2022-11-19 06:24:48

  一般来说, 商务英语是指人们在商务活动中所使用的英语,下面是第一范文网小编为你整理的英文电子商务邮件范文,希望对你有用!


  Dear Sirs:

  Thank you for your letter of 20 January 20xx. We are disappointed to hear that our price for Flame cigarette lighters is too high for you to work on. You mention that Japanese goods are being offered to you at a price approximately 10% lower than that quoted by us.

  We accept what you say, but we are of the opinion that the quality of the other makes does not measure up to that of our products.

  Although we are keen to do business with you, we regret that we cannot accept your counter offer or even meet you half way.

  The best we can do is to reduce our previous quotation by 2%. We trust that this will meet with your approval.We look forward to hearing from you.

  Yours faithfully,

  Tony Smith Chief Seller


  Dear Sirs:

  This is to confirm your telex of 16 January 20xx, asking us to make you firm offers for rice and soybeans C&F Singapore.

  We telexed you this morning offering you 300 metric tons of polished rice at A$2,400 per metric ton, C&F Singapore, for shipment during March/April 20xx. This offer is firm, subject to the receipt of your reply before 10 February 20xx.

  Please note that we have quoted our most favourable price and are unable to entertain any counter offer.

  With regard to soybeans, we advise you that the few lots we have at present are under offer elsewhere. If, however, you were to make us a suitable offer, there is a possibility of our supplying them.As you know, of late, it has been a heavy demand for these commodities and this has resulted in increased prices. You may, however, take advantage of the strengthening market if you send an immediate reply.Yours faithfully,Tony SmithChief Seller


  Dear Sirs:

  This time last year you placed an order for Type BS362 12-volt sealed batteries. This is a discontinued line which we had on offer at the time.We now have a similar product on offer, Type CN233. It occurs to us that you might be interested. A descriptive leaflet is enclosed.We have a stock of 590 of Type CN233 which we are selling off at GB£30 each.

  We can offer a quantity discount of up to 15%, but we are prepared to give 20% discount for an offer to buy the complete stock.We are giving you this opportunity in view of your previous order. We would appreciate a prompt reply, since we will put the offer out in the event of your not being interested.Yours faithfully,Tony SmithChief Seller

  Yours faithfully,



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