2022-12-14 07:02:10


here is a difference between science and technology.Science is a method of answering theoretical questions; technology is a method of solving practical problems. Science has to do with discovering the facts and relationships between observable phenomena in nature and with establishing theories that serve to organize these facts and relationships; technology has to do with tools,techniques, and procedures for implementing the findings of science.

Another distinction between science and technology has to do with the progress in each. Progress in science excludes the human factor. Scientists, who seek to comprehend the universe and know the truth with the highest degree of accuracy and certainty, cannot pay heed to their own or other people's likes or dislikes, or to popular ideas about the fitness of things. What scientists discover may shock or anger people--as did Darwin's theory of evolution. But even an unpleasant truth is more than likely to be useful; besides, we have the option of refusing to believe it! But hardly so with technology;we do not have the option of refusing to hear the sonic boom produced by a supersonic aircraft-flying overhead; we do not have the option of refusing to breathe polluted air. Unlike science, progress in technology must be our slave and not the reverse. The legitimate purpose of technology is to serve peopie--people in general, not merely some people; and future generations, not merely those who presently wish to gain advantage for themselves.

We are all familiar with the abuses of technology. Many people blame technology itself for widespread pollution, resource depletion and even social decay in general--so much so that the promise of technology is obscured. That promise is a cleaner and healthier world. If wise applications of science and technology do not lead to a better world, what else will?(英语作文)




Abstract: We locate the time is a information economy time, under theglobal economy trend information time background, the informationtechnology seeped the social life aspects. The enterprise also is notone exception, said from this significance, the enterprise either isthe initiative transformation, meets the challenge, either ispassively is pushed by the time is walking to front, the informationhas already become the enterprise inevitable choice. However mustsucceed completes this information transformation, needs to have aclear understanding to the enterprise information. This article fromour country enterprise information significance, the content and atpresent develops the condition, thoroughly analyzes in the presentstage our country enterprise information construction to have theproblem, then proposed solves the question countermeasure. Thegovernment and the enterprise joint effort, achieved speeds up ourcountry enterprise information construction development the step.




正如插图所示的波动幅度,大气压在海平面通常是1.012X105牛顿/㎡,在这个数值之下听觉信号(可闻信号)波动仅为105牛顿/㎡,而一个持续不断的恼人的大噪音大概是10牛顿/㎡,也就是说,只有0.01°70的大气压值。 (单位牛顿/㎡有些时候也用它的等值帕斯卡Pa来表示。)2.1声音的简单波本质2.1.1纵向传播介绍波动或者说震动,是可以通过物体的惯性和弹力产生的。 由于惯性,物体在不受外力作用下处于一种静止或者均匀运动状态。这使得动量在相邻粒子或元素媒介之间进行传递。 弹力使得偏离原位的元素在受到干扰后回到原来位置或者平衡位置。 空气,水,玻璃以及诸如刚铁等金属都是比较有弹性的(介质)。

波的传播已证实应用于长的顶端涡旋弹簧。 如果干扰(施加动力)是在自由之承点,那么运动是传递于毗连的线圈,但同时最先移位的线圈将回到它们先前的位置。 它的实际效果是产生两个不同的区域来穿过线圈结构。 一方面,一系列的相邻线圈由于干扰(压缩)的初作用力推动而靠近,另一方面线圈的相对空间由于外力干扰偏离而扩大,以及有弹力的线圈反弹力的过度补偿而造成。


如图2.2所示,活塞运动交替进行推动空气分子在一起和分开它们。 空气有内在弹力,由它们的惰性(不活泼性)结合在一起,允许这些接连不断的干扰作用力通过位移分子试图返回预案平衡位置而穿过管子。 气压分布的有效效应是最大气压变化幅度在最大压缩点和最小压力在最大稀薄点。 如果阀盘以恒定的速度在旋转,那么波的形式,就是如图所示的正弦曲线。 图示2.3展示了这些简单波形的特性,被称为纵向推进波,因为传播介质元素偏离波前进的方向因而波是不在固定的空间里的。 波在很多导管声音控制问题或者源于球形辐射源的长距离真空传播基本都是纵向行波。


