 议 书 协 议 书 编号: 日期: ********有限公司(以下简称甲方)与***公司(以下简称乙方),双方经友好协商,特定立本协议书,以共同遵守。

乙方负责介绍***公司购买甲方产品,并协调甲方和第三方客户间的贸易关系。 在甲乙双方签订该协议前,乙方需向甲方提供乙方公司的公司性质、注册地、工商登记等基本资料,并保证所提供的信息真实有效;乙方须保证乙方是在中华人民共和国相关法律条款下允许操作此类中间业务的公司,否则由此引起的一切后果均由乙方自行负责。

乙方所介绍的客户与甲方合作须遵守甲方的中英文“销售合同”条款。 乙方根据甲方提供信息在甲方所报价格的基础上加 **佣金与客户磋商业务。

甲方根据乙方与客户达成的价格确认后正式对外签约,并负责合同执行等相关事宜。 甲方和第三方客户业务正式成交完成后,乙方提供以乙方公司名义开据的全额佣金服务发票(合计:人民币***元整),甲方在收到该发票后两周内将佣金汇往乙方指定的银行帐户。

如果乙方未能促成甲方与客户之间的合同成立,并业务正式成交的,不得要求甲方支付报酬(佣金)。 乙方应及时将市场信息反馈给甲方。


本协议有效期至 *年*月*日止。 本协议一式贰份,供方、需方双方各执壹份,经双方签字盖章确认后生效,传真件具有同等效力。

甲方确认: 乙方确认: Sample TextSample Text 编号: 日期: ********有限公司(以下简称甲方)与***公司(以下简称乙方),双方经友好协商,特定立本协议书,以共同遵守。 乙方负责介绍***公司购买甲方产品,并协调甲方和第三方客户间的贸易关系。

在甲乙双方签订该协议前,乙方需向甲方提供乙方公司的公司性质、注册地、工商登记等基本资料,并保证所提供的信息真实有效;乙方须保证乙方是在中华人民共和国相关法律条款下允许操作此类中间业务的公司,否则由此引起的一切后果均由乙方自行负责。 乙方所介绍的客户与甲方合作须遵守甲方的中英文“销售合同”条款。

乙方根据甲方提供信息在甲方所报价格的基础上加 **佣金与客户磋商业务。甲方根据乙方与客户达成的价格确认后正式对外签约,并负责合同执行等相关事宜。

甲方和第三方客户业务正式成交完成后,乙方提供以乙方公司名义开据的全额佣金服务发票(合计:人民币***元整),甲方在收到该发票后两周内将佣金汇往乙方指定的银行帐户。 如果乙方未能促成甲方与客户之间的合同成立,并业务正式成交的,不得要求甲方支付报酬(佣金)。

乙方应及时将市场信息反馈给甲方。 本协议在履行过程发生争议,由甲乙双方协商解决。

如协商不成,提交*******法院管辖审理。 本协议有效期至 *年*月*日止。

本协议一式贰份,供方、需方双方各执壹份,经双方签字盖章确认后生效,传真件具有同等效力。 甲方确认: 乙方确认: 委托上海斯红工贸有限公司 业务中介佣金协议书 报 文章作者: 巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司 报 道 发表时间: 星期一, 31 一月 2005, at 9:49 p.m. 回应: 美国废纸供销报 (废纸美国供销报) 您好! 主题:进口铁矿砂,铁矿石的合作协议书(讨论稿) 巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司与陈斯红先生 及其上海斯红工贸有限公司合作框架协议 协议编号:-04-12 日期:200年1月18日 甲方:巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司 地址: 电话: 传真: 邮箱: 乙方:上海斯红工贸有限公司 www.chensihong.org 地址:上海江宁路1376号415室新闻报大楼 电话:0086-21-56943847/62769182 传真:0086-21-56069484/62769182 邮箱:chensihong@chensihong.org 巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司 经与上海斯红工贸有限公司友好协商,本着合作互利,共同发展的宗旨,就进口铁矿砂,铁矿石,IRON ORE import TO CHINA MAIN PORT 达成如下合作框架协议: 一、目的:上海斯红工贸有限公司(下称乙方)长期从事国际航运顾问及与全球100多家船东有良好的合作经营关系,从事进出口贸易咨询业务及国内贸易,交往广泛,国内外客户较多,并且以全世界航运界和国际贸易界为平台,了解和掌握世界主要原材料资源,能源市场及商品市场的行情信息及国内外用户情况,拥有非常重要的资源。

