【双语】外交部例行记者会 / MFA Regular Press Conference (2025年2月24日)
2025-02-25 11:41:03


2025年2月24日外交部发言人林剑主持例行记者会Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian’sRegular Press Conference on February 24, 2025


NHK: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy expressed at a press conference his hope that China would contribute to peace. Given that it has been three years since the outbreak of the conflict, and that U.S. President Donald Trump has also said that China can play a role in ending the conflict, does China have any new plan or initiative to actively promote peace?


Lin Jian: China’s position on the Ukraine crisis is consistent and clear. Since the full escalation of the Ukraine crisis, China has stayed in communication with relevant parties and been committed to building consensus for ending the conflict and paving the way for peace talks. China will always stand firm on the side of peace, uphold an objective and fair position and continue to work with the international community to play a constructive role in advancing the political settlement of the crisis.


Anadolu Agency: There will be a gathering today for the third anniversary of the war in Ukraine. Will there be any participation from China?


Lin Jian: I have no information to share.


Bloomberg: The Prime Minister of the Cook Islands was here recently and he signed a number of agreements with the Chinese government, including on access to port facilities on the island, undersea mining and a few other things. Do you have anything further to say apart from what’s already been released?


Lin Jian: We previously shared relevant information on the bilateral cooperation documents recently signed with the Cook Islands when taking questions related to this. This is the normal friendly exchange and cooperation between China and the Cook Islands. 


You also mentioned the agreement on undersea mining cooperation. During the recent visit of Prime Minister Mark Brown of the Cook Islands, China’s Ministry of Natural Resources signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Blue Partnership in the Field of Seabed Minerals Affairs with the Seabed Minerals Authority of the Cook Islands. I’d refer you to competent authorities for anything specific. On the basis of mutual respect and equality, China stands ready to grow its friendship and cooperative ties with the Cook Islands and other Pacific island countries, and promote the common development and the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.


AFP: A report released today by a non-governmental organization said the North Koreans have been forced to work on Chinese-flagged fishing vessels in the Indian Ocean. This practice also violates the UN Security Council resolution that forbids North Koreans from earning foreign currency that could be used for the country’s nuclear or missile programs. So does the Foreign Ministry have a response to this?


Lin Jian: I’m not familiar with what you mentioned. Let me say more broadly that China all along carries out offshore fishing in accordance with laws and regulations. China’s relevant cooperation with the DPRK is conducted within the framework of international law.


DPA: Preliminary results show that the Christian Democratic Union has won the federal election in Germany. What is the impact of this election on China-Germany relations? What is the Foreign Ministry’s comment on the election?


Lin Jian: Over the past 53 years of diplomatic ties, China has viewed its relations with Germany from a strategic and long-term perspective, and developed the bilateral relations under the principles of mutual respect, equality, mutual benefit and seeking common ground while shelving differences. China stands ready to work with the new German federal government to consolidate and grow the China-Germany comprehensive strategic partnership. Germany and the EU are of global significance. China is glad to see Germany and the EU play an important role in global affairs, supports the integration of Europe and the strategic independence of the EU, and is ready to work with Germany and the EU to continue contributing to world peace and prosperity.


Bloomberg: The U.S. released a number of statements on Friday about economic relations with China, including investment controls into the U.S. And also there was a report about the USTR report into Chinese shipbuilding. The Ministry of Commerce put out a statement on Saturday talking generally about U.S. economic ties with China. Do you have any more specific reacting to those statements?


Lin Jian: You just mentioned the memorandum on investment policy issued by the U.S. side. Let me point out that this memorandum, citing alleged national security concerns, calls China a “foreign adversary” and adopts various discriminatory measures to tighten restrictions on two-way investments with China. We strongly deplore and firmly oppose this and have lodged serious protests with the U.S. side.


The tightening of security reviews targeting Chinese investments in the U.S. severely hits the confidence of Chinese companies in investing in the U.S. and what is being undermined is the business environment in that country. The increasing of restrictions on U.S. investments in China is a deliberate interference with the independent decision-making of U.S. companies and distortion of investments between the two countries. By shutting out Chinese companies and the Chinese market, the U.S. will end up hurting its own economic interests and international credibility.


We urge the U.S. to abide by international investment and trade rules, respect the laws of market economy, stop politicizing and weaponizing economic and trade issues, and stop undermining China’s legitimate right to development. We will take necessary measures to firmly safeguard our legitimate rights and interests.


As for the U.S. restrictions on China’s shipbuilding industry and other related sectors, let me stress that to serve its political agenda at home, the U.S. has abused Section 301 investigation, which seriously violates WTO rules and further undermines the multilateral trading system. We call on the U.S. side to respect facts and multilateral rules and immediately stop its wrongdoings.



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