2022-11-11 14:32:07


  Dear Mr. Klein:

  I am seeking an Operations Management position at the plant, division or corporate level with a major player in the food and beverage industry. Please consider my credentials.

  As my resume will show, I have had excellent progression in the field of Operations Management with one of the top U.S. consumer products companies. Pepsi-Cola, as you may know, has been ranked by Fortune magazine among the top 6 best run companies in America.

  In my current posit on as Group Plant Manager (3 plants) for Pepsi West I have been

  credited with annual cost savings exceeding $2 m ion as the result of several innovative cost reduction programs recently implemented. I have just been awarded Pesi’s coveted "High Performer Award" for my contributions.

  Prior assignments have been equally productive, and I have consistently demonstrated the ability to achieve superior results. I pride myself on staying current in all major new developments in the field of Operations and push hard for the implementation of those that will readily increase ease of operations and reduce operating costs.

  Should you be in the market for a proven contributor as a member of your Operations Team, Mr. Klein, your time would be well spent in meeting with me. Much of what I have already done at Pepsi might well be transferable to Redding Beverage, and could result in substantial savings to your company.

  Should you wish to contact me, I can be reached during the day at (216) 377-0925, or at the above number during evening hours.

  Thank you for your consideration.



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