2022-11-24 19:01:13



  Dialogue 1:

  A: So, thank you for coming, everyone. It's really a pleasure to see you all here. First of all, may i suggest you take a look at the agenda i sent you? Would you like to make any comment on that?

  B: Yes, i wonder if we can begin with shipment question first. We really need to come to an agreement on that before anything else.

  A: That's true, but it's also a very difficult issue. That's the reason why i put it last. I thought it might be a good idea for us to start with the points we have in common. We'll move on to the shipment issue after that.

  B: All right. That sounds reasonable.

  A: Well, before we go any future, I would like to say strongly how i feel that it's in both our interest to reach an agreement today. The market is becoming even more competitive and our combied strength will give us some big advantages, not least in terms of the dealer network. Now, i think Richard would like to say a few words about that.


  1. make comments on sth 对某事进行评论

  Example: Would you make comments on our women's garments in current design?您对我们流行女装款式有何评论 Oh look very nice! 哦,看起来很漂亮

  2. have sth. in common: 有共同点

  Example: The two firms have very little common in selling strategies. 这两家公司在销售策略上没有什么共同点。

  3. in the interest of: 符合......的利益

  Example: The stable and healthy business relations are in the interest of our sides. 稳定健康的贸易关系符合双方的利益。

  Dialogue 2

  A: Hello, Mr Wang, nice to see you again. How are you?

  B: Fine, thank you ,and you?

  A: I'm fine, we just moved in our new house. Everything is in a great mess. It's a nightmare. But i'll appreciate not having to spend so much time commuting to my work every day.

  B: Yes, it took me nearly one hour to get here today. Bus service in this area is not so good.

  A: Well, will you like a cup of coffee?

  B: Thank you, that would be nice.

  A: Milk or sugar?

  B: Black will do, thank you.

  A: So, how's business in your section?

  B: Not too bad. We have a lot of work to do as far as our contract George is concerned this time.

  A: Then i think you can say a few words about that first.


  1. in a mess: 乱成一团

  Example: Since 9 O' clock , Mr. Gill has been sorting out the shipping documents which are in a mess in the files.


  2. commute: 乘通勤车上班

  Example: I commute to work from Shenyang to Fushun on weekdays.周一到周五我从沈阳到抚顺乘通勤车上班.

  bus commuter 乘通勤汽车上班的人 train commuter 乘通勤火车上班的人

  3. as far as sb./sth. be concerned: 就什么而言; 至于

  Example: As far as i am concerned, i agree with Jack on this point.就我而言, 我同意杰克的观点.

  、As far as color is concerned, Tom prefers black. 就颜色而言, 汤姆更喜欢黑色.

  Dialogue 3

  A: Will you have a cup of coffee, Mr. Wang?

  B: No. Don't bother, please.

  A: Of course, i don't know Smith at all, but you've got to be on your guard against George. I told you about our negotiating with him in New York three years ago, didn't I?

  B: I am sure you did. Can we focus on the final packing today, Mr. Brown? We mustn't get stuck in the price. They are going to knock us down. We have got some room to maneuver.

  A: That's right, George is the head of Marketing Department.

  B: What we must keep in mind is that we can make a concession if they push us on staff cut.

  A: Oh we don't need to worry about that, Mr. Wang. We will just play it by ear.


  1. be on one's guard against sb./sth. 小心,防范

  Example: We must be on our guard against pickpockets on a bus.在公交车上我们要小心扒手。

  2. focus on sth. 集中精力于......之上

  Example: We should focus our attention on the demands at the overseas market.我们应该集中注意一下海外市场的需求

  3. knock sb. down 打倒,使屈服

  Example: They are attempting to knock us down in terms of price.他们试图让我们在价格方面让步。

  4. keep/bear sth. in mind 记住,牢记(英国都用remember)

  Example: Please keep in mind that you'll arrive punctually for the meeting tomorrow.请记住明天开会要准时。

  Bear in mind that you can always rely on me.要记住你永远可以依靠我。



  A: I don’t believe we’ve met.

  B: No, I don’t think we have.

  A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.

  B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.

  A: 我们以前没有见过吧?





  A: Here’s my name card.

  B: And here’s mine.

  A: It’s nice to finally meet you.

  B: And I’m glad to meet you, too.

  A: 这是我的名片。

  B: 这是我的。

  A: 很高兴终于与你见面了。

  B: 我也很高兴见到你。


  A: Is that the office manager over there?

  B: Yes, it is,

  A: I haven’t met him yet.

  B: I’ll introduce him to you .






  A: Do you have a calling card ?

  B: Yes , right here.

  A: Here’s one of mine.

  B: Thanks.






  A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?

  B: Haven’t you met yet?

  A: No, we haven’t.

  B: I’ll be glad to do it.






  A: I’ll call you next week.

  B: Do you know my number?

  A: No, I don’t.

  B: It’s right here on my card.






  A: Is this Mr. Jones?

  B: Yes, that’s right.

  A: I’m just calling to introduce myself. My name is Tang.

  B: I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Tang.






  A: I have a letter of introduction here.

  B: Your name, please?

  A: It’s David Chou.

  B: Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We’ve been looking forward to this.





  A: I’ll call you if you give me a name card.

  B: I’m sorry, but I don’t have any with me now.

  A: Just tell me your number, in that case.

  B: It’s 6344-8000.







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