2022-11-09 09:13:39



  Dear Tom, When I heard you like English,but you were afraid of talking with other people,I was very sad.You should become a brave man.You should practice conversations with your friends or your parents.Ithink it can help a lot.Then you should talk to people in English. Don't be shy.No one can laugh atyou. If you are a confident person, I think you will become a good speaker.


  I totally understand why parents feel so uncomfortable, but there's no need to worry about. We should consider parents' original idea, they were intended to ensure that we didn't get into bad habits, and they may want to understand our study, life and thought. we should communicate with parents and tell them more should trust their children. If you think parents have difficulty with the interview. Can write letters or frank told them to your own point of view, this can know more about each other. Better to deal with this matter.


  survey: Half of the children experience something happy or not happy, they are most willing to share the objects are friends rather than parents with high school students already have a strong independent self-consciousness is very much related, while , had to admit that between parents and children are not smooth communication, are blocking the minds of the children to speak out.

  Options in second place is the "keep our noses did not say" (17%), followed by "Parents can be" (13%). Shows that more children would prefer to simmer in silence rather than tell their parents.

  Such data are also warning us that the hearts of children and parents, between the doors are closed. Experts have pointed out, the children enter adolescence, their sense of independence and self-consciousness is increasing, they are more willing than the child to communicate with their peers, but when they encounter difficulties often find their most trusted to communicate, this survey The data show that parents trust their children is declining.

  This distrust can be found in the survey are also reasons for the survey when asked "parents sneaking a peek at your diary, mobile phone-like privacy?" 24% of the child's answer is "sometimes seen", 7% of the the child said, "has always been like this," only 43% of the respondents felt that their parents, "I've never seen." Near Liu Cheng children and their parents exists between the different levels of distrust, which is probably what parents of children in front of one of the reasons the door closed body center bar.


  Directions:You are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic. How to Communicate Effectively.You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline below.

  1.The importance of effective communication.

  2.How to communicate effectively.

  3.How do you communicate with people?

  How to Communicate Effectively

  Communication plays a significant role in our daily life,especially in modern society.Since we get along with other people in every field,we must learn how to communicate with people effectively.

  Effective communication should be planned carefully.First,speak slowly and briefly in order to make ourselves understood completely.Second,express ourselves in all sincerity and with warmth.Third,concentrate on what the speaker says and appreciate his point of view.Moreover,we should give positive feedback by nodding or smiling while listening.Fourth,place ourselves in the place of others.

  As far as I'm concerned,I communicate with other people in a positive way whether I'm in a merry mood or not.And I often express my own opinion genuinely and sincerely.



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