【重生之我在横店当群演:探秘中国电影“文化密码”】秦铖汉釜,唐街宋巷,明楼清阁……横店,这座全球最大的影视拍摄基地,承载了无数经典作品,也吸引了中外电影人纷至沓来。这座堪称“中国好莱坞”的影视城如何巧妙地诠释中国的历史与未来?CGTN评论部主持人@田薇_TianWei携手法国主持人奥利弗·格兰让一起“横漂”,化身“群演”,沉浸式体验秦王宫、清明上河图景区。准备好跟他们一起揭开中国电影文化的神秘面纱了吗?走着!Lights, camera, action! See through the lens of modern Chinese cinema inside Hengdian, the world’s largest film studio. Join CGTN’s Tian Wei and French TV host Olivier Grandjean as they walk through iconic film sets, from the grandeur of the Qin palaces to the bustling streets of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival." Catch the magic with the special, China Travel with Chinese Films.