the speed of the big birds;014" aircraft into the sky and suddenly, ", held a face or the reasons for flying birds. The collision will have an instant impact of the great examples. After the air tragedy that led to the chief culprit is a slow-flying in the air swans. China also occurred in a similar matter, and suddenly, boom; November 1962, the well-known "Viscount, the pilot with indomitable will and the technical skill to the aircraft finally landed on the runway. October 6, 1991, the Hainan Haikou City Ledong airportWe know that the movement is relative. When birds and aircraft comparison trip;bang". For example, a 0, the naval air of a ",800 Newton. once a driver of a vehicle on the road in the countryside,000 Newton force. If it is a 1.8 kg bird hit speeds of 700 kilometers per hour on the aircraft, the impact of the impact of shells than larger. So every bird meat is also a downed aircraft "ammunition, and suddenly, suddenly in the front up and, not only in between birds and aircraft.", but also can occur in between the chicken and the car. If a 1.5 kg chicken with a speed of 54 km per hour when the car collided with the forces generated by more than 2.45 kg bird, hit a speed of 80 km per hour on the aircraft. Greater speed, impact strength will be greater, from high-altitude aircraft plant down, a frightened hen; sound, and the body suddenly Yishan, the pilot found that the left anterior Triangle wind completely broken glass, Fortunately,", but great speed aircraft flight, such as airplanes; the aircraft is in Maryland Yiliaote smooth flight over the city, it will have the force of Newton 1500, if the hit rate of 960 km per hour on the aircraft, then to produce 216, although the bird's speed is not great。




国家实验室是核安全与国家安全研究领域的领头羊。在多方研究合作防止核扩散,卫星核爆监控,智能传感器,全球范围原料勘探与保护,生物辐射研究,确保美国的核威慑能力等方面,该实验室都走在最前沿。 (修正下第二段:)洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室是。 实验室在保护世界安全方面的一个亮点:从太空监测核爆炸。 世界上充斥着核武器技术和核原料,这让很多恐怖分子也掌握了制作核武器的技术。虽然核能传感器遍布全球,但是它们往往不能将其从无数自然现象和干扰中区分出来:例如雷电、宇宙撞击。地球平均每秒打雷大约100次,这让传统探测器难以判断。 地面的高速计算机和人工分析或许也可以完成这种重要但棘手的工作,但是洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室的科学家与工程师已经研制出了能够解决这一问题的智能装置,它可以快速从空中获得数据,这使得核爆炸探测更快、更方便、更准确。实验室的卫星核爆炸探测(SNDD)程序团队还应用高科技手段让装置更小型化、轻型化、更节约成本、对携带它的各种卫星适应性更强。 核爆检测难度很大。地球表面积超过5亿多平方公里,再考虑空间的话,那就要监控大约500亿平方公里的空间。新技术,包括现今的GPS卫星定位系统等,提供了全方位的监控覆盖面,但是这又在另一方面增加了背景数据方面,带来了新的麻烦。 SNDD系统具有无可比拟的能力,它广泛融合了核物理、工程学、空间气象、计算机技术、空间与地球技术等各种技术。团队与NASA、各个高等院校及其它组织密切合作,在消除(各种)威胁方面发挥了领导作用。例如,该实验室研究人员Ed Fenimore设计了核能珈玛射线触发器以及能够在发现珈玛射线爆炸时向NASA的SWIFT卫星发出警报的传感器。 SNDD的X射线部门的项目负责人Marc Kippen和他的团队应用高科技手段研制了X射线光谱仪和放射量测定器(CXD)综合装置,将两种装置的功能融合,设计出了独立、功能更强的X射线传感系统。粒子探测器监控空间环境,而该系统提供智能核探测数据。另一个团队由实验市空间与远方传感团队的Dave Smith带领,他们发明了新一代的电磁波传感器——爆炸探测转换器(BDV)传感器。与之前的同类系统相比,它具有强大的计算功能和数据存储能力。 SNDD的最新设备,是由Eric Dors的团队发明的空间—大气爆炸报告系统(SABRS)。这是一个高度模块化的系统,它可以检测到中子和伽马射线。它把卫星上的10个设备融为一体,可以更加节约能源,重量只有原来加起来的一半。运用高级的卫星上的信号程序,SABRS可以自动评估数据。 (待续) (请问,有追加分吗?) 核爆炸的后果很非常严重,洛斯阿拉莫斯实验室的专家学者在阻止核战争方面功不可没。 (完)


Why does a laptop need both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth? A Bluetooth chip creates a personal area network, allowing peripherals like keyboards, mice, and headsets to communicate wirelessly with a laptop or mobile phone. But why can't that network be a subset of the Wi-Fi local area network? Why can't Wi-Fi manage all our wireless communications?

Two big problems have prevented convergence, but they've both been solved by Ozmo Devices, a Palo Alto, Calif., start-up—and at a data rate that's much faster than Bluetooth's.

First, while a computer's Wi?Fi can communicate with other Wi-Fi devices, it cannot do so at the same time it's talking with a router. So for a Wi?Fi–enabled keyboard to interact with a laptop computer without taking it off-line, the keyboard would need to contact the router, which would then route the data back to the laptop. But this is so inefficient that users would notice delays in keystrokes showing up onscreen.

Ozmo has written a software patch that allows a laptop's Wi?Fi to communicate in tiny time slices, using some to talk with local peripheral devices and the rest to maintain its connection to the router. Company cofounder Roel Peeters says the strategy of letting the laptop talk directly to a peripheral keeps latency to about 10 milliseconds, the same as Bluetooth's.

