2022-11-09 06:55:52



  A: Hello? Ms. Patterson? This is Bill from Workmate calling. I’m just wondering if you had a chance to look over the estimate I sent for your gala(晚宴) dinner project next month… As I said in my email, we can help you with production according to your needs, but we will only be able to give onsite(现场的) management support services on a limited basis.

  B: Oh, yes. I reviewed your estimate. But it seems like the project blueprint(项目计划) you sent with the estimate is not quite what we had in mind. Did you get a copy of the specs for this project?

  A: Yes, I have several copies, but they’re all different versions(版本)… The latest I have is version 12, is that correct?

  B: No. Later we decided to opt(选择) for the prior outline, version 7.

  A: Hold on, let me pull up your version 7 requirements… Oh yes, no wonder our estimate is a little different from what you had in mind. I see the version 7 also includes 6 additional hostesses and a cocktail self-serve bar that wasn’t in the version 12. That will definitely add to your cost on this project…

  B: I understand there is additional cost associated with the hostesses and bar, but we’ve also eliminated four of the table and chair sets that were in version 12, so the cost should balance out a little.

  A: So, what you’re saying is, you won’t need the table and chair sets on the far wall, but you will require more onsite workers plus the alcoholic beverages(饮料,酒水) to stock the mini-bar? It’s not going to balance out quite like you’re thinking…



  A: We are going to need confirmation(确认) on these orders today, and delivery must be made before next Tuesday. Do you think you can handle that?

  B: We are willing to work with you, but do you think it would be possible to extend your confirmation deadline? We need to check the warehouse(仓库) to make sure the products are in stock. The earliest I will be able to get back to you is tomorrow morning.

  A: No, I must know today because we have to go to press for the advertisements. Is there any way you can speed up the process of checking inventory(存货)?

  B: We can do that, but it will cost… If we have to check our inventory with all our guys on overtime, you’re looking at an increased cost of, I’d say, maybe 10%.

  A: Are you kidding?

  B: No, and let me tell you why… If I make my guys stay over to check the inventory, I’ll have to pay them at an overtime rate, which is time and a half. I estimate it will probably take three guys two hours to finish, that will be an increase on your labor fee by at least 10%... if you need the numbers that urgently, I can have them do it. Otherwise, we can wait until tomorrow morning, and I’ll call you with the numbers after they’re done. It’s your call….




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