2025-03-10 23:04:51
She is my spiritual support. Pity that I didn't seize the chance, but I will do my best in my studies in the next three years.
She is all my source of motivation. And I've determined to face life and studies with a high spirit. I will light the campus with my enthusiasm and fulfill my school life with passion.
I'll work hard; I'll fight my way, for me, and for her.
I'll wait for her at Peking Univ.!
Come on!
Come on!
She is my spiritual pillar. Although I do not have time to take my chances, but I will in the next three years to study hard.
She is my source of motivation, I would like to learn to face full of attitude and life. I want the passion to ignite the campus, with the passion to enrich my life in school.

I'll try, I will struggle. For me, for her。。。

I will be waiting for her at Peking University!


She is my spiritual pillar. Although I do not have time to take my chances, but I will in the next three years to study hard.
She is my source of motivation, I would like to learn to face full of attitude and life. I want the passion to ignite the campus, with the passion to enrich my life in school.
I'll try, I will struggle. For me, for her.
I will be waiting for her at Peking University!



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