Second, Wi-Fi is notorious for the way it sucks up power—typically cutting a laptop's battery time in half, making Wi?Fi unsuitable for a small-battery-powered headset or keyboard. Ozmo's chip set not only draws far less power than off-the-shelf chips but also outperforms Bluetooth, because it goes to sleep when not actively engaged in sending or receiving data. based on in?house testing, Peeters estimates the power consumption to be one-third to one-fourth that of Bluetooth's. The tradeoff is the peripheral's data rate—9 megabits per second versus Wi-Fi's standard 54 Mb/s. Still, that's three times as fast as Bluetooth's top speed.





《当代英语语法》(A Grammar of Contemporary)在论述科技英语时提出,大量使用名词化结构(Nominalization)是科技英语的特点之一。因为科技文体要求行文简洁、表达客观、内容确切、信息量大、强调存在的事实。而非某一行为。

Archimedes first discovered the principle of displacement of water by solid bodies.



Will it be September 2007 one day, 23 year old of YanNa Wang, girls of the Han nationality, learn 17 year old of maos of Lanjiang River, teenagers of the Uygur nationality, suffer from uremia at newspaper, need the kidney badly to transplant the life of saving。 Checked by the hospital, Mao LanJiang's father's blood group is not accorded with, mother suffers from chronic nephritis, other relatives are not qualified to donate because of various reasons either, Mao LanJiang have to rely on the dialysis of four times to maintain the life with an effort every week, the expensive medical fee has used up the savings of 300,000 yuan of this family quickly。

In order to save the son's life, parents have sold the house。 Learn unfortunate experience of LanJiang Mao, YanNa Wang can't help, worry for the Uygurs life of teenager, she thinks what should be done for Mao LanJiang。

2。Go to the hospital to visit blue Jiang Shi of hair for the first time, Wang YanNa thinks of donating the kidney。

But who did not place this on in the heart at that time, the whole family can not all help, the Han nationality girl not acquainted with each other does not mention even more。 But Wang YanNa has not given up, she always runs to the hospital, requires the hospital to do the mixing type to check for her actively。

The thing making people unexpected has happened, the girl of this the Han nationality and 16 mixing types of young men of Uygurs' are all identical。 The doctor talks about only 1/100,000 in medical science of this kind of probability, is a miracle。

3。It is not that is a new subject for hospital that the relative links, does renal transplantation of the living subject between the Chinese personages, but greater challenge comes from medical ethics and understanding to regulations of organ transplant and discussion。

Though person who mix succeed, YanNa Wang donate kidney ask, check medical college ethics committee the meeting has been refused。 Ethics committee think too young marriage, Na of swallow, Wang, the idea of donating kidney might be out of momentary impulse, expert tell must have relative signature, hope king Yan Na go home and contemplate。

All made in order to donate the kidney, Wang YanNa is hiding from parents at the beginning。 She who is unavoidable has to tell father at this moment。

4。Wang YanNa's father works in the construction site。

Mother is not healthy, suffer from heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, medicine does not leave the mouth everyday。 Two one of younger brother just out of university, one read the junior college even。

Wang YanNa is the only girl of the family。 Five people of one family and several relative live in, lie in one four old 2 of house owed by a citizen of Urumchi nowadays。

Making the thing of kidney transfer operation, Wang YanNa keeps one's mouth shut to mother all the time。 It is determined to already fix to see the daughter, father no longer stops, just say to her: "ater no matter what happens, my father will accompany you to go ahead! " 5。

Mao LanJiang at this moment has already been tormented the blood color on the face by uremia, two leg become very detailed and very detailed, because of endure to the fullest extent serious illness torment, maos of Lanjiang River often laden with anxiety。 "Who enabled him to try every means to urge his life to stay。

"Swallow Wang Na determined, " only the mixing type succeeds, I have donated definitely。 "Wang YanNa's unselfish and bravery and insisting on moving the members of ethics committee of medical college, they agree to carry on transnational the unprecedented one finally, relative's living subject kidney transfer operation。

6。In the morning of March 27, 2008, Wang YanNa was pushed into the operating room with Mao LanJiang。

Through the difficult operation of more than two hours, the medical personnel succeeds in finishing two people's renal transfer operation。 Operation outdoors, two father embrace together tightly, hard to predict destiny, and a unselfish one large to love and connect these two households together。

Mao LanJiang's mother is so excited as to choke with sobs。 She says shaking hands with Wang YanNa still in going into a coma tightly: "Na and Na, thank you! Thank you for rescuing hair Lanjiang River。

You are my daughter! My daughter of the Han nationality! "Wang YanNa's mother Xu XinHua did not learn from report of TV station of Urumchi after the operation is successful the daughter donates the kidney matter, she says: "Which mother ache one's own daughter, I want her suffer hardships either。 But since donated, I will 。



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