巴西,或中国*********进出口有限公司 (下称甲方)具有较强的经济实力和业内良好的资信度。为了拓展公司业务,及时掌握和了解巴西供货相关信息,决定与乙方长期合作,达到互利共赢的目标的。

二、合作领域:铁矿砂(铁矿石)、废旧金属贸易,澳大利亚金融上市顾问,巴西及其他国家铁矿矿源合资机会和航运等业务顾问,中介及其相关领域。 三、合作方式:乙方向甲方提供国内外铁矿砂供给信息和客户需求信息,航运信息,代理租船顾问业务等。


四、佣金支付方式: 1、乙方提。


Commission payments are valid as long as the business exists between A and B Corporation. 只要A公司与B公司之间的合作一直存在,佣金将永久有效。

Commissions are always calculated on up to and beyond basis and not total amounts of a cumulative value. (Each deal separately).佣金将一直以相当于或者高于基本的方式计算,而不是累积加总。(每笔业务单独计算)人工翻译。



佣金合同范文篇一甲方:乙方:经甲乙双方协商,本着互利互惠的原则,就甲方参与承建程规模: 一事签订居间合同,双方为守诚信订立细则如下:第一条 委托事项及具体要求根据《中华人民共和国合同法》第二十三章居间合同之规定:居间人(乙方)向承建人(甲方)报告订立合同的机会或者提供订立合同的媒介服务。

居间人(乙方)促成合同成立的,承建方(甲方)应当按照约定支付乙方报酬。第二条 佣金及支付方式甲方单位在乙方促成上述工程项目承建合同订立后,甲方必须以现金或转账方式支付居间费用总额人民币写: )给乙方,支付时间为:甲方承建合同订立之日即支付合同总额10%金额为: 给乙方,甲方在进场施工日即支付合同总额50%金额为: 给乙方,甲方进场施工满三个月即将余下合同总额40%金额为: 支付乙方。

第三条 甲乙双方的职责及义务1、甲方承诺在合同谈判期间及合同履行期间:不会以任何方式和借口绕过乙方而直接与开发商谈判或交易找拒付和延迟支付乙方佣金,否则应该支付相同的佣金给乙方。乙方保留向甲方追究本次违约责任及相关的经济损失。


第四条 违约责任如果甲方在该合同签订的居间期限内有规避合同行为或者不在合同规定的支付时间内进行支付等违约行为,则应当向乙方(居间方)支付实际应当支付的金额外,再加上合同总额30%作为违约赔偿金,同样要以现金方式支付乙方指定的帐户,同时乙方有权通过申请诉讼财产保全。第五条 保密守则此合同双方守信,遵行第三者保密守则。

如有一方泄密,泄密方给保密方带来损失,则保密方有权追究泄密方的责任和损失。第六条 争议解决合同争议的解决方式:本合同在履行过程中发生的争议,由双方当事人协商解决;协商不或调解不成的,向签约地清城区人民法院提起诉讼。

第七条 其它本合同未尽事宜双方协商解决,意见一致后用书面形式完善,其结果为本合同的补充文件之一,经双方代表签字盖章后生效执行,与签订的合同具有同行法律效应。本合同系依据《中华人民共和国合同法》和相关的法律法规依法签订,真实、合法、有效,传真形式对双方均可。

第九条 本合同一式二份,甲方执一份。乙方各执一份。

双方签字盖章生效。甲方(公章):_________ 乙方(公章):_________法定代表人(签字):_________ 法定代表人(签字):__________________年____月____日 _________年____月____日。


SAME DAY TRANSFER AND IMMEDIATE CREDIT required message: “The Remitter is known to us. This is done with full banking responsibility and we are satisfied as to the source of funds sent to us”. Copy of the transfer-slip will be send via email to: 翻译:同一天转帐并及时到帐所需信息:“汇款人是我们熟悉的。




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