Educational Codeforces Round 143 (Rated for Div. 2)(A~D)

A. Two Towers给出两个序列,有R有B,每次操作可以将一个序列后面的自负拿出来放到另一个序列的后面。是否能通过若干次操作&...

Codeforces Round 855 (Div. 3) F. Dasha and Nightmares(题解 + 详细思考过程讲解)

F. Dasha and Nightmares(二进制) 链接:F. Dasha and Nightmares 题目最重要的破题点思路 即第4点 ...

codeforces 1770B. Koxia and Permutation

B. Koxia and Permutation Reve has two integers n and k. Let p be a permutation† ...


Let's denote as the number of bits set ('1' bits) in the binary representation o...

C. Zero-Sum Prefixes Codeforces Round #833 (Div. 2)(前缀和+贪心)

传送门 题意: 给你一个长度为n的数组,里面包含a1,a2,a3...an  n个元素, 当的时候,